Analysis of the Psychological Characteristics of Attitudes Towards Mathematics Tests and Virtual Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic among High School Students in Peru


In light of the radical changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic in educational systems around the world, it has become imperative to understand how these transformations impact students’ attitudes towards mathematics and their perceptions of virtual education. This article discusses a study aimed at evaluating the psychometric properties of tools used to measure attitudes towards mathematics and the perception of virtual education among high school students in Peru. Through exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, we explore how such tools can help enhance students’ mathematical abilities and highlight the gaps that the pandemic has created in the learning process. We will also discuss the importance of the results in order to provide effective educational strategies that can improve learning levels and promote positive attitudes towards mathematics, which is essential for developing students’ skills in this vital area.

The Importance of Evaluating Attitudes Towards Mathematics and Virtual Teaching

Attitudes towards mathematics and virtual teaching are key to understanding how students respond to the educational environment, especially in the context of the pandemic. Some reputable researchers have reviewed the importance of measuring attitudes and student reactions towards mathematics, as these attitudes are closely linked to academic achievement. Many studies, such as those conducted by Ozdemir (1992), highlight five key elements related to motivation, utility, admiration, confidence, and anxiety. These elements can directly impact students’ performance in mathematics. For example, students who feel anxious about mathematics may exhibit decreased performance and academic achievement.

The importance of evaluating attitudes revolves around several points, among the most prominent being: a comprehensive understanding of the cultural and familial factors that influence those attitudes, and adjusting teaching methods according to the individual needs of students. Educational systems should develop well-designed strategies that include instructions that consider diversity in teaching methods and increase interaction among students. An example of this is the “Learning at Home” program launched by the Ministry of Education in Peru during the pandemic, which sought to compensate for the lack of traditional education through multiple channels.

The relationship between attitudes towards mathematics and virtual learning calls for further studies to determine how the virtual environment affects students’ attitudes. Students were not always prepared for this shift, as many of them showed difficulty in adapting to the use of technology in learning. Therefore, there is an urgent need to provide teachers with the tools and resources to enhance effective remote learning.

Challenges of Virtual Education in the Context of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic posed a tremendous challenge to educational systems worldwide, and students faced significant difficulties in adapting to new learning methods. Among the most significant of these challenges was the lack of access to good technology and learning resources. In many Latin American countries, the shortage of technological devices and the unavailability of the internet led to severe frustration, negatively affecting students’ performance in scientific subjects, particularly mathematics. This impact was further exacerbated for students with special needs, as many studies have proven that this group is the most affected by the virtual educational environment.

Research indicates that many students felt anxious and confused due to the sudden shift to remote learning, with 52% of university students in Chile expressing feelings of stress when adapting to the new learning style. These experiences reveal the reality that virtual education is not just a technological challenge, but also requires emotional support and attention to students’ psychological well-being. Addressing these challenges necessitates effective motivation strategies and new teaching skills to ensure the success of the virtual educational process.

There is also a continuous evaluation process of the educational platforms used and their effectiveness. In this context, many educational systems have relied on new assessment methods to ensure the quality of education is maintained despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. Additionally, the importance of training and empowering teachers has increased to ensure that they are equipped with the best tools to enhance effective online learning.

The Path

Towards Developing Student Skills and Improving Mathematics Performance

Recent studies emphasize the necessity of developing students’ skills in mathematics through targeted and methodological teaching strategies. Research highlights the importance of enhancing motivation among students and improving their confidence in their mathematical abilities. For instance, data extracted from students in Peru exposed them to a new educational environment in a virtual context, demonstrating an urgent need to implement action strategies focused on building their mathematical skills.

Steps to improve performance in mathematics also require careful planning and the implementation of effective educational programs that are periodically reviewed. Employing teachers with innovative teaching strategies, such as interactive and collaborative learning, can have a significantly positive impact on student performance. An example of this is using curricula that engage students in solving mathematical problems interactively, enhancing their educational experience.

