The Top Ten Movies About Artificial Intelligence According to an Expert


The Top Ten Movies About Artificial Intelligence

Hollywood shapes much of the narrative around artificial intelligence and distorts the public dialogue about it. In my work as an ethics fellow at the Alan Turing Institute – the UK’s national institute for data science and artificial intelligence – I am often asked to address common misconceptions about AI. Many blockbuster films share the same familiar storyline of developing their own artificial intelligence that ultimately poses a threat to humanity’s future. In compiling this list, I have tried (but not entirely succeeded) to avoid these clichéd and unrealistic narratives. I wish there were more films that depict AI not as characters, but as systems in the background that can influence the story’s scenarios without being the main focus. That would be a more realistic representation, though it may be less dramatic. It may be unusual to have a list of films about artificial intelligence that tries to exclude world-ending adventure plots, but the films listed here explore AI’s role in society, our relationship with technology, and the big questions about what it means to be human.

Short Circuit (1986)

After watching this film as a child, I desperately wanted my own robot (and was very disappointed when I got a robot for Christmas that could do nothing but crash into walls repeatedly!). The robot in Short Circuit comes to life after being struck by lightning. I love that the spark of life comes from nature rather than engineering or programming. The robot learns about the world by absorbing television shows and books, including encyclopedias, in a way that is not so different from how large language models are trained today.

Her (2013)

When Her was released, the idea of someone falling in love with artificial intelligence still seemed like a futuristic scenario. But in recent years, with the rise of platforms offering AI companions online, it no longer seems far-fetched – except that the relationship in this film is reciprocal and the AI develops its own feelings. Her explores themes of intimacy and the impact of bonding with AI companions on human relationships.

The Imitation Game (2014)

This film tells the story of Alan Turing – who shares the name of the institute where I work – and the vital role he played in breaking the Enigma code during World War II. This film is important not only for showcasing Turing’s breakthroughs during the early days of artificial intelligence, but also for highlighting the brutal criminalization and punishment he faced as a gay man. The occurrence of that in relatively recent British history is something that should not be forgotten or ignored. The Imitation Game serves as a stark reminder of this, as well as being a gripping drama with an excellent cast.

After Yang (2021)

This beautifully crafted film tells the story of a family whose robotic child has become unresponsive. It explores themes of grief and loss alongside the ethical dilemmas of emotional attachment to machines. With its slow pace and focus on human emotions, it stands as a potential antidote to blockbuster action films about artificial intelligence.

Ron’s Gone Wrong (2021)

I love finding good family films about artificial intelligence, and this one is worth watching regardless of whether you have young people to join you! The teens in this film are directed towards their own “B-Bots” that mediate their friendships, but when the main character – a socially awkward boy – gets his first B-Bot, he discovers that it is defective. The film cleverly addresses the surveillance capitalism behind social media and the addictive nature of it, along with the harm it can do to youth, and does this through a very entertaining story.


and Charles (2022)

This film is wonderfully strange. Brian is a quirky lonely inventor who creates extraordinary inventions from spare parts in his old barn. His coolest invention is a robot named Charles, who has a mannequin head and a washing machine body. It may not be a realistic portrayal of artificial intelligence, but I love the low-tech feel of this movie. It’s weird and definitely will make you smile!

Robot and Frank (2012)

When Frank’s son gives him a robotic companion, he soon discovers it can be a helpful partner in committing crimes. Ultimately, Frank faces the dilemma of needing to delete the robot’s memory, which provides a poignant balance to Frank’s own memory loss due to Alzheimer’s disease. In a light and gentle manner, the film examines the role of artificial intelligence in caregiving for the elderly.

I, Robot (2004)

Okay, a blockbuster action film has sneaked into this list! I, Robot focuses on the importance of setting rules for artificial intelligence to follow and how far we can predict and control how those rules are interpreted. While it strays far from the collection of Isaac Asimov’s stories it takes its name from, there’s a lot in this film that relates to current developments and discussions about building safeguards in AI systems.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (2005)

This is a fantastical and surreal adventure with wonderful characters. Themes of artificial intelligence are present throughout the film. The search for the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything reminds me of many claims made about AI today, but just like the aliens in this movie don’t know how to interpret the final answer, I wonder what we will do with that knowledge if AI were to present it somehow.

WALL-E (2008)

This may be my all-time favorite movie! It has great characters, beautiful imagery, and a deeply rich story. The humans living in space and the sentient artificial intelligence in control may be familiar sci-fi tales, but WALL-E also paints a devastating picture of the diminishing independence of people as AI, which is developed and controlled by large tech companies, turns them into passive consumers – a scenario that feels very realistic. WALL-E raises big questions about what it means to be human and what role we want technology to play in our lives. It’s all here, delivered through the charm and humor of a Disney Pixar film.

Topics: Artificial Intelligence / Science Fiction / Movies



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