Summary of the episode: When is culture considered intrusive | Finján Podcast

This episode of the podcast discusses a complex and exciting topic related to identity and language, where the speakers review the impact of losing the Arabic language on individual and collective identity. The discussion begins by highlighting the close relationship between language and our identity, as participants wonder how language affects an individual’s internal and external communication. They cite the importance of the Arabic language in shaping ideas and concepts, noting that speaking another language cannot reflect the same depth and richness that Arabic provides.

The conversation also touches on cultural identity through food, where participants discuss how traditional dishes like “foul” and “kabsa” have evolved and how they reflect Saudi identity, despite being influenced by ingredients from multiple cultures. They also discuss the issue of Arabic coffee and explore how Arabs introduced this culture to the world, raising questions about the right to consider coffee “Saudi” amidst the controversy surrounding it.

Discussions continue to explore the challenges faced by the Arabic language in the face of global changes and technological advancements, with speakers pointing out the need to preserve the Arabic language as part of cultural identity and its role in effective communication. They express the importance of encouraging the use of Modern Standard Arabic in daily life, and how modern technologies can play a positive role in enhancing Arab culture.

These discussions reflect the deep relationship between language, identity, and culture, making it essential to preserve and adopt the Arabic language as a means of expressing ourselves and protecting our heritage.

Loss of Identity with the Loss of the Arabic Language

The loss of the Arabic language means losing a significant part of personal and cultural identity. Language is not just a means of communication; it is an expression of thought, culture, and history. When a person loses their native language, they feel as if they have lost a part of themselves, which affects how they express their thoughts and feelings. The Arabic language is a symbol of Arab identity, carrying a long history of cultures and traditions. The inability to use this language can lead to a loss of communication with cultural and heritage roots.

Internal communication with oneself is greatly affected by the language we speak. The ability to think and express higher thoughts is influenced by the person’s language. Therefore, when a person speaks in English or any other language, they may find that they cannot express themselves with the same depth or precision they enjoy when using their mother tongue. This difference in expression can have profound effects on identity and the sense of belonging.

Many cultural and religious values and principles are conveyed through language, and when an individual abandons their language, they abandon those values. For example, in Arab culture, there are many proverbs and sayings that reflect the customs and traditions of society. Without the language, it may become difficult for new generations to absorb and understand these values. Consequently, the loss of the Arabic language poses a threat to cultural heritage and identity.

The Impact of Coffee on Cultural Identity

Coffee is an integral part of Arab culture, especially in the Arabian Peninsula. The history of coffee is closely linked to generosity and hospitality, which reflects social and cultural values in Arab communities. The process of preparing and serving coffee carries special rituals that reflect the traditions of hospitality. A cup of coffee represents not just a drink, but a symbol of generosity and social communication.

In 2022, the year was declared the Year of Saudi Culture, and there was a debate over who has the right to claim that coffee carries Saudi identity. Saudi coffee is considered unique, as it is prepared in specific ways that differ from other coffee styles in the world. A cup of coffee represents a part of cultural identity, with preparation methods passed down through generations.


Coffee is enjoyed, stories and conversations are exchanged, which enhances social bonds. Coffee is not just a drink; it is a part of social and cultural identity. When talking about coffee, values and traditions it represents are also discussed. A cup of coffee contributes to enhancing cultural identity and reflects the values of generosity and hospitality that are central to Arab communities.

The Linguistic and Cultural Challenges of the Arabic Language

The Arabic language faces many challenges in the age of globalization. With the spread of other cultures and languages, the Arabic language must adapt and evolve to meet these changes. Loanwords are considered part of this challenge, as the Arab community must deal with the influx of new words and how to integrate them into the Arabic language.

There is a division of opinions on how to deal with foreign words. Some people believe that the purity of the Arabic language should be preserved, while others see the necessity of adapting to the modern age. These challenges could lead to the loss of some traditional cultural vocabulary, affecting the overall cultural identity.

Moreover, the use of Arabic in education and media must align with the aspirations of the new generation. Promoting the use of Arabic in modern contexts can contribute to enhancing cultural identity. The community needs to direct efforts towards teaching the Arabic language in innovative ways that attract young people and help them understand the importance of their language and cultural identity.

Linguistic Diversity and Its Impact on Identity

The Arabic language is one of the richest and most diverse languages in the world. This diversity reflects a long history of interaction between different cultures. However, the presence of multiple dialects within the Arabic language can sometimes be seen as a challenge. Each dialect carries cultural and historical peculiarities. This diversity can enrich identity, but it can also lead to fragmentation in communication among individuals from different regions.

