Deepak Chopra says that success is the ability to love and empathize in life – and he is optimistic about artificial intelligence.

In this article, we will talk about the bestselling author and entrepreneur Deepak Chopra, who is known worldwide as an expert in holistic health and wellness – he has offered countless tips for people to live better, calmer, and healthier lives over the decades – but he also has a lighter side.

Personal Health Care

In a video interview this week, once his new book “The Perfect Body: The New Science of Living Longer, Healthier, and Vibrantly” was published, Chopra quipped a little about himself when asked how he takes care of personal wellness.

“Well, my family doesn’t take me seriously, and that’s okay,” he said.

“So,” he said, “I don’t take myself too seriously either.”

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Chopra talked about how he maintains his personal health. “I sleep well,” he said. “I practice meditation and yoga. My only goal is to serve the world. I have no personal ambition. This also means no pressure.”

The philosophy of “no pressure” carries some heavy weight. Chopra, through his institutions and work in various fields, focuses on helping people lead lighter and brighter lives through their thoughts and actions – and helping them heal themselves from ailments. He remains optimistic. “It’s not enough to live a long life,” Deepak Chopra told Fox News Digital this week, “if you don’t live a long, healthy life.”

“Biology,” he said, “states that less than 5% of diseases are due to what we call fully penetrant genes that guarantee illness. So if someone has a BRCA gene, for example, they will get breast cancer. The only treatment so far has been prophylactic mastectomy, etc. This applies to 5% of all diseases.”

He said now “we are looking at a very exciting possibility called gene editing, which will eliminate the 5% that are fully genetically determined.”

Meanwhile, he said “about 95% of diseases are currently linked to epigenetic modifications of gene activity, meaning our experiences determine gene activity.”

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He stated that “all diseases, whether cancer, autoimmune diseases, dementia, degenerative disorders, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, or diabetes – can all be influenced by things like how we sleep, or our emotions, or how we manage stress, or how we can use diet to change the microbial composition of gene expression in the gut.”

So “put all this” – and more – “together,” he added “and we will have a holistic approach to disease prevention, even reversing it and extending our lives. You can even change the activity of our biological clock.”

He said his new book is about “how to make chronic illness optional and extend your lifespan and health span. It’s not enough to live a long life,” he added, “if you don’t live a long, healthy life. That’s what my new book is about.”

Healing in the Age of COVID-19

Fox News Digital: Given everything that is happening in the world today, do you think people need healing perhaps more than ever?

Deepak Chopra: Yes. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we were looking at who was getting sick, and who was reaching the point of death. And you know, some elderly had chronic illnesses too. But there were young people getting severely ill and dying as well. And when we looked at all those people who were suffering from what we call severe illness and death, they all had inflammatory storms in their bodies.

Did not translate.

they didn’t just have inflammation in their bodies, but they also had stress, depression, and excessive fear. Whenever stress exceeds your biological responses, you can actually predict that a disease will occur.

As a result, we began to look at our nervous system, a part of the nervous system called the sympathetic nervous system. Especially a nerve called the vagus nerve, which can be activated through various things like exercise, body-mind coordination, breathing techniques, yoga, and emotional flexibility.

You can actually activate the healing system. Previously, 30 years ago, we didn’t have the good science behind it. But today we have very good sciences. “Most millennials are filled with frustration over the old way of dealing with things, and they are looking for resources online,” said Deepak Chopra on Monday, December 11, 2023, in an interview with Fox News Digital.

This is very important because if you are peaceful at home, you will extend that to your family, and extend that to your community. And I hope that if we extend that to a critical mass, we can have a more peaceful, just, sustainable, healthy, and joyful world. That is the ultimate dream.

Deepak Chopra’s Work at Chopra Foundation

We will talk about your work at the Chopra Foundation – it offers many programs that were not provided before.

Chopra: One of the programs we have now is called “Never Alone” ( It is a mental wellness and suicide prevention program. We have several million people participating in this program, and we are creating global communities for mutual support through caring – which means deep listening, affection, deep care, deep gratitude, and acceptance of everyone.

The program is very popular now, especially among teenagers because we also use emotional chatbots. So people do not feel judged.

We also have a program called “Spirit of Leadership.” We will offer leadership skills for free to anyone in the world who needs or wants leadership skills. These are just a few of the programs.

People’s Inquiries and Issues

When people reach out to you, do their inquiries fall into specific categories or topics?

Chopra: Most of them are related to health – mental and physical – and they also relate to conflict resolution. Everything is connected.

And I think there is a deeper interest, especially among millennials – most millennials are filled with frustration over the old way of dealing with things, and they are looking for resources online now. “We cannot rely on any special interest group or even political leaders. We must be the change we want to see in the world,” said Chopra.

Words of Wisdom for the New Year 2024

If you had to offer words of wisdom before 2024, what would you say?

Chopra: We cannot rely on any special interest group or even political leaders. We must be the change we want to see in the world. We start with ourselves – peace and love in action and supporting each other. And that is the ultimate idea of community.

We have a shared identity. We call it humanity. We complement each other’s strengths, and we can provide emotional support. Then we can find creative solutions for every problem in the world.

And this is the right time for creativity, because otherwise, we are heading towards middle identities and modern capabilities of destruction. And that’s not a good balance.

How Do You Define Success?

Chopra: Success is the ability to love and have compassion in your life, and most importantly, to connect with your creative center, which is your spirit.

Your Upcoming Book’s Topic

Chopra: My upcoming book is about artificial intelligence and how it can help us and guide us … like any technology, it can be misused. You see that the internet is being used badly, but it’s also being used.


What is artificial intelligence?

So, as you know, technology is neutral. And whenever there is a new technology, there are people who fear its devilish uses – rightly so. We need to have a system, and Europe is already doing that.

Last week, ethical standards for the use of artificial intelligence were approved to prevent the misuse of artificial intelligence. This is possible.

When we do this, I believe it can be a very smart system. It could be a personal friend to you. It can be a research assistant. It can be a health coach and it can also be a spiritual guide.

I am very excited about artificial intelligence.

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Original source of the article: Deepak Chopra says success is ‘the ability to have love and compassion’ in life — and he’s bullish on AI



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