Summary of the episode: Evaluating Children’s Behavior | Podcast #Consultation_With_Sarah

In a new episode of the podcast “Consultation” with Sarah, the conversation addresses the topics of parenting and its challenges, where the two guests discuss how to instill morals and good habits in children, especially at the age of ten. The episode begins by highlighting the importance of building a daily routine and how to face behaviors such as lying and stubbornness. Sarah and the guests discuss effective methods for correcting children’s behaviors and the importance of addressing educational issues from their roots, rather than just treating the symptoms.

The discussion also covers the impact of the social environment on children’s behavior and how children can be influenced by those around them, even when it is not possible to distance themselves from certain people. The conversation focuses on how to deal with behaviors such as not helping others and training children to take responsibility.

The discussion also touches on how to handle children’s fears, such as fear of school or fear of social situations, and the necessity of communicating with teachers to ensure a safe learning environment. The episode represents a rich experience showcasing various educational methods that help parents better understand their children and assist them in facing the challenges of daily life, reflecting the significant role of parents and educators in building a child’s character.

Developing Basic Morals and Habits in Children

The early childhood stage is one of the most important periods during which moral values and behavioral habits are established in children. In this context, an important question arises: how can we instill morals and basic habits in a ten-year-old child? Those involved in raising the child should realize that values do not form overnight; they require time and continuous effort. A child may start adopting these values at an early age, but correcting or reshaping them at an older age can be more challenging. Parents and educators must be aware of the parenting methods they adopt and make ongoing efforts to promote positive behaviors.

Parents should start by providing a good behavioral model, as children look to the behaviors of adults and learn from them. For example, parents should demonstrate honesty, respect, and helping others on a daily basis. If there are undesirable behaviors such as lying or stubbornness, parents should understand the underlying reasons. Sometimes, the reason for lying may be fear of punishment, so there should be an open and honest dialogue between parents and the child.

Committing to a daily routine helps the child understand the importance of order and discipline. Parents can set a schedule that includes designated time for homework, play, and rest. It is also important to provide a safe home environment that encourages the child to express their feelings and thoughts. It is crucial to clarify the consequences of any inappropriate behavior in an educational manner rather than a punitive one. For example, if the child lies, the effects of lying can be discussed and how it impacts trust in relationships.

To reduce the negative influence of people surrounding the child, parents should educate the child on the importance of choosing friends. This can be done by inviting children to play with good friends and explaining the significance of true friendship. In instances of bad friends, parents should talk to the child about how to handle these situations positively. There should be a balance between freedom and supervision; parents should allow their children to experience things but with guidance and support.

Treating Negative Behaviors like Lying and Stubbornness

Lying and stubbornness are behaviors that many families encounter. Understanding the reasons behind these behaviors can contribute to developing effective strategies to modify them. When a child lies, it is important not to react violently or punish; instead, it is crucial to try to understand what makes them feel that lying is the best option for them. There may be fear of punishment, a desire to avoid an embarrassing situation, or even to gain certain privileges.


A safe environment where the child feels comfortable telling the truth is extremely important. Parents can promote honesty by rewarding the child when they tell the truth, even if it is difficult. This helps build the child’s self-confidence and motivates them to speak the truth in the future. It is also important to teach children how to apologize when they make a mistake, which helps them understand the consequences of their actions.

As for stubbornness, it is a behavior that can result from a child feeling capable of making decisions. Parents should teach their children how to express their opinions and desires in a healthy way, without it leading to stubbornness. Techniques such as negotiation and dialogue can be used, where the child is given certain choices that provide them with a sense of control without having absolute power.

Dealing with these behaviors requires patience and understanding from parents. Small and consistent steps will lead to long-term positive changes. It is important to note that every child is different, and thus methods should be tailored to suit the child’s personality and individual needs.

Impact of Media on Children

In the age of technology, media has become an integral part of children’s lives. Exposure to content that may be inappropriate or distressing, such as scary videos, can negatively impact their mental health and behavior. It is essential for parents to be aware of what their children are watching online and to set restrictions on the content they can access.

Communicating with children about what they watch and expressing concerns is a positive step. Parents should encourage children to talk about their experiences with media and help them analyze and interpret the content they view. These discussions can help reduce fears and promote critical thinking in children.

When a child feels scared due to specific content, emotional support should be provided. It is important to encourage children to express their feelings and reassure them that what they see is merely fiction and not reality. Positive and inspiring content can also be presented instead of frightening content, which contributes to building positive and healthy perceptions.

Parents should also be role models for their children in using technology. They should demonstrate how to use devices responsibly and devote time to physical and social activities away from screens. This helps children develop social and health skills, achieving a balance between their digital and everyday lives.

School Challenges and Their Impact on Children

School challenges are significant issues faced by many children due to their direct impact on their mental and social health. Children who struggle with learning difficulties or psychological problems may experience anxiety and stress, leading to a refusal to attend school. In many cases, this refusal becomes a result of negative experiences they encountered in the school environment, such as being unable to communicate with their peers or teachers, which negatively affects their self-esteem. For instance, a girl who no longer wants to go to school may experience feelings of isolation or a decrease in self-esteem. Parents and teachers must be aware of these challenges and work together to find effective solutions.

One effective way to address this issue is by providing psychological support to the child, such as consulting a psychologist to identify the root causes behind their reluctance to go to school. This step can help determine whether there are learning difficulties or social issues affecting the child. It is also important for these issues to be addressed positively in a way that enhances the child’s self-confidence, such as including them in social activities outside of school or providing a flexible learning environment that meets their needs.


Psychotherapy and Family Support

Psychotherapy plays a vital role in addressing children’s psychological issues, especially when it comes to isolation or school phobia. Parents should be open to the idea of consulting a mental health specialist, as they can provide them with tools and strategies to help manage their children’s behaviors. It is essential that this treatment involves the parents, as it can contribute to improving family dynamics and providing the necessary support for the child.

When parents realize that their child needs support, they should be ready to help in various ways. This may include setting aside time to talk to the child about their feelings and thoughts, which helps build trust between them. Shared activities such as playing or reading together can also be a means to strengthen family bonds, giving the child a sense of security and support.

For example, parents could set aside daily time to discuss their children’s day at school, which helps open channels of communication. Through these actions, feelings of anxiety that the child may experience can be reduced. In some cases, it may require taking more interventionist steps, such as providing an alternative educational environment, if necessary.

Home Schooling as an Alternative

The idea of homeschooling is a popular option among parents who feel that the traditional education system may not meet their children’s needs. However, this option should be considered carefully. Homeschooling can provide a comfortable learning environment for children who struggle with learning difficulties or psychological issues, but it requires a significant commitment from parents.

It may be beneficial for parents to assess whether they are capable of providing appropriate education for their children at home, aligned with their educational needs. This may involve designing a curriculum that fits the child’s learning style and providing the necessary educational materials. Additionally, consideration should be given to how to ensure the child interacts with peers, as social communication is a fundamental part of the child’s psychological development.

Many parents worry about their children’s ability to adapt to new environments when returning to school after a period of homeschooling. This anxiety can intensify if the child has previous issues at school. Therefore, having a comprehensive plan to help the child transition from homeschooling to traditional schooling is an important step.

Strategies for Dealing with Defiant Behaviors

Defiance is a common behavior among children, and it can become a significant challenge in parents’ daily lives. Understanding the roots of defiant behavior is essential in dealing with it effectively. Often, defiance is a result of the child feeling a loss of control or needing independence. Parents must be cautious in how they respond to this behavior.

Strategies such as providing choices for the child can be effective in reducing defiance. For example, instead of imposing a certain action, parents can offer specific options, such as choosing clothes or meals. This approach enhances the child’s sense of autonomy, which reduces their desire to be defiant.

For instance, if a mother wants her child to wear a specific outfit, she might ask, “Would you prefer to wear the blue shirt or the red one?” instead of imposing the shirt. This method gives the child a sense of decision-making capability, which may reduce their resistance.

Furthermore, parents should focus on reinforcing positive behaviors rather than concentrating on defiance. Rewards or praise can be effective ways to encourage the child to follow rules and desired behaviors. For example, if the child adheres to going to bed on time, they can be rewarded with a bedtime story.

The episode has been summarized using artificial intelligence ezycontent



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