Anyone in their fifties with a long-term goal of losing weight understands that it requires consistency, commitment, motivation, and a lot of patience. But don’t take it too seriously. If you’re in a rut and the extra weight isn’t budging, you’ve come to the right place.
Why Weight Loss Can Be Difficult as You Age
There are multiple reasons why losing weight in your fifties can be challenging, but the main reason relates to hormonal changes and decreased estrogen levels, particularly during the perimenopause and menopause stages, according to Dr. Betul Hatipoglu, an endocrinologist and professor of medicine at Case Western Reserve University and director of the Center for Diabetes and Metabolism at Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio.
Due to declining hormones during those reproductive changes, your body triggers a stress response that can increase insulin resistance and lead to weight gain, and menopause is also known to slow down metabolic rate and affect your ability to lose weight, according to Hatipoglu.
Hypothyroidism is another common cause of weight gain in women around the age of 50, according to Dr. Weaver. This is a condition where the body doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone, which can lead to fatigue and weight gain, according to the Mayo Clinic. If you’re feeling excessively tired, experiencing constipation, having trouble staying awake, and noticing rapid weight gain, Weaver recommends talking to your doctor about getting a full blood panel to check for hypothyroidism.
You’re also likely to lose muscle mass in your fifties, which affects your body composition and slows your metabolic rate, according to Gomer. If you’re not working on building and/or maintaining muscle, your metabolic rate slows down and you burn fewer calories.
On top of all this, worrying about everything can just make matters worse, according to Weaver. When stress levels rise, cortisol (the stress hormone) increases, causing your body to store fat instead of burning it, leading to weight gain, particularly in the abdominal area.
15 Tips to Help You Lose Weight After 50
Are you ready to get started? Here are 15 expert-backed tips for safely and effectively losing weight in your fifties.
1. Embrace Aerobic Exercise
Whether it’s walking, swimming, running, or dancing, increasing your heart rate is important, according to Hatipoglu. “Aerobic exercise will help the body adapt to a new metabolic state by increasing fat burning and improving insulin resistance,” she explains. Do your best to move your body in any way you enjoy for at least 30 minutes five days a week.
2. Prioritize Strength Training
Strength training significantly impacts your metabolic rate and the body’s ability to burn fat, so it’s vital to incorporate weight training into your daily routine to build and maintain muscle mass, according to Weaver. Muscle gain can happen using simple dumbbells and resistance bands, or even by doing bodyweight exercises, she adds.
3. Cut Out Refined Drinks and Sugars
Avoid processed foods and check labels for excess sugar, including corn syrup, rice syrup, brown rice syrup, fructose, dextrose, maltose, and sucrose, according to Gomer. It’s also best to avoid refined sugars and cut back on sweets, pastries, soda, and jelly, she adds.
4. Reduce Snacking
“One of the best ways to lower insulin is to avoid snacking and nibbling,” says Gomer. “Insulin is what controls hunger and fat storage, so lowering insulin is essential for weight management,” she explains. Instead of random snacking, Gomer recommends focusing on three balanced meals a day and increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables.
Fiber is a Priority
Fiber is essential for regulating blood sugar levels and preventing insulin resistance, plus it is a great source of nutrition for healthy gut bacteria, according to Gomer. Fiber-rich foods like vegetables, fruits, oats, legumes, and whole grains are also extra filling to keep you satisfied throughout the day without increasing calorie intake, she adds.
You can get your daily dose of fiber in supplement form, but the best option is to eat whole, unprocessed foods.
6. Reduce Alcohol Intake
“Alcohol is metabolized using the liver in the same pathway that fat is burned,” according to Hatiboglu. “As a result, when alcohol is being used in this pathway en route to being metabolized, fat cannot be burned, and the body must wait its turn,” she explains. Additionally, alcohol lacks nutritional value and is often loaded with calories. If you crave a festive drink, try sparkling water with lemon or mashed fruit.
7. Meal Prep and Cook at Home
Do your best to plan ahead and prepare meals at home rather than relying on restaurants or food delivery, according to Gomer. “Restaurant food is loaded with sugar, salt, and heavily processed ingredients, and restaurants often serve massive portions,” she explains. Her suggestion? Delete food delivery apps from your phone and look at the restaurant menu before going out so you can find the healthiest option in advance.
8. Reduce Stress
Managing stress is crucial for weight loss success, according to Weaver. Not only can stress increase cortisol levels, which causes fat accumulation around the belly, but it can also increase hunger hormones and raise your set point (or preferred weight of the body).
To help keep stress at bay, Weaver recommends focusing on mental health, meditating, journaling, and practicing yoga. Mental health professionals and therapy can also be a great outlet for getting more personalized support.
9. Protect Your Sleep
As you age, one of the most significant effects on the body is sleep disturbances and sleep disorders associated with menopause, according to Hatiboglu. “Some of this comes from night sweats disrupting sleep, however, sleep deprivation and sleep disorders have been linked to increased insulin resistance, a higher risk of diabetes, and weight gain,” she explains.
Additionally, sleep deprivation can increase your hunger hormone, ghrelin, which can lead to late-night snacking and sugar cravings, according to Gomer. Do your best to get seven to nine hours of sleep at night, but if you need some extra support, Hatiboglu recommends drinking lavender or chamomile tea, taking a salt bath, or practicing mindfulness before sleep to help relax.
10. Seek Social Support
Finding other women experiencing similar bodily changes with the same symptoms can be extremely helpful in exchanging tips and coping mechanisms, according to Hatiboglu. Whether through in-person meetings, virtual support groups, or social media challenges, connecting with other women can be key to your success and mental health, she explains. A supportive network can also help keep you accountable and on track with your goals.
11. Commit to Daily Stretching
Whether it’s the first thing you do in the morning or the last thing you do before bed, daily stretching or practicing yoga is worth your time, according to Hatiboglu, who explains that daily stretching can help manage cortisol levels, contributing to bone health and your body’s activity.
Get Your Steps In
“Sitting still is a big problem for insulin resistance, and walking right after a meal will help lower your insulin response”, according to Gomer. Walking also helps with mobility and anti-inflammatory responses that have long-lasting effects on your weight, so get out and walk for at least 30 minutes a day.
13. Adopt a Mediterranean-style Diet
Healthy eating is one of the most important aspects of weight loss as you age, and a Mediterranean-style diet can help you stay on track, according to Hatipoglu. Focus on natural carbohydrates like low glycemic vegetables and fruits (oranges, apples, cherries, strawberries), plant-based proteins (eggs, fish, turkey, chicken, tofu), and whole carbs (oats, quinoa, barley), she explains.
It’s also best to reduce your intake of processed snacks, sweets, simple carbohydrates, and fried foods, she adds.
14. Change Your Mindset
“Weight loss is an inside job and managing your mind is key to success”, according to Gomer. “For some, exercise is key to a good mood and mindset, while others find help from meditation and writing”. Find what makes you feel good and stick with it.
15. Drink Plenty of Water
If you’re thirsty, you might misinterpret thirst for hunger, so it’s essential to drink water throughout the day. At a minimum, try to drink about 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids each day.
In conclusion: Gaining weight in your fifties is normal, and it’s common to find it hard to shed the pounds. However, talk to a doctor or registered dietitian if you have tried all of the above measures for three months without success in losing weight.
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