How to Create the Perfect PPC Landing Page (+ Examples)

PPC landing pages represent the latest manifestation of an age-old sales problem: how do you keep customers in their seats long enough to hear your message?

In the digital age, the key is to create effective PPC landing pages that entice customers to stay, read, and follow the path you’ve paved – the customer journey from curiosity to conversion.

What is a PPC Landing Page?

PPC stands for pay-per-click, so a PPC landing page is the page where a customer lands after clicking a link in your paid ads. It presents targeted content related to what was advertised, provides additional information, establishes credibility, and builds momentum towards the CTA.

5 Elements of a Great PPC Landing Page

While there is much to know about landing pages in general, there are five elements that should particularly be present in any great PPC landing page.

Each of these critical elements serves an important function, building upon one another to persuade the customer to take action.

1. Include Strong, Relevant Images

When your audience arrives at your PPC landing page, they should see thematic cues from the ad they clicked on. Strong and relevant images give them the confidence that they are in the right place and were not misled by clicking on a random link.

Place a hero image near the top of your landing page so that it immediately grabs attention. If possible, link the images you choose to your CTA message as well. It’s an extra layer of sophistication, but when done well, it creates a sense of cohesion. This way, it feels as though every single detail leads to the CTA and contributes to the momentum you’re building.

2. Use a Headline and Subheadline

Visitors absorb your images while interacting with the first line of your content, so your headline is crucial and should achieve the following goals:

  • The headline and hero image should be relevant to each other.
  • The words and/or numbers you use in the headline should echo the words and/or numbers in your ad, linking the ad to the landing page and starting to build trust.
  • The headline should include your top keyword if possible, and work in tandem with the subheadline and visual image to establish a flow for the upcoming content.

The subheadline has three important functions:

  • It transitions the content from the ad language to the CTA language.
  • It contains important keywords that may not fit in the headline.
  • It creates a visual journey, leading the eyes down to the next part of the content.

3. Sell it Strategically and Wholeheartedly

Your visitor may now be ready for more information. Your details should be clear and specific and truly celebrate your product or service.

Organize the valuable aspects of your product into digestible chunks that lead from one to another on the page.

Remember that no matter what you’re promoting, it’s about fulfilling customer needs or giving them a desired experience.

Let them step into the shoes of the product you’re selling, for example, by including the benefits you offer in contexts that your target personas naturally understand and live in their lives.

When you finish the informational section, write from the perspective of a completely convinced and enthusiastic expert. This will lead to the next critical element of your momentum: leveraging the customer’s point of view.

4. Provide Social Proof for External Validation

This is the part of your stage performance where you’ve delivered the main song and dance, and now you’re telling your audience, “Don’t just take my word for it! Let’s hear from these happy customers.”


Customer feedback is part of a larger strategy that helps you improve your products, reputation, and marketing strategies.

This is one of the reasons we collect written reviews, conduct surveys, and gather ratings, etc. You can use that information to provide social proof of your product’s value and your brand’s credibility.

Testimonials from previous customers are the gold standard, and while it’s easy to obtain written ones, it’s worth the time and effort to get video testimonials as well.

If you have a lot of good testimonials to choose from, just feature a few of the very best. More than that becomes overwhelming, and you can always provide a link for more testimonials if visitors want to see more.

5. Create a Single CTA and Repeat It Like a Mantra

You want your CTA to be the heartbeat of your page. Your customer needs to make just one decision, and you need to draw their attention to it.

Minimize friction wherever you can so visitors can ride the wave of momentum and have a good reason to click the CTA button.

You want your visitor to stay sharply focused on that one thing they need to do next. It’s the only request you’re making of them, even if phrased slightly differently to appeal to more than one target persona.

Many landing pages even include small CTAs near the top for those who may be already convinced and don’t want to spend a lot of time on the landing page.

PPC Landing Page Examples

I’ve tracked down some good examples that use all five elements and pointed out where they excelled.