In Arab communities, the use of local dialects may lead to divisions between generations. Older generations may prefer the use of Modern Standard Arabic, while young people may lean towards spoken dialects or even foreign languages. This difference may pose a challenge in maintaining cultural identity. It is important for individuals to be able to use both Modern Standard Arabic and local dialects in their daily communication.

Striking a balance between preserving Modern Standard Arabic and using dialects should be part of a strategy to enhance cultural identity. There should be encouragement to use the Arabic language in all its forms, which enhances the ability to express and communicate among all members of society, regardless of their cultural backgrounds.

The Importance of Language and Culture

Language is not just a means of communication; it is a fundamental element in shaping culture and national identity. In many communities, language reflects the values, beliefs, and traditions that individuals hold dear. The Arabic language, for example, carries a deep heritage and rich culture, making it essential to preserve and maintain it. By studying language, we can understand much about the cultural dimensions and social identity that shape communities. The Arabic language can, for instance, be a way to understand our history and heritage, and how it has contributed to shaping Arabic identity over the ages. If we lose our language, we lose an important part of our identity and culture.

One practical manifestation of this idea is the importance of linguistic sovereignty. There should be policies that support the use of the Arabic language in government and educational institutions, requiring the state to take effective steps to preserve and promote its use. For example, these policies can include enforcing the use of Arabic in official documents and teaching it as the primary language at all educational levels.


that do not preserve their own language face significant threats of losing their cultural identity. Language is not just words; it is a way of thinking and expressing oneself. When we hear someone using foreign words or phrases from other languages, it may indicate unwanted cultural influences that threaten the original identity. Therefore, encouraging the use of the mother tongue in all areas is crucial for preserving culture and identity.

The Interaction Between Languages and Cultures

The interaction between languages and cultures has profound effects on how we understand the world around us. When we talk about foreign languages, we refer to the words and expressions that enter the original language from other languages. This phenomenon is not new; it is part of the history of the language itself. For example, many English words have entered the Arabic language due to the ongoing interaction between cultures. Thus, studying these interactions can provide us with valuable insights into how language and culture evolve over time.

It is important to understand that this interaction is not necessarily a negative thing. It can lead to the enrichment of our language and culture. However, we must also be aware of the risks that may arise from this interaction, especially if it leads to a weakened use of the original language. We can research how technology affects our language and how the spread of social media has contributed to the introduction of new words and sometimes disrupted traditional linguistic structures.

Cultural transformations that occur as a result of linguistic influences can be fruitful, but they also require wise management to ensure that cultural identity is not lost. Instead of merely being consumers of others’ languages and cultures, we should be producers and creators. We can have positive influences on other languages, but we should also commit to promoting our original language and culture in this context.

Language as a Means of Expressing Identity

Language is a powerful tool for expressing personal and collective identity. Through language, individuals can convey their feelings, thoughts, and values. In many cultures, the use of language is closely linked to heritage and national identity. Language reflects identity, not only in what we say but also in how we say it. Therefore, individuals who speak their mother tongue often feel a closer connection to their cultural identity.

For example, the overuse of different languages in Arabic-speaking communities can lead to a loss of part of the cultural identity. When people begin to use foreign expressions or words frequently, they may start to feel alienated from their original culture. Thus, it is essential to promote the use of Arabic in all areas of life, from education to work, to enhance the sense of identity and belonging.

Additionally, language can play an important role in enhancing cultural pride. When the language is celebrated and taught to children, it encourages pride in cultural heritage. We must work on developing educational curricula that promote the use of the Arabic language and provide students with opportunities to express themselves through language. It is important that there are educational resources available to help enhance the language, enabling the new generation to document their connection to their cultural identity.

The Cultural Impact of Language on Society

Language has a significant impact on our societies and cultures. It not only reflects how we communicate but also how we think and see the world around us. Language is a means of social interaction and plays an important role in shaping the collective culture. Societies that use a common language enjoy a greater ability to cooperate and interact, facilitating the exchange of cultural ideas and principles.


that cultural interaction can lead to the enrichment of local traditions while still preserving the essence of national identity. This exchange fosters creativity and innovation, ultimately resulting in a more dynamic and diverse cultural landscape.

In the case of Saudi Arabia, the fusion of traditional and modern elements has created a unique cultural identity. For instance, while traditional clothing like the thobe and shumagh are still widely worn, contemporary styles and accessories are increasingly being integrated, reflecting a blend of the old and the new.


Understanding the significance of these cultural elements—language, traditional dress, cuisine, and coffee—helps to appreciate the rich tapestry of Saudi heritage. Embracing cultural diversity allows communities to thrive, encouraging mutual respect and fostering social cohesion. As society continues to evolve, it will be essential to preserve these cultural markers, ensuring that they remain integral to the identity of future generations.

this interaction also exists in Saudi cuisine, where dishes from other cultures are present but prepared in ways that reflect Saudi identity. This type of interaction demonstrates the ability of communities to adopt new elements without losing their cultural identity. It also indicates the community’s capacity for adaptation and development, enriching its culture and enhancing its diversity.

History of Coffee and Its Cultural Impact

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages worldwide, and its history is intertwined with the development of culture and society in many countries. The origin of coffee goes back to Ethiopia, where the coffee tree was discovered in the wild. Initially, coffee was used for medicinal purposes, but over time, it transformed into a social drink. In the Islamic world, coffee became a symbol of hospitality and generosity, as it was served to guests as part of traditions. In this context, the history of coffee dates back to the fifteenth century when it began to spread in the Arab world, and then it moved to Europe in the seventeenth century. The emergence of coffeehouses played a significant role in shaping communities, as they were used as places for exchanging ideas and opinions. During that period, coffee represented a space for social interaction, making it an integral part of daily life.

The Political Prohibition of Coffee

Coffee is considered a beverage with a significant impact in many cultures, and for this reason, it faced prohibition during several historical periods. One of the most notable chapters of coffee prohibition occurred in the seventeenth century in the Islamic world. There were fears that coffee could lead to unwanted gatherings, so fatwas were issued prohibiting it. In 1633, the governor of Mecca issued an order to prohibit coffee due to concerns about its effect on social behavior. However, over time, these attempts did not succeed in eliminating people’s passion for coffee, as they continued to drink and serve it in gatherings. The political and social tensions surrounding coffee were linked to cultural identity, as coffee was seen as a symbol of social cohesion.

The Strong History of Coffee in the Arab World

Coffee holds a special place in the Arab world, where it is considered part of the cultural heritage. The history of coffee preparation goes back centuries, with special methods developed for roasting and grinding it. In Arab countries, coffee is a sign of hospitality, with the first cup served to guests as a gesture of respect. In traditional Arab cultures, there are special rituals related to serving coffee, such as using the dallah, the traditional pot for preparing coffee. Coffee is also part of social and religious occasions, as it is served at celebrations and special events. Additionally, drinking coffee is viewed as a means to strengthen social ties, where friends and family gather to exchange news and conversations while enjoying coffee.

Coffee in Modern Times and Cultural Changes

Over time, the coffee culture has witnessed significant developments. In modern times, coffee has become a global beverage that enjoys immense popularity worldwide. Cafés have proliferated everywhere, becoming key places for meeting and communication. The forms of serving coffee have also changed, with new types such as espresso and cappuccino emerging, contributing to the rise of modern coffee culture. Additionally, many countries have started organizing special coffee festivals, reflecting the importance of this beverage in global culture. Today, coffee is not just a drink; it is a cultural experience that encompasses various aspects of life, from preparation to serving.

The History of Coffee in Mecca and Its Evolution Over the Years

Coffee is an integral part of Saudi culture, specifically in Mecca, where its history is considered part of national identity. The first documentation of coffee’s introduction to Mecca dates back to the 14th Hijri century, during the reign of King Abdulaziz. At that time, coffee was one of the essential elements reflecting the social culture of the Meccan community. With the establishment of Saudi rule, coffee began to integrate into the daily life of the locals, reflecting a significant cultural transformation at that time.

We talk about coffee in Mecca, and we must take into account the traditional methods that have always been followed in its preparation. The locals preferred black coffee, which was a type of coffee that was not widely known at first, but over time, it began to gain great popularity. Coffee was imported from Najd, which contributed to its spread among the people. This coffee led to the emergence of new traditions in how it is served, including the use of earthenware dallahs that were brought from Iraq, which the people of Mecca admired and became part of hospitality traditions.

There was also the influence of a group of teachers who practiced the art of coffee preparation in schools and restaurants, where they educated people about the arts of roasting and serving. These practices are considered part of the cultural heritage that extends for decades, reflecting the importance of coffee in people’s daily lives.

The Arts of Coffee Preparation and its Ingredients

The arts of coffee preparation in the Kingdom are diverse, varying from region to region. Saudi coffee is considered unique, as it includes special ingredients such as cardamom and saffron, which add a distinctive flavor and reflect the Arab heritage. The importance of these ingredients lies in their reflection of local culture, thus considered part of the identity of Saudi coffee.

It is well known that coffee is prepared in a traditional manner, using a special type of Arab beans that are lightly roasted. After that, it is mixed with boiling water and spices are added according to taste. These spices add a new dimension to the coffee, making each cup tell a different story. The roasting techniques also play an important role in determining the flavor of the coffee, as some prefer dark coffee, while others prefer light coffee.

The vessels used in preparing coffee express a special status, as dallahs and earthenware cups are used in serving coffee, adding an aesthetic touch to the experience. In this way, serving coffee becomes a social ritual that allows people to interact and communicate, enhancing social and familial bonds.

The Importance of Coffee in Saudi Culture

Coffee is considered a symbol of hospitality and communication in Saudi culture. When guests are received, coffee is one of the essential items served to them, considered a sign of the host’s generosity. In traditional gatherings, serving coffee is considered a social obligation, expressing respect and appreciation for visitors.

Coffee also embodies social values such as cooperation and sharing, as individuals gather around a cup of coffee to exchange conversations and news. These moments are pivotal points in social communication, where people exchange ideas and insights, enhancing mutual understanding and respect.

Moreover, there are spiritual and cultural aspects associated with coffee, as drinking coffee is considered part of the daily rituals for many people, seen as a moment for relaxation and contemplation. Research shows that coffee contributes to improving mood and enhancing focus, making it a preferred drink for many in daily life, whether at work or during leisure time.

Future Challenges and New Trends in the Coffee Industry

With the increasing interest in coffee in Saudi Arabia, the industry faces some challenges, such as the need for innovation and adaptation to changes in lifestyle. There is a noticeable increasing interest in healthy lifestyles, which has driven many to seek alternatives to traditional coffee. At the same time, there is significant interest in developing new varieties of coffee that cater to diverse tastes.

The Kingdom aims to enhance its position as a major center in the global coffee industry, which requires investment in coffee cultivation and the development of new roasting and preparation techniques. There are also government initiatives aimed at supporting local farmers and improving the quality of production.

On the other hand, the popularity of specialty cafes that focus on providing unique experiences for customers, such as offering carefully crafted specialty coffee with excellent service, is expected to increase. This shift is part of the global trend towards providing personalized and unique experiences for customers, thereby enhancing the status of coffee in daily life.


Influence on Agriculture and Production

Agriculture and production are affected by a number of political, economic, climatic, and geographical conditions. For example, climatic conditions contribute to determining what can be grown in a particular area, as temperature, amount of rainfall, and winds play a crucial role in the success of crops. On the other hand, political and economic conditions influence how the agricultural sector is organized and how support is provided to farmers. The presence of clear government policies aimed at supporting agriculture can enhance productivity. However, geographical conditions, such as soil type and terrain, determine whether a particular area is suitable for farming.

For example, growing coffee in a certain area requires rich soil and abundant water supply. Additionally, coffee production necessitates a long-term strategy, as the tree takes about three to four years to start producing, and usually reaches its peak after seven to ten years. This means that any investment in coffee cultivation must be carefully considered.

Moreover, agricultural production requires continuous innovation and modernization, as research and development can improve crop strains and increase productivity. Therefore, it is important to consider all these aspects when discussing the topic of agriculture and production.

Challenges in Coffee Production

Many countries face challenges in coffee production, especially those that have historically been the largest coffee producers in the world, such as Yemen, Brazil, and Colombia. For example, Yemen faces challenges related to water scarcity and political instability, which directly affects farmers’ ability to produce coffee. In contrast, countries like Brazil enjoy vast areas of suitable land for farming and an advanced irrigation system, making it easier for them to produce large quantities of coffee.

Moreover, climate has a significant impact on coffee production, as climate changes lead to the shrinkage of suitable agricultural areas. Therefore, coffee-growing countries must adopt innovative agricultural methods to confront these challenges. Among the possible solutions is the use of sustainable farming techniques, which help to conserve water and soil resources.

Additionally, the increasing global demand for coffee requires more efficient production strategies to ensure that the demand is met. To achieve this, producing countries can benefit from exchanging information and experiences with each other, leading to improved production quality and increased efficiency.

Cultural Marketing of Coffee

Coffee is an integral part of culture in many societies, playing an important role in traditions and hospitality. In the Arab world, coffee is a symbol of generosity and hospitality, often served on social occasions. Thus, coffee marketing should take into account not only commercial aspects but also cultural and social dimensions.

An effective marketing campaign can enhance the image of coffee as a cultural product, increasing demand for it both locally and internationally. For instance, the cultural heritage associated with coffee can be utilized in advertising campaigns, such as documenting traditional coffee preparation methods and using them in special occasions.

Furthermore, social media can play a vital role in marketing coffee by sharing stories related to cultivation, production, and preparation. Influencers in the food and beverage sector can help highlight local coffee, attracting attention and assisting in building a strong product image in global markets.

Development of the Academic and Commercial Aspects of Coffee

Developing the coffee industry requires a focus on both academic and commercial aspects in an integrated manner. Scientific research in fields such as agronomy and food science is very important to improve coffee quality and increase its productivity. Additionally, there must be efforts to train farmers in the latest agricultural technologies, which helps to improve productivity and quality.


In the commercial aspect, the establishment of exchanges and specialized coffee study centers can aid in promoting trade and facilitating access to global markets. Research into supply chains and distribution contributes to improving the efficiency of trade and increasing profits. Moreover, working on building partnerships with international companies can open new doors for trade and enhance the product’s position in the markets.

Overall, developing the coffee industry requires a comprehensive vision that encompasses all aspects from production to marketing, focusing on quality and sustainability. This transformation can enable coffee-producing countries to compete better in the global market and strengthen their position as a major product in the national economy.

The Idea of Disagreement and Ijtihad

The idea of disagreement and ijtihad represents one of the vital issues in intellectual and religious discussions. The debate here revolves around the concept that disagreement in opinions is not necessarily negative; it can be a sign of productive thinking and the richness of dialogue. In the Islamic context, ijtihad is considered an important source for interpreting and understanding texts, and many scholars encourage not to deny differing opinions on ijtihadi matters. It is important to recognize that there are issues that are not necessarily controversial but may simply reflect different perspectives. Such points can enhance our understanding and acceptance of differences, leading to a more constructive and fruitful dialogue.

For instance, in Islamic jurisprudence, we find multiple sects for one opinion on a specific topic such as purification or prayer. While everyone agrees on the obligation of prayer, they may differ in how to perform it or its conditions. Here comes the role of ijtihad to provide different interpretations that take into account various cultural and social contexts. Thus, mutual respect between differing opinions is essential for achieving understanding and cooperation among individuals.

Respect for Specializations and Knowledge

Often, some critical opinions emerge in societies regarding individuals who claim to speak in areas in which they lack specialization. It is important to recognize that respecting specializations and knowledge is a crucial part of any fruitful discussion. Specialization can provide the deep knowledge and expertise necessary for accurately understanding topics. When someone discusses a complex subject like sociology or political science, others should exercise specialization and respect for other fields, rather than doubting the opinions of experts.

For example, when we talk about medicine, it is unacceptable for a non-doctor to intervene in diagnosing a specific medical condition. This emphasizes the importance of having clear boundaries between specializations. It is essential to be aware of the knowledge and expertise that others possess and to benefit from it rather than competing or arguing. In religious contexts, this discussion may apply to jurists and scholars who have a deep understanding of interpreting texts, and their opinions should be respected and learned from.

Debate and Argumentation

Debate and argumentation are powerful tools in intellectual dialogue, but they require careful management. There is a difference between healthy debate aimed at achieving a deeper understanding of topics and futile argumentation that may escalate conflicts. In philosophical or religious discussions, it is important to use wisdom and good counsel and for individuals to uphold decorum during the dialogue. When debate is used correctly, it can lead to positive outcomes such as enhancing understanding and broadening perspectives.

For example, in discussions about social issues, using debate constructively can lead to innovative solutions. The dialogue around issues such as climate change or social justice needs an approach based on respecting multiple opinions and using logical evidence. This requires participants in the discussion to be aware of ranks of denial and have a deep understanding of the topics at hand. If debate is used negatively, it may only lead to further division and confusion.


Social Media

Social media has significantly impacted the way we interact and exchange opinions. Anyone can share their thoughts and visions without the need for specific qualifications, creating an open space for discussions. However, this openness comes with challenges such as the spread of misinformation and intellectual chaos. When using social media, we must be aware of the boundaries between media and education, ensuring that the information we provide or engage with is accurate and reliable.

The experiences of many people across platforms like Twitter and Facebook demonstrate how ideas can spread rapidly, but they are often accompanied by incitement to division or polarization. It is crucial in this context to maintain constructive dialogue that contributes to mutual understanding and to avoid escalation. We must learn how to approach different ideas with an open mind and utilize these platforms to spread awareness and knowledge instead of fostering social conflicts.

The episode was summarized using artificial intelligence ezycontent


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