Eli Lilly’s Stock Drops After Reported Weight Gain Among Users Who Stopped Taking the Drug


Shares of Eli Lilly fell by 2.3% on Monday after a company study showed that patients using weight-loss treatments may gain weight once they stop taking the medications. Since the active ingredient in the drug Zepbound is also in Eli Lilly’s popular obesity and diabetes treatment, Zepbound received approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) last month.

The Study:

Researchers studied patients who used Zepbound for 36 weeks for the treatment of obesity and overweight, which was approved by the FDA last month. They then continued taking the drug for an additional 52 weeks, while the other half of the patients were given a placebo.


After the extended period, patients who continued using Zepbound had an additional average weight loss of 5.5%. However, those taking the placebo saw an average weight gain of 14%.

Importance of the Study:

Dr. Jeff Emmick, Senior Vice President of Product Development at Eli Lilly, explained that many patients, doctors, and the public do not always understand that obesity is a chronic disease that often requires ongoing treatment, but they discontinue it once weight goals are achieved. He added that studies like this show that “continued treatment can help people with obesity maintain the weight loss they have achieved.”

Active Ingredient:

The active ingredient in Zepbound, terzepatide, is also found in Eli Lilly’s other popular weight-loss and diabetes treatment, Mounjaro.

Impact of the News on Eli Lilly Stock:

Eli Lilly’s shares hit an all-time high after Zepbound received regulatory approval, and despite the drop that occurred on Monday, shares have risen by about 60% this year.


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Article Source:

Eli Lilly. “Zepbound™ (terzepatide) achieves an additional weight loss of 6.7% after a 36-week period, bringing the total average weight loss to 26.0% from the start of the study over 88 weeks.”

Source: https://www.investopedia.com/eli-lilly-stock-slips-after-reported-weight-gain-in-users-who-quit-its-drug-8414296


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