The Resistance Fighter and the Resistor: A Historical Analysis of the Concepts of Resistance and Liberation in the Arab World

Amid the complex transformations that concepts of national work and resistance have undergone in the Arab world, numerous questions arise regarding the fundamental differences between the terms “fedayee” and “muqawim.” A fedayee represents an individual who dedicates themselves to defending their homeland, embodying the concept of sacrifice through significant sacrifices. Meanwhile, resistance is an expression of refusal and steadfastness, whether through armed struggle or peaceful means. In this article, we explore the evolution of these two concepts, examining the paradoxes that have emerged between the fedayee and the muqawim, and how these transformations have impacted the Palestinian struggle and other aspects of Arab resistance against occupation. We aim to provide an analytical perspective that highlights the importance of redefining historical terms and understanding their impact on contemporary and future issues.

Definition of Fedayee and Muqawim in the Arab Context

The terms “fedayee” and “muqawim” represent one of the fundamental concepts addressed by Arabic dictionaries with precise definitions. The fedayee appears as a person who has vowed to defend their homeland, exemplified by sacrifice and diligence in the face of the occupier. Modern Arab history, particularly in the context of national movements, has utilized this term to spotlight individuals who conducted military operations against colonizers, whether in defense of land or identity. It suffices that the fighters from Palestine against British and Israeli occupation are referred to as fedayeen, which reflects their sacrifices for their cause.

On the other hand, resistance encompasses a broader meaning that transcends mere armed conflict; it also includes the determination not to surrender. Forms of resistance vary, categorized into armed and peaceful resistance. Armed resistance is primarily associated with jihad, while peaceful resistance expresses the popular forces opposing occupation through non-violent means. These concepts have been widely employed over the past century to mobilize the Arab masses against colonialism, granting them a historical and cultural dimension that reflects the richness and diversity of resistance methods.

The Historical Evolution of the Concepts of Fedayee and Muqawim

The concepts associated with fedayee and muqawim have witnessed significant evolution alongside changing political and social conditions in the Arab world. The Arab liberation movement is no longer solely linked to liberation from colonization, but has transformed into more complex perceptions following the emergence of various resistance movements. During the 1970s and 1980s, with the outbreak of the Lebanese War, the term “resistance” echoed widely, as the primary forces began to use this term to distinguish themselves from traditional movements like “Fatah.”

In this context, movements such as “Hamas” and “Islamic Jihad” emerged, acknowledging their historical roots while aiming to innovate a new framework based on the concept of resistance as a legitimate defense against occupation. After the Israeli withdrawal from southern Lebanon, “Hezbollah” emerged as an example of a movement that adopted the label of resistance to become a symbol of confrontation with Israeli occupation, transforming into a political and military force that controls the situation in Lebanon and uses this term to rally popular support.

Modern Trends and Changes in Concepts

The concept of resistance has been accompanied by radical shifts in thought and politics over the past decades. Developments in the Arab world have led to the emergence of new Islamic organizations such as “ISIS,” which exploited concepts of resistance and jihad. This exploitation has distorted the true image of resistance, making the struggle appear as a binary conflict between good and evil rather than a political struggle for freedom.

The renewal of concepts has also been evident in the Palestinian issue, where the concept of fedayee has been replaced with the term resistance. This replacement is not arbitrