Ignoring Palestinian Suffering on the Anniversary of October 7th

On October 7, 2024, painful memories of the attack launched by “Hamas” on Israel are renewed, amid increasing neglect of the ongoing Palestinian suffering. In this context, recent events lead us to reflect on the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which is rooted in the suffering of entire peoples, where the anguish does not begin and end in a single day. This article addresses the ongoing violations in Gaza and Lebanon, and reviews the psychological and social impacts of these tragic conditions. We will highlight how history is often written from one perspective, and how the Palestinian pain has a voice that must be heard, in light of attempts to ignore that suffering in public discussions. Amid this, we call for a rethinking of the perspective from which history is studied, and the importance of acknowledging the tragedies from both sides.

The Tragic Events in Gaza and Their Ongoing Implications

On October 7, Americans recall the attack launched by the Hamas movement on Israel, a horrific moment in modern history that represents one aspect of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. However, many overlook that the history of this conflict extends decades prior to that date, and that suffering did not cease there. While it is true that the attack was an act worthy of condemnation, the world thereafter witnessed unreported ramifications that led to the deaths of over 41,000 Palestinians, with 97,000 injured and more than 20,000 missing. The military operations caused widespread destruction of housing and infrastructure in Gaza, leaving communities suffering from loss of life and significant disparities in essential services.

The attacks have left devastating effects on the daily lives of Palestinians. Schools and hospitals have been destroyed, and residential neighborhoods have been directly targeted, resulting in civilian casualties. Additionally, the shortage of basic supplies, such as food and medicine, has led to the spread of diseases and malnutrition, as families have been deprived of the necessary aid to survive.

A significant increase in psychological crises among Palestinians has also been recorded due to the continuous violence and mass displacement. Entire families have lost their breadwinners or children, and children have been exposed to psychological trauma that will affect them for decades to come. The history of suffering and narrative of the Palestinians is an integral part of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict narrative, and it must be viewed alongside the suffering of Israelis to form a complete picture of the humanitarian tragedy experienced by both peoples.

The Media and Political Expansion in Storytelling

It is important to recognize how stories are told in the media and political arenas, where history is written in a way that reflects the perspective of the more powerful group. Often, focus is placed on Israeli suffering while Palestinians are viewed as secondary, diverting attention away from the devastation endured by the Palestinian people. It is evident that many stories told in the media prioritize one voice while marginalizing the other, resulting in a non-comprehensive view of the issue. The reason for this may stem from a lack of depth in understanding each people’s story, and how their sufferings are closely interconnected, each relating to the other.

Historically, American history has been taught from the perspective of Europeans, where the original stories of peoples like Native Americans have been neglected. The same happens when we talk about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, where the Palestinian perspective is deliberately or inadvertently excluded. This dynamic causes chaos in discourse and hinders the ability to reach realistic settlements through effective dialogue.

The progress made by American public opinion towards a deeper understanding of the Palestinian issue shows a notable shift in social norms and public awareness. There are more voices calling for consideration of the Palestinian story and ensuring that their suffering is heard and empathized with. However, power centers, such as Congress and the media, remain determined to maintain a narrative that favors one side, which is considered an obstacle to understanding this complex issue.


The Commonality and Need for Empathy

The experiences of pain and suffering do not belong to either side in isolation, but rather constitute a mutual suffering. The feelings and human conditions resulting from the experiences of wars and conflicts often exacerbate division. The Israeli and Palestinian pain should be viewed equally through a lens of empathy and humanity. The hatred and tension resulting from the conflict can lead to further violence and a vicious cycle of retribution.

If public opinion and political leadership continue to ignore the history and suffering of Palestinians, this will increase the likelihood of repeating those complex cycles. Therefore, it is crucial to promote a culture of empathy and recognize that the history of the Palestinian people has long been characterized by deprivation and violence, and it deserves as much empathy and attention as is given to the suffering of Israelis.

The next generation of leaders may carry a deeper understanding of this context, as they will be able to empathize with all victims and their pains. Instead of excluding one party from the historical narrative, efforts should be made to view the Israeli-Palestinian issue with open and understanding eyes towards the suffering of each side, as this is the only way to build bridges of understanding and coexistence between the two peoples.

Source link: https://www.alarabiya.net/politics/2024/10/06/7-%D8%A3%D9%83%D8%AA%D9%88%D8%A8%D8%B1-%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D8%A3%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%85-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D9%85%D9%8A%D8%B1%D9%83%D9%8A

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