Moreover, it is important for schools and educational communities to engage in supporting students’ efforts to enhance their understanding of mathematics in virtual environments. Training programs for parents and strengthening cooperation between families and schools can help create a positive support environment around students, enhancing their success opportunities. This is considered part of the comprehensive educational system aimed at enhancing students’ capabilities and skills in the post-pandemic period.

Criteria for Selecting Participants in the Study

Scientific research is characterized by the quality of the samples used, as participant selection depends on a set of precise criteria. In this study, a group of 400 male and female students was included. The primary criteria for determining participants required that students be enrolled in the academic year 2021. This condition ensures that the participants are connected to the current educational system. It was also emphasized that students must attend the classroom on the day of the survey, as their actual attendance ensures that they experience direct interaction with the evaluated instruction. On the other hand, informed consent must be obtained from the parents, reflecting the importance of ethical values in scientific research, especially when dealing with youth.

Additionally, students are required to complete 100% of the study questionnaires. This provision is critically important as it ensures the quality of the collected data and reduces the likelihood of bias or negative influence that may occur due to incomplete data. It is worth noting that during the selection process, 144 students were excluded for not meeting the participation criteria, reflecting researchers’ commitment to verifying the quality of the sample. This attention to detail by the researchers reflects the credibility and reliability of the results that will be presented in the research context.

Statistical Analysis of Collected Data

Statistical analysis is an integral part of any research study, as it reflects the essence of the findings and the extent to which they are based on robust data. In this study, researchers used a set of statistical tools to analyze the collected data. The RStudio program was utilized for conducting the statistical analysis, which is one of the well-known programs in the field of statistical analysis, ensuring the researchers’ ability to handle their data professionally.

During the first phase, exploratory factor analysis was performed using the Weighted Least Squares Mean and Variance adjusted (WLSMV) method. This method is particularly effective in analyzing research data, allowing researchers to explore relationships between variables in the context of non-continuous measurements. It was important to use a factor loading scale exceeding 0.40 to identify relevant categories. This selection is part of a comprehensive understanding of ordinal data and how dimensions interact with each other.

This was followed by the use of Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to evaluate the model’s fit with the data. This analysis allows researchers to understand the accuracy of the model in representing the complex relationships identified during the initial review, as indicators used like CFI and TLI focused on the model’s suitability. Good indicators (above 0.90 for each) indicate a good fit between the data and the model; this alignment suggests that the model is not only appropriate but also supports the preliminary validity of the instrument used.

the importance of RMSEA and SRMR in this context as they reveal the overall quality of the model, contributing to a deeper understanding of whether the model aligns with the background structure of the data. Through testing these criteria, researchers were able to confirm the reliability of the measurement tool used, enhancing the value of the results obtained and providing greater credibility for future research.

Research Ethics and Informed Consent

When conducting any research study, ethics is a fundamental part of the research experience, especially when the study involves individuals. In this study, strict adherence was maintained to all ethical principles set forth by the World Medical Association in the Helsinki Declaration. Necessary approvals were obtained from the ethics committee at a national university, indicating that the researchers followed the necessary laws and procedures to ensure that participants were treated fairly and respectfully.

Informed consent is one of the basic rules of research ethics. It requires researchers to provide all necessary information to participants and their guardians so they can make an informed decision about their participation. In the case of this study, all information was provided to class supervisors, ensuring that parents were fully aware of the content of the research, its significance, and its role in improving education, which enhances the participants’ trust in the procedures being followed.

Additionally, it was emphasized that all collected data would remain confidential and would not be used for other purposes, reflecting a high level of ethical commitment and care for the participants. These procedures are foundational to responsible scientific research, strengthening the ties between the academic community and the public and supporting good research and credibility in the future.

Study Results and Interpretation

After collecting and analyzing the data meticulously, researchers arrived at clear results. The analysis focused on two main constructs: attitudes towards mathematics and perceptions of virtual education. Regarding attitudes towards mathematics, the factor analysis results indicated the presence of five main dimensions reflecting how students view the subject of mathematics. This also reflects the growing interest in the importance of developing mathematical concepts in education.

As for perceptions of virtual education, the analyses showed six relevant dimensions, reflecting the significant impact of technology on teaching methods. This aspect highlights the need to understand how virtual education can be used as an effective tool in enhancing students’ educational experiences. Many previous studies have also confirmed that virtual education is no longer just an alternative to traditional education, but has become a vital component in educational processes.

The results obtained are based on high fit indices, as different dimensions showed statistically significant correlations, reflecting the detailed factor analysis. These results effectively reflect the composition of students’ educational psychology and its impact on academic outcomes. There may be important conclusions regarding how to improve curriculum content and teaching methods using digital learning.

In conclusion, the study results reflect the importance of exploring the relationships between attitudes towards mathematics and perceptions of virtual education, and in light of the rapid transformations facing education, these results may provide strategic insights for improving diverse educational systems.

The Psychological Model and Measurement Tools

The strength of the psychological tools used to measure attitudes towards mathematics and understand virtual education is one of the key factors in the research conducted in the context of education during the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru. This study represents a new beginning for exploring the psychological characteristics of these tools in low- and middle-income countries. The focus here is not only on the reliability of these tools but also on how their results can influence improving educational strategies and gaining a deeper understanding of students’ opinions on academic subjects.


the analysis results indicate a positive correlation between attitudes towards mathematics and the experience of virtual education. Measurement tools demonstrated strength in verifying psychological attributes, offering comprehensive theoretical models that contribute to providing valuable information reflecting the challenges faced by students. The analysis concerning factor loading and model fit illustrates the success of these questionnaires in measuring complex concepts and their interrelations.

Model fit indicators, such as CFI and TLI, provide strong evidence of the efficiency of these tools, as they showed values exceeding the acceptable threshold, reflecting accuracy in evaluation. Additionally, other indicators like RMSEA and SRMR proved their adequacy, meaning that the tools are not only reliable but also useful in complex educational contexts.

Furthermore, as tools with reliable attributes are used in the field of education, a foundation for future research is provided, contributing to making rich modifications that will enhance the effectiveness of virtual education and students’ attitudes towards the subjects. Therefore, researchers and practitioners in educational fields should use these tools as a reference to ensure the accuracy of the measurement processes they undertake.

Attitudes Towards Mathematics

Attitudes towards mathematics are considered a core aspect related to students’ academic success. The study confirmed the existence of strengths and weaknesses in these attitudes, as students attempted to self-evaluate as assessors of the mathematics subject and its scientific value. This evaluation reflects how appropriate educational support can impact students’ feelings and self-confidence. It is noteworthy that those who exhibited less anxiety while dealing with mathematics challenges were more inclined to develop positive attitudes towards the subject.

Although some elements showed less tolerance, emphasizing the importance of the desire to learn and improve abilities in mathematics demonstrates a pathway towards developing educational lessons in engaging ways. For instance, the question regarding the willingness to enroll in additional courses to avoid feelings of anxiety scored the lowest, indicating an urgent need to improve learning strategies.

It is also important to consider how teacher effectiveness impacts students’ attitudes. Previous studies have shown that teacher effectiveness plays a central role in shaping students’ attitudes towards studying. Thus, a teacher’s self-confidence can positively affect students’ attention and motivation, enhancing their sense of competence regarding the study material.

In the context of this study, reliable scales such as Cronbach’s alpha were used as an indicator of result reliability. However, calculating other indicators like Omega was necessary to enhance the validity of the derived results. The models highlight the students’ need for better educational tools due to their contribution to improving academic outcomes.

Perceptions of Virtual Teaching

With the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, perceptions related to virtual education have become a central focus in academic research. The research highlights the importance of developing strong measurement tools to evaluate students’ experiences with remote learning. It was essential to understand how students adapt to these new experiences and how they can be enhanced to foster their interaction and participation.

The study showed that secondary school students, who represent a pivotal demographic, have measurement tools that provide them with valuable insights into how they respond to virtual education. While different degrees of self-directed learning were targeted during remote education, younger students were often found to face difficulties in concentrating and engaging, making it crucial to adapt teaching methods to meet their needs. Recent research has also emphasized the importance of having interactive components in virtual education to improve student satisfaction.