Corpo Kinetic

This landing page is a great example of choosing one CTA and letting it be the heartbeat of the page.

What I love about it: Corpo Kinetic uses the same black button repeatedly, which stands out against the light background. It’s phrased slightly differently each time to appeal to more than one persona, but that button is the pulse of the page.

We also see the words “schedule,” “start,” “join,” and “learn” – all roads lead to the booking page, as that’s the one action they want to guide their customers toward.


The headline and subheadings take it to the next level.

MTE’s PPC landing page directs the eyes to the CTA button like reading a book from the top left to the bottom right.

What I love about it: This approach leverages how our eyes were trained in childhood when reading. Smart. What’s another smart aspect? It essentially creates two opportunities for the headline and subheading to capture more keywords without looking cluttered.

It’s hard to convey the little time and money most parents have and how refreshing it is when a landing page takes you straight to the precise information you’ve been searching for without scrolling introductions.

This landing page isn’t fancy, but it really nails the visual elements that resonate with its target audience.

What I love about it: The strong visual image upfront clearly shows what’s been identified as the best thermos ever and then the best budget thermos. Then they place a CTA button under each one to check the price and purchase it. Boom – a streamlined online shopping experience for busy parents.


Leadpages does a great job overall with this PPC landing page. The initial ad focuses on conversion and ease, offering a free trial. The subheadline of the landing page hits all three points as well, letting the visitor know they are in the right place.

What I love about it:

حب في ذلك: يستخدم العنوان كلمة مفتاحية مهمة بالنسبة لهم: توليد الرصاص. يبدأ زر CTA “جربه مجانًا” في الإعلان الأولي ويستمر في الصفحة مثل نبضة لكل زر.

يتضمنون دليلًا اجتماعيًا ولديهم صور مصممة للعين طوال الوقت. منشئ صفحة هبوط يمارس ما يبيعه – عمل جيد.

Canine Sport Sack

يعرف هؤلاء الأشخاص أن الكلاب الجميلة يمكن أن تبيع أي شيء تقريبًا. يحتوي موقع Canine Sport Sack على أصول بصرية واضحة وملونة تجذب انتباهك وتوجهك إلى فيديو معلوماتي لكيفية تحديد حجم الناقل.

ما أحب في ذلك: من الواضح أنهم يبدأونك هنا لأنهم لديهم منتجاتهم مقسمة حسب الحجم أدناه. يتغير ألوان الأزرق الرياضية الخاصة بهم مع التمرير ، وما زلت أفكر في التذكير الرائع.

Generation Genius

تعتبر هذه الصفحة الهبوط مثالًا رائعًا في العديد من الطرق ، وخاصة في كل ما تم شرحه في العنصر 3 (بيعها بشكل استراتيجي وبكل قلبك).

يقدمون صورًا ومقاطع فيديو تتيح لك الدخول في التجارب التي يقومون ببيعها قبل الطلب. يتم تنظيم الجوانب القيمة للمنتج في قطع سهلة الاستيعاب تؤدي من واحدة إلى الأخرى على الصفحة.

ما أحب في ذلك: إنهم يحتفلون حقًا بمنتجهم ويبيعونه بكل قلبهم. يقدم الدكتور جيف رأيه كخبير مقتنع ومتحمس تمامًا ، ثم ينتقل مباشرة إلى الدليل الاجتماعي. نجحوا بشكل مثالي.


تقوم صفحة الهبوط PPC هذه بعمل جيد في محاكاة الإعلان مع أفكار “احصل على تطابق” و “ابدأ” ، والتي تنتهي بالأزرار التي تكون نبض الصفحة. حتى الزر الذي لا يتطابق – “ابحث عن أسلوبك” – يردد إعلان “بناءً على أسلوبك” لتعلمك أنك في المكان الصحيح.

