Improvements in the performance of large language models such as ChatGPT are more predictable than they seem.
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Citations show gender bias – and the reasons are surprising
Reindeer can activate sleep mode while eating
Putting the brain in sleep mode helps increase food consumption during the abundant summer months in the Arctic.
Independent chemical research using large language models
The Coscientist system is an AI system based on GPT-4 that independently designs, plans, and executes experiments by integrating large language models supported by tools such as internet searches, documentation, code execution, and experimental running.
Daily Summary: Criticism faces malignant worm cancer tests
Doctors have raised concerns about a commercial cancer test that produces high levels of false-negative and false-positive results. Additionally, the increase in severe wildfires is raising global carbon emissions and what quantum theory implies about determinism.
How organized crime threatens the Amazon
The global community needs to break the networks of transnational crime and corruption that threaten one of the largest carbon swamps in the world.
Reindeer can activate sleep mode while eating
Putting the brain in sleep mode helps increase food consumption during the abundant summer months in the Arctic.
Will superintelligent AI sneak up on us? A new study offers reassurance
Improvements in the performance of large language models such as ChatGPT are more predictable than they seem.
Citations show gender bias – and the reasons are surprising
Gender biases in research citations are less common among younger scientists, but still play a role in making women’s research less visible.
The polar bear fur-inspired jacket is thinner than down jackets – yet provides the same warmth
The jacket inspired by polar bear fur reduces its thickness like a down jacket while providing the same level of warmth.
And scientists say we urgently need answers about AI consciousness
Scientists say we urgently need answers about AI consciousness.
This GPT-powered chemical robot designs reactions and makes drugs – on its own
This GPT-powered chemical robot independently designs reactions and produces drugs.
From the Archives: Dancing Mice and Louis Pasteur’s Beer Battle
Highlights from the past in Nature Magazine.
Neutrino secrets could reveal layers of the Earth’s atmosphere
Scientists usually look to the sky or turn to the lab to explore neutrino properties. However, neutrinos produced in the Earth’s atmosphere could reveal this long-sought information – and experiments are already underway.
Contact tracing app predicts risks of SARS-CoV-2 transmission
The risk of contracting COVID-19 as calculated by the smartphone app correlates with the likelihood of later testing positive for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, suggesting that digital contact tracing is a useful tool for combating future pandemics.
Two-dimensional materials enhance the realism of biocomputation
A switch made from atomically thin materials mimics how nerve cell communications are enhanced by activity. Two perspectives reveal why physicists and neuroscientists share the same excitement for this engineering achievement.
Searching online can increase belief in misinformation
To counter fake news, people are often advised to verify claims by searching online. Five experiments show that this can increase people’s belief that false or misleading articles are true, and this effect may stem from low-quality search results.
Guiding large language models for the automatic chemical lab
A large language model guides the automatic chemical lab.
“Interpretable” defines a new class of antibiotics
Defining a new class of antibiotics using “interpretable” AI.
Atomic electron tomography reveals chemical ordering in medium- and high-entropy alloys
Atomic electron tomography reveals chemical ordering in medium- and high-entropy alloys.
Mysterious slow and organized activity observed in the cortex
Mysterious slow and organized activity was observed in the cortex.
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Good science is not limited to wealthy countries, and research in the global south is often overlooked, harming innovation and discovery everywhere.
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