It is also encouraging that the study found that students who received continuous guidance and feedback were more successful in their academic achievement. Therefore, teachers should focus on developing self-directed learning skills and providing continuous support to their students. Thus, these psychological tools offer a strong basis for analyzing the effectiveness of virtual education and developing new teaching methods that enhance learning.

Investment of teachers and resources in proactive and interactive teaching methods can make a significant difference in educational outcomes. The challenge is to use these results to develop new, previously unused educational strategies and implement them in classrooms flexibly and responsively.

Strengths and Limitations in Research

This study is pioneering in the field of education in Peru, but it is not without its limitations. One of the most notable strengths is that it is the first study to evaluate personal attitude tools in the context of virtual education at the high school level during the lockdown due to COVID-19. This reflects the importance of academic research in times of crises and makes the results significant for other academic communities. Additionally, the study’s reliance on accurate data from a sample of students enhances the credibility of the findings.

However, there are limitations that must be acknowledged. One of the biggest limitations is the sample size, as we rely only on a subset of students and need to expand the study to include larger groups of students to enhance the generalizability of the results. The lack of reliability in testing and retesting must also be considered in future research to ensure more accurate outcomes.

Supporting the inclusion of continuous and systematic assessments of these tools helps evaluate their effectiveness and accuracy. These studies should also be developed to align with the ongoing changes in the form of education during times of crisis. This research should be strengthened by more diverse inclusion mechanisms and intensive engagement strategies with practitioners in the education field.

Educational dynamics require a focus on student learning and how to apply these results to improve current strategies and move towards enhancing overall educational performance. Thus, the results highlight the importance of improving education by paying attention to small details and can open new horizons for research that contributes to the development of secondary education.

Research Planning and the Importance of Understanding Attitudes Towards Mathematics

Research planning constitutes a fundamental first step in any study, especially when it comes to educational subjects such as mathematics. The goal is to identify the research questions the study seeks to answer and to establish a clear outline for data collection and analysis. Understanding attitudes towards mathematics is crucial, as it plays an important role in guiding our educational experience. Additionally, focusing on students’ readiness and their perception of mathematics can significantly affect their academic performance. Our experience with mathematics is an integral part of our overall educational experiences. Efforts to understand these attitudes can contribute to improving the curricula and teaching methods used with students, thereby enhancing effective learning and increasing confidence in dealing with mathematics.

It is noteworthy that in multiple studies, results have shown that students with positive attitudes towards mathematics tend to achieve better outcomes compared to students who face psychological or emotional difficulties with the subject. The path to overcoming these obstacles lies in developing innovative teaching strategies that take into account the psychological and social needs of students.

Methodological Approaches to Data Collection and Analysis

It is of utmost importance to choose suitable methodological approaches for data collection to ensure the reliability and validity of the results. Commonly used methods include surveys, interviews, and classroom observations. Surveys are a useful tool for gathering information about students’ opinions and attitudes towards mathematics, as they can be designed to reflect a variety of factors, including psychological and cultural factors. On the other hand, personal interviews help form a clear picture of individual student experiences, while classroom observations enable the researcher to see how attitudes and educational methods are actually applied within the classroom, providing deeper insight into the learning process.

It is considered
Data analysis is a vital part of research. Data needs to be analyzed accurately to provide reliable and applicable results. Among the possible methods is statistical analysis, which can help uncover patterns and trends. The steps taken after the analysis process should be systematic and well-considered to align with the research objectives. Ultimately, the results obtained can be used to provide specific recommendations for improving mathematics education.

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Remote Learning

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on education systems around the world, leading to an increased reliance on remote learning. This shift has brought new challenges, particularly in the field of mathematics. The exceptional circumstances induced by the pandemic have changed the way students learn mathematics, necessitating the adaptation of curricula and traditional methods to meet the needs of remote education. Furthermore, students may struggle to adapt to this new educational mode due to the lack of direct interaction with teachers and peers.

