Shares of Intel saw a rise on Thursday following the launch of its latest processors designed for running artificial intelligence (AI) workloads. The new Intel Core Ultra processor family is available in select new laptops through partners like Dell, Google Chromebook, HP, and Microsoft Surface. The company also launched the fifth-generation Intel Xeon processor for data centers, designed to handle AI workloads. Intel’s new AI-focused products are part of the company’s effort to strengthen its position as a beneficiary of the AI boom alongside Nvidia and AMD.
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Intel shares rose by as much as 5.6% in early trading on Thursday after the company introduced its latest computer processing units designed to run AI workloads locally on PCs.
Intel’s products could make advanced technology in the field of AI more accessible to consumers, positioning the company to capitalize on the AI boom.
The latest family of Intel Core Ultra processors for portable devices became available in the market on Thursday. Intel stated that the new mobile processors “will power over 230 of the world’s first AI-enabled PCs” through partnerships with Dell, Google Chromebook, HP, Microsoft Surface, and others.
Intel’s CEO, Pat Gelsinger, said at the “AI Everywhere” event on Thursday: “Intel is on a mission to bring AI everywhere through exceptional engineering platforms, secure solutions, and support for open environments. Our AI portfolio becomes stronger with the launch of the new Intel Core Ultra processor that ushers in the age of the smart PC and with the AI-enhanced fifth-gen Intel Xeon processor for businesses.”
Intel also launched fifth-generation Intel Xeon processors for data centers, designed to run “AI workloads required from end to end.” The new Xeon processor is compatible with the previous generation of Intel Xeon processors in terms of software and platform, allowing current customers to transition easily.
These AI-focused product launches from Intel are part of the company’s efforts to bolster its position amidst fierce competition in the AI sector from Nvidia and AMD.
Shares dipped slightly after this initial increase but rose by about 1.3% at 1:30 PM Eastern Time. This increase has contributed to Intel’s stock price rising by approximately 70% since the beginning of the year.
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Intel Corp. “Intel Core Ultra Ushers in the Age of the AI PC.”
Intel Corp. “Intel Accelerates AI Everywhere with Launch of Powerful Next-Gen Products.”
Intel. “New 5th Gen Intel Xeon Processors are Built with AI Acceleration in Every Core.”
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