5 AI Tools That Can Help You Get Your Dream Job


Whether you’re looking for a change in your current job or are currently unemployed, the exhaustion that comes with searching for a new job is real. However, thanks to AI tools, not every part of the process has to be repetitive or filled with uncertainties.


AI can help in many ways. Some products can identify the jobs that suit you best, while others can customize your resume and cover letter based on a job posting. Not only does this simplify the whole process, but it can also give you the best chance of getting an interview and passing through an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) – a program used by many employers to identify the best job applicants before scheduling an interview.

Identifying Your Skills and Finding the Perfect Jobs

To get started, you’ll need to provide ChatGPT with your resume – preferably a master resume that includes all positions and related duties. Once you input your resume, you can ask ChatGPT questions to identify your key skills and transferable skills, as well as areas where you may lack some experience. It can also inform you of the jobs that suit you based on the skills you already have.

Customizing Your Resume

Now that ChatGPT has your resume, it can recommend adjustments to ensure it aligns with the requirements of a specific job. Paste the text from the job description to understand the key words and phrases important to employers.

Crafting Your Cover Letter

ChatGPT can generate a draft of a cover letter tailored to the job and your experience. This initial draft provides a great starting point, which you should refine to ensure accuracy and add a more personal touch.

Preparing for the Job Interview

ChatGPT and add-ons like Job Interview can help you prepare for a job interview by providing specific questions for the job industry and guidance on how to respond effectively.

Enhancing Your LinkedIn Profile

If your profile is up-to-date, LinkedIn uses that information to provide you with a “more relevant and personalized” experience. LinkedIn Premium can offer you personalized insights about the company and tell you how you stand out against other applicants for a specific job, showing you where you can improve your profile to be more competitive.

Google Bard

Like ChatGPT, Google Bard can assist you in preparing your resume, cover letter, and job interview. However, due to its access to real-time information on the internet and Google’s advanced AI algorithms, it can be more accurate in job discovery.


If ChatGPT and Google Bard aren’t suitable for you, you can use AI for JobScan to analyze your resume against specific jobs. All you have to do is upload your resume and the job posting you’re interested in. JobScan then compares the two and identifies the skills that match or where your skills may not stand out.


ResumeGenius can streamline the process of creating your resume using its AI-powered approach. It offers advice on words and skills likely to impress employers. With various template and design options, you can customize your resume to suit your taste and industry standards.

Source: https://me.mashable.com/tech/35685/5-ai-tools-that-can-help-you-land-that-perfect-job


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