Blood test may predict which body organs age faster than usual, according to Stanford study.

A simple blood test can reveal which organs are aging at an accelerated rate for individuals who appear generally healthy, according to a recent study published on December 7 in the journal Nature.

Study Findings

Researchers from Stanford University School of Medicine discovered that one in five adults aged 50 and older has at least one organ aging at a “strongly accelerated” pace, increasing the risk of disease and death.

How Does the Test Work?

Using specialized proteins in a person’s blood, scientists can determine the biological age of the organs, even if the individual appears healthy at the moment. This information can predict the person’s risk of diseases related to those organs.

The Study and Results

The research team studied blood samples from 5,678 individuals, focusing on the proteins in the blood that are unique to each organ. The team then created a model using an algorithm to determine the biological age of the organs. “Scores” were assigned to specific organs, including the heart, brain, kidneys, liver, pancreas, lungs, intestines, immune system, and tissues.

When comparing the age of each of these organs for each individual to their counterparts in a large group of individuals without obvious serious diseases, it was found that 18.4% of those aged 50 and older have at least one organ that is aging significantly faster than average. These individuals were at high risk of disease in those organs over the next 15 years.

Future Applications

If we can replicate this finding in 50,000 or 100,000 individuals, it could mean that by monitoring the health of individuals’ organs who seem generally healthy, we may be able to identify organs undergoing accelerated aging in people’s bodies, potentially allowing us to treat individuals before they fall ill. This was stated by Wyss-Coray in the press release.

Additionally, identifying organ aging can aid in repurposing medications, as a drug may have a positive effect on a specific organ in the body. Therefore, we may be able to use the same drug to treat another disease affecting the same organ.


Identifying organ aging through a blood test may be an innovative way to improve healthcare and early disease diagnosis. It could also assist in determining optimal treatments and improving the prognosis and survival rates for individuals with chronic diseases. It may also enhance the effectiveness of existing treatments, including those for Alzheimer’s disease.



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