Research indicates that there is a noticeable variance in the experiences that students underwent during the remote learning period. Reports have highlighted an increase in levels of anxiety and a loss of the ability to perform well among students, which in turn has affected their attitudes towards mathematics. Additionally, gaps in access to technology and educational resources have exacerbated these issues. Overall, this situation provides an opportunity to study how education can be reshaped to align with changing conditions, alongside achieving positive outcomes in student performance.

The Future of Mathematics Education in Light of Global Markets and Educational Challenges

As awareness of the challenges facing mathematics education continues to grow, it has become clear that we need to renew curricula and develop innovative teaching methods that consider the variables prevalent in the contemporary world, including technological and cultural changes. Education must be dynamic and prepared to adapt to the rapid changes in the job market, which means that critical thinking and innovation skills have become increasingly important. Thus, the role of mathematics in education is not limited to calculations and equations; it must extend to include analytical and creative thinking skills.

Future strategies could involve adopting the latest technologies in education, such as educational software and online self-learning. Moreover, professional training programs for teachers should be established, so they have the necessary tools to deal with modern challenges in mathematics education. It is crucial to create a learning environment that supports active learning, where students are encouraged to explore mathematics through experiential activities that enhance logical thinking and problem-solving.

The Impact of Individual and Cultural Experiences on Student Achievement in Mathematics

Individual, cultural, familial, and educational experiences influence students’ attitudes towards mathematics in various ways. Understanding the values and beliefs associated with mathematics is vital for interpreting how students perform. Studies have shown that there are five expressive elements that measure motivation, usefulness, liking, confidence, and anxiety towards the subject. For example, students who see mathematics as a useful tool in their everyday and scientific lives tend to care more about their academic performance in it. In the educational context, it becomes essential to shift traditional teaching methods that focus solely on academic information to programs that encourage the exchange of ideas and knowledge among students. This aligns with UNESCO’s recommendations highlighting the need to integrate social media and diversify teaching techniques to achieve effective learning.

This trend requires teachers to provide good social interaction and develop integrated educational curricula, which is something that educational institutions must implement. It is not only about forming academic knowledge for students but also about enhancing critical thinking skills and cooperation among students, which drives them to improve their level in mathematics. This approach should be inclusive, targeting all students, as enhancing motivation towards mathematics is a fundamental priority for academic success.


The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Education

The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to radical changes in how education is practiced, significantly affecting the quality of education and learning outcomes. For example, in the Netherlands and some developing countries, schools faced significant challenges in implementing virtual learning, especially when teachers and students lacked the necessary technical tools and skills. One of the most apparent effects was on performance levels in mathematics, where the results of Latino students showed a marked decrease in scores during PISA tests, indicating the urgent need to improve educational methods.

In Peru, the educational challenges during COVID-19 were evident as schools closed and later initiatives like “Learn at Home” were adopted, providing lessons through various media. However, key players, both students and teachers, faced difficulties such as a lack of knowledge in using information and communication technology, a shortage of educational tools, and a lack of income. Therefore, educational strategies must adapt to be more flexible and suitable to students’ needs, reflecting the impacts of this pandemic on the entire education system.

Analysis of Attitudes Towards Mathematics and Virtual Education

Attitudes towards mathematics reflect a range of elements including value, appreciation, interest, and psychological disposition towards the subject. Many students report cognitive and emotional problems associated with learning mathematics. According to multiple studies, the presence of highly competent teachers can significantly contribute to improving students’ attitudes. For example, in a comparative study between students in Honduras and Spain, students in Spain exhibited positive attitudes towards mathematics, indicating the plurality of cultural experiences and their influence on learning.

In parallel, the response to virtual learning amid the pandemic revealed significant challenges, as students felt considerable emotional pressure due to their sudden transition from traditional education to virtual learning. Studies have shown that many students lacked the necessary skills to effectively use technology in virtual education environments, leading to a decline in academic achievement. Thus, good performance in mathematics requires continuous psychological and technical support, where teachers should enhance technological capabilities and provide flexible educational strategies that meet new requirements.