ما أحب في ذلك: يتطابق الصور في الشريط العلوي ليس فقط مع الخدمة ولكن أيضًا يختارون الصور التي تتناسب في اللون والنظافة مع الأسلوب والمحتوى القادمين. اختاروا أيضًا وضع كلمات رئيسية مرتبطة في أسفل الإعلان يمكن أن تجذب حركة المرور المجاورة لتصميم الديكور الداخلي لأنهم يقدمون محتوى ذي صلة مثل إلهام غرفة المعيشة.

Rocket Expansion

من الرائع حقًا كيف اختار Rocket Expansion CTA ليبدو أدبيًا أكثر من المعتاد. ما طريفة لجذب شخصية الكتاب الذي يريد موقع ويب. تبرز أزرار CTA بشكل جيد وتكرر “استفسر الآن” طوال الصفحة.

ما أحب في ذلك: يبدأون بصورة بطلية ذات صلة في فيديو خلفية ، توضح خدمة يقدمونها فعلاً. يوجد هناك دليل اجتماعي وأمثلة على عملهم لكل من الويب والجوال تبدو قوية ومغرية.


قام Klaviyo بإنشاء صفحة هبوط بسيطة وعصرية تضرب العلامات. بالطبع صفحة هبوط جيدة ، ولكنها ليست الشيء العادي – هذا هو نوعهم.

إحدى استراتيجيات Klaviyo الكبيرة هي استخدام وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي بنشاط ، وهو أمر غير معتاد جدًا في B2B. الصور بشكل هاتف يعكسون ذلك ويعملون كمؤشر لأسلوبهم ومحتواهم القادم.

ما أحب في ذلك: لقد اختاروا اثنين من CTAs ليتكرروا مثل نبضة معًا ، وهو أمر غير معتاد ، ولكنهما يؤديان إلى التسجيل.

Colored Organics

هذه صفحة هبوط PPC أكثر بساطة من العديد من الصفحات الأخرى في القائمة ، ولكن هذا جزء من جاذبيتها. هناك مجموعة كبيرة ومفاجئة نسبيًا من منتجات الأطفال مخبأة وراء أزرار التسوق الخاصة بها.

ما أحب في ذلك: بدلاً من استخدام ألوان جريئة ومقاطع فيديو لجذب انتباهك في الأعلى ، يعرف Colored Organics أن جمهورهم المستهدف سيكون مندهشًا بطفل يبتسم في مساحة نظيفة مع قميص جميل يفترض الزوار أنه عضوي وآمن وصحي.

Banana Republic

تستحق Banana Republic و White House Black Market الثناء على صفحات هبوطهما لـ PPC. إذا قمت بالنقر على إعلانات الملابس التجارية أو متاجر الملابس ، فيمكنك عادةً أن تتوقع أن تكون مكتظة بالكلمات والصور والعناصر وقائمة الإسقاط ومليون فرصة للمغادرة من حيث هبطت للتو.


I love it: Banana Republic leads to the PPC landing page shown above after the original search for a denim jacket. This is a very stylish place to land compared to companies you might expect to compete for traffic for a denim jacket.

They have drop-down lists, but they are small and unobtrusive – the eye-catching images remain the stars that entice you to scroll for more. There are clean and clear CTA buttons for sign up, login, and join.

White House Black Market

Like Banana Republic, White House Black Market takes their PPC landing pages seriously and showcases what to expect from their style and upcoming content.

The WHBM ad lands on a very captivating video that makes light and dark together the hero of the idea.

What I love about it: We hear the pulse of buttons from above that read “Shop New Arrivals” and “Shop Blouses” and “Shop Icons.” They want you to get in there and take a look, but they won’t be reckless or overdo it. They elevate it and stand out from the clutter.

Home Chef

Here’s a great example of hitting the marks while keeping it tight and concise. Home Chef focuses on meals in the ad, the subtitle, and the CTA buttons.

What I love about it: They have chosen delicious and appealing images of relevant, healthful food. Their information sections are small but present and guide you down as they should.

Volvo’s Electric Vehicle

There is fierce competition in PPC ads between Toyota, Tesla, Nissan, and Volvo currently in the search for electric vehicles. Toyota wins by selling it with all their heart and calling for a healthier planet.

