Children’s Travel Guide for the Holiday Season

Are you traveling with young children this holiday season? Seven-year-old Toby loves nothing more than planning trips (just like his mom!), so while he was swinging in the bathtub this weekend, I asked him for his opinions on flying, choosing rental cars, and visiting relatives. Here are 10 tips he said he would give to his friends this holiday season…

The Airplane

Drinks on the plane: Maybe you can order a fizzy apple. That’s sparkling water mixed with apple juice. I love the beautiful red straws that come with drinks. The flight attendants will also serve you snacks. If they have peanuts, pretzels, or cookies, ask for all of them. They allow you to do that.

About choosing the seat: I like the middle seat. I don’t like the window seat because I feel like I will fall out of the plane. If someone is sitting next to you, say, “Hi, how are you today?” Once, we sat next to a man who was bald. Long ago, we met a long-haired man. Maybe in 2012. He was really nice. His name was Jake. He used to say: Hi, my name is Jake. It’s nice to talk to people.

What you can do during the flight: Maybe you can watch a TV show. They might have the show “Dr. Maxstefens.” Maybe you can set up your tray table and use it for coloring. Walk down the aisle; it’s relaxing.

For tired siblings: If your brother is crying in the end, you can carry his bags. You can do that to help. But don’t get too close in case he hits you. Take a step back.

Driving to Your Destination

About choosing a rental car: Avis has fancy cars. I recommend Avis and Hertz as the best choice. They have faster cars. I’m really good at choosing rental cars. I love to get a Nissan Sentra or Nissan Altima or Kia Rio or any Chrysler. Make sure it has four doors, not two. You can also try Turo, which is when you rent even better cars from people. It’s not too expensive, and you can even get a Ferrari! I’ve never done it but I’ve always wanted to. When I grow up, I’ll do that.

About playing music: If you’re playing music in the car, play “Shake Your Booty” or “Wake Me Up Before You Go Go” or all the songs from the Trolls movie. Basically every song from a show or movie. One time, Anton wanted to play the song “Penny Lane” several times. He kept saying: “Penny Lane, Penny Lane, Penny Lane.” Dad played it several times, but he wanted him to stop.


Greeting everyone: When you see your aunts and uncles and grandma, say: “Haaaai! I’m so excited to see you!” They will kiss and hug you. If you don’t want to kiss and hug them, you don’t have to. It’s also nice to see the cars you rented.

Packing List

What to pack: Pack pajamas, underwear, pants, shirts, a toothbrush, and swimwear if you’re going to a place with a pool or beach. Pack your favorite toys, and it would be nice to sleep with a stuffed animal. I’ll bring Elephanty and Max. Squeeze them into your bag. I always pack a denim jacket because it’s cool and stylish. Snazzy means fancy. I know this word from Fuller House.


Writing a wish list: You can write your list on construction paper. This year, my wish list includes a Playmobil house, a Playmobil playground, a Playmobil school bus, a Playmobil airplane, a Playmobil Porsche, a Playmobil Porsche dealer, and caramel. Caramel melts in your mouth like chocolate. If you get a gift you don’t really like, still say thank you. Ask your parents to pack a screwdriver and batteries for your trip. Sometimes presents need those things to work. If you don’t have them, you might feel frustrated.

Waking up

Early: If you wake up at night and really want to open the gifts, you will be punished. You must wait until your parents wake up. But they will wake up early that day because you really want that. You do special things on trips. You will enjoy that.

Thank you so much, Tobi! Where will you spend the holiday this year? What advice would you like to add for traveling with family?

Note: 10 tips for traveling with infants and how to entertain toddlers on a plane.

(Pictures of the boys with an Away baby bag.)



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