Study Methodology and Samples Used in the Research

The current study involved research on a sample consisting of 544 students from grades two to five of secondary education in a public girls’ school in northern Peru. The study was based on measurements represented by students’ attitudes towards mathematics and their perceptions of virtual education. The questionnaire was administered from November to December 2021, with students selected according to specific criteria, such as enrollment in the academic year and prior consent from parents. Thus, a sample of 400 students was formed, providing a comprehensive picture of students’ attitudes amidst virtual education.

A reliable and scientifically validated measurement tool was used, which is a questionnaire assessing attitudes towards mathematics consisting of 25 items distributed across five dimensions. The results of the study showed high reliability, reflecting the effectiveness of the tool in measuring the targeted concepts. This study is highly significant as a step towards developing more accurate measurement tools to understand students’ attitudes towards mathematics and their perceptions of virtual education during the pandemic. Ensuring students’ performance and achieving positive results in mathematics is one of the primary objectives that the study aims to achieve to guarantee the benefits of remote learning and create educational environments that respond better to students’ needs.

Perception of Virtual Education

Virtual education is considered one of the educational innovations that has gained increasing popularity in recent years, especially following the global impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. A measurement tool was developed to measure perceptions of virtual education, which includes 24 items distributed across 10 dimensions. The method relies on a five-point Likert scale, allowing for a comprehensive evaluation of participants’ trends and views on the virtual educational experience. The reliability of the tool was confirmed through its analysis in Spain, where its dimensions achieved reliability scores ranging from 0.82 to 0.94 for each dimension.


Measurement tools play a vital role in understanding how students and teachers receive virtual education. Therefore, the successful use of such tools requires a deep analysis of the extracted data. For instance, the outputs of perception assessments showed clear variations in satisfaction regarding different aspects of virtual education, where students positively interacted with interactive teaching methods, while they expressed some concern about social interaction.

We can cite other studies, which found that virtual education could meet multiple educational needs and help enhance educational diversity, provided it is delivered in an interactive and engaging manner. This allows teachers to use new methods that keep students engaged, such as the use of educational games and interactive platforms that enhance the educational experience. However, on the other hand, the challenges of limited personal interaction and immediate responses must be acknowledged.

Research Procedures for Data Collection

The research process began with obtaining permission from the relevant authorities at a public educational institution in northern Peru, where collaboration was requested from parents via teachers. The next critical step involved conducting a virtual survey designed to acquire accurate data from students. Obtaining parental consent is a fundamental part of ensuring transparency and ethical compliance, as the study was based on participation that was approved by parents.

Each survey took approximately 30 minutes per student, resulting in a unified database implemented electronically. The accuracy of the collected data was verified by comparing multiple data sources, which provided high credibility to the findings obtained. The research team was required to participate in reviewing any discrepancies discovered during various stages of the research to ensure the accuracy of the analyses and the final conclusions.

This process is crucial for increasing the reliability of the research, as it improves transparency and accuracy in data collection. Incorporating the opinions and feedback from parents and students contributes to enhancing the quality of the results being analyzed and enables researchers to derive conclusions supported by numbers and objective fundamentals. This enhances the impact of the study and its role in improving virtual education.

Statistical Analysis and Results

Microsoft Excel was used to create a comprehensive database from all surveys, where qualitative variables were converted into numerical variables, excluding participants with incomplete data. This method supports the process of accurate statistical analysis. RStudio was utilized to conduct advanced analyses, including exploratory factor analysis, which highlighted the need for loading factors to ascertain the optimal dimensions of the tool used within the study.

Through this, loading values exceeding 0.40 were indicated, providing strong evidence of the relationship between items and underlying factors. The reliability of research tools is one of the most noteworthy observations, as a need was identified for reliability indicators exceeding 0.50 to be considered good, although this figure may vary depending on the nature of the research. The reliability of the tools used in the study was reported, and theoretical frameworks were linked to actual practices.

The weak and balanced dimensions identified during the analysis lead to a deeper understanding of the underlying structures of the data. The required KMO index confirms the balance of the sample, indicating the strength of the results. Statistical analyses also included the use of tools such as “lavaan” and “semTools” in RStudio, which increases researchers’ confidence in the final results and enhances the accuracy of conclusions related to teachers’ and students’ perceptions of virtual education.

Ethical Analyses

Research activities are conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration established by the World Medical Association, ensuring the protection and promotion of ethical values in scientific research. The protocol approved by the ethics committee at “Universidad Nacional del Santa” is numbered 102-UNS-CFEH, reflecting the researchers’ commitment to the highest standards of scientific research. These commitments support the rights of individuals participating in the research and ensure that they provided informed consent before participation.

Ethical guidelines are essential to be present at every step of research, from data collection to analysis. Emphasizing the importance of informed consent plays a pivotal role, as it underscores the importance of participants’ freedom and their right to make a decision at the moment it concerns their participation in a range of activities.

All of these factors contribute to building mutual trust between researchers and participants, leading to better outcomes and more accurate analyses. Integrating ethical values into research enhances the quality of virtual education and fosters a better understanding of how to apply these strategies in education, benefiting the educational community as a whole and raising awareness about the ethical issues related to modern educational matters.

Attitudes Towards Mathematics

The study points to negative attitudes towards mathematics, making this point crucial for understanding how these attitudes affect students’ academic performance. The importance of analyzing attitudes lies in their ability to determine students’ personal preferences and feelings towards the subject of mathematics. The research highlights that many students exhibit a positive preference for mathematics, even though the grades related to their enjoyment of the academic context were low compared to other factors. One of the notable observations was the question about the possibility of enrolling in more math courses to improve learning, which received the lowest scores. This decline in interest shows the necessity of enhancing engagement and interaction with mathematics to develop students’ sense of self-efficacy, which is key to improving academic achievement.

It is important to remind that the need to assess students’ attitudes towards mathematics at the beginning of the academic year is a strategic step. These assessments can help identify areas that need special attention, thus improving and stimulating performance. It is also noteworthy to mention the impact of teacher effectiveness on students’ attitudes towards mathematics, as motivating teachers and boosting their self-confidence can directly contribute to improving students’ perceptions of the subject.

Furthermore, the research indicates that using a scale to measure attitudes towards mathematics, which has demonstrated reliability and validity, can enhance the teaching strategies employed. For instance, Cronbach’s alpha and McDonald’s omega coefficient were utilized as methods to assess reliability, with results showing satisfactory reliability for the two validated models. Understanding these attitudes can contribute to developing effective educational strategies that focus on improving mathematical skills and fostering intrinsic interest in the subject.

Perception of Virtual Education

In light of the increasing shift towards digital learning environments, measuring students’ perceptions of virtual education becomes vital. The study indicates that the tool used to assess perceptions of virtual education boasts psychological reliability, adding value to research in this field. The results show the importance of providing appropriate educational strategies that support student engagement, especially given the challenges faced by younger student groups in maintaining attention and interaction during online education.

One striking statistic is that high school students often require greater external support from teachers and parents compared to university students. This dependency reflects an increasing impact on how virtual education is provided effectively. Research has shown that interactive teaching methods, which include ongoing feedback, significantly contribute to improving students’ academic performance.

Based on these findings, developing virtual education methods to align with the developmental needs of high school students can create a noticeable difference. The period adolescents experience is critical in terms of their cognitive and emotional development, necessitating the provision of a flexible yet structured educational environment. Previous research shows that providing adequate support and guidance to students, such as utilizing interactive teaching methods or personalized feedback, can significantly improve their performance and perspectives towards online education.


Strengths and Limitations

This study represents a new starting point in the field of education, as it is the first study conducted in the context of public high schools in Peru during the COVID-19 lockdown period. The main strengths lie in the research methods employed, where reliability and credibility were assessed using strict measures. However, some limitations were identified, such as sample size and low test-retest reliability, which may affect the research outcomes.

With the increasing reliance on online learning, the need to expand research to include diverse high schools is vital. This step will help enhance the applicability of the study’s results, thereby improving the teaching strategies used in different contexts. For example, it would be beneficial to study how geographical and economic contexts influence virtual learning experiences, and how measurement tools can be designed to help understand these differences.

It is also important to consider how to improve the effectiveness of educational interventions and assessments. Enhancing teachers’ skills and increasing their self-confidence are key factors in boosting overall student performance in Peru. Recognizing the significant gaps in mathematical and reading abilities suggests the necessity for focused intervention programs that address and cover these gaps. Expanded research and additional resources will be essential in developing effective strategies to advance education, especially in hybrid learning environments.

Challenges of Distance Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted education systems worldwide, leading to the sudden closure of schools and universities and a rapid shift to remote learning. These abrupt changes created a set of challenges faced by both students and teachers. For students, there was difficulty in adapting to the new learning environment, as many relied on technology to attend classes. However, not everyone was equal in this regard, as some faced problems accessing the internet or suitable electronic devices.

Studies found that students without access to technology suffered more than their peers. For instance, in some rural areas, there was a lack of internet connectivity, making it difficult for students to participate in lessons. Additionally, many families experienced psychological and social pressures resulting from changes in their lifestyles, which negatively affected students’ academic performance.

Other challenges related to student engagement and motivation in remote learning have also been reported. In fact, research has shown that remote learning heavily relies on the level of self-motivation among students, with some feeling frustrated or lacking motivation due to the inability to engage socially as they would in traditional classrooms.

The Impact of Technologies on Teaching Methods

Digital technologies have become vital tools in the process of distance learning. Teachers relied on e-learning platforms and video conferencing applications to deliver lesson content. However, there are considerations to keep in mind. Not all technologies were suitable for all students, as some platforms were found not well-designed to meet the needs of all learning levels.

Moreover, many questioned the effectiveness of online learning compared to traditional education. While technologies provide opportunities for flexible learning, excessive use of technology can lead to a reduction in informal interactions and directed communication. Thus, there is an urgent need to study the effectiveness of the technologies used in education more closely, including blended learning strategies that combine traditional learning and online education.

For example, some teachers have resorted to project-based learning as a means to enhance student engagement and interaction. This approach benefits students by involving them in group work and enhancing problem-solving skills. Therefore, responding to the challenges of remote learning required innovative adaptations from both teachers and students alike.

The Importance of Psychological and Social Support for Students

In the midst of challenges related to remote learning, it has become essential to provide psychological and social support for students to help them adapt to new circumstances. With increased pressures resulting from changes in daily life and the loss of social activities, many students felt anxiety and psychological stress. Psychological support programs and emotional assistance have become an integral part of the educational process.

For example, some schools and universities have demonstrated initiatives to support students’ mental health by organizing workshops and seminars that promote concepts of self-care and stress management, as well as providing helplines for psychological counseling. This not only helps students alleviate feelings of loneliness and anxiety but also enhances their ability to focus and learn more effectively.

In certain cases, activities like yoga and meditation have been integrated into the curricula to help students regain psychological balance. This trend indicates the importance of providing an inclusive educational environment that takes into account students’ emotional and psychological needs.

Strategies for Improving Academic Achievement through Remote Learning

Achieving academic success during remote learning requires innovative and flexible strategies. One of the most effective strategies is adapting the teaching method to suit digital learning environments. This involves teaching students how to manage time effectively, planning lessons, and utilizing digital resources correctly.

Many teachers have been able to provide interactive lessons through the use of videos and educational applications that allow students to conduct virtual experiments and interact with their peers. These methods have helped make learning more engaging and effective.

Moreover, it has become essential to promote collaboration among students and engage in joint online activities, such as group projects. This type of cooperative learning not only enhances academic understanding but also builds social relationships within virtual classrooms.

Additionally, many universities now rely on analytical tools to closely understand students’ performance. By tracking academic progress, teachers can identify areas that need improvement and provide appropriate support to students facing difficulties. This type of early intervention can significantly support students’ academic achievement and success in a remote learning environment.

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