However, Volvo heavily sells their designs and features on their landing page. Have you seen those wheels? They look like wind turbines – a fun idea.

What I love about it: Volvo’s landing page does a good job of focusing on their style and content towards the future. You see cleanliness, technology, and efficiency. The information sections are neatly compiled on the page. The CTA buttons read “Build Yours” to personalize it, and there is something very nice at the bottom.

They really ask visitors for their opinion on the landing page. Perhaps they get insights that help them outshine competitors simply by asking.

Litter Robot by Whisker (Kind of)

Very close, Litter Robot! This was worth being on the list. Their PPC ad led to a product page that makes sense if you already know what the product is, but it doesn’t align with PPC landing page best practices.

However, if it were linked to something like a start page instead – as illustrated above – it would score better on best practices. They could even keep the same PPC ad since it mentions that there will be no need to scoop again.

What I love about it: It’s beautiful and ticks every box: relevant and engaging images including an opening video, a headline echoing the PPC ad, and a subtitle that draws toward the CTA, selling with their whole heart, and including information sections in organized boxes leading to… social proof in the form of videos, readable content, and endorsements from big names. Clear CTA buttons for shop now – pulse repeats.

Tools for Analyzing PPC Landing Pages

Once you’ve made the effort to create a PPC landing page, you should do some analysis.

There are several tools available to see how your landing page data stacks up against competitors, test your design, find out what works and what can be improved, etc.

Here are four tools I recommend:

1. HubSpot

Pricing: Free

Additional pricing options: Starting at $20/month for CMS Hub Starter, 14-day free trial then starting at $360/month for CMS Hub Professional, 14-day free trial then $1200/month for CMS Hub Enterprise


Collaboration with Google Ads and Facebook Ads, video analytics to understand how visitors interact with video testimonials, an optimization tab offering suggestions on how to improve your search engine performance.

What I love about it: Comprehensive solutions. HubSpot offers a free content management system and a variety of tools designed for seamless integration. Analytics are available for all products and plans.

2. Google Analytics 4 for Google Ads

Pricing: Free

Features: Gathers website and app data for analysis, uses machine learning to identify and report changes and trends in your data, provides direct integration with several media platforms.

Professional tip: If you have a website hosted by a content management system (whether it’s HubSpot, WordPress, Drupal, Shopify, etc.) and it’s comfortably settled in your structure, you can simply sign up for the free Google Analytics 4 property and connect it through your content management system.

3. Semrush Advertising Research

Pricing: Pro: $129.95/month comes with a free trial, Guru: $249.95/month comes with a free trial, Business: $499.95/month, custom plans available: contact Semrush for details.

Features: Ranks keywords based on search intent to improve your accuracy, displays examples of your direct local and/or international competitors’ ads, breaks down emotional triggers used in competitors’ ad copy, shows the keywords your competitors are bidding on.

Best for: Graphic and chart lovers. Semrush excels in its ability to present information graphically/visually, allowing users to better understand and implement their analytics.

4. Ahrefs

Pricing: Note: All plans below benefit from two free months if paid annually. Lite $99/month, Standard $199/month, Advanced $399/month, Enterprise $900/month.

Features: Keyword grouping functionality across all plans, standard and higher plans include a new portfolio feature that creates a consolidated report for comparing predefined targets (domains, subfolders, or URLs), displays broken links and broken backlinks for easy identification and updating.

Professional tip: Ahrefs has a lot to offer and is best used by people who already understand analytics. It takes some time, practice, and experience to navigate, interpret, and meaningfully utilize the advanced features.

Getting Started

You’ve covered the basic information you need to get started now. Create an enticing ad linking to a PPC landing page. Create landing page content using the tips above. Choose and connect a PPC analytics tool to your landing page.

Then you can iterate on your ad and/or PPC landing page and track the results. If your changes are successful, you will see better results. If not, consider iterating to see what works best for your product or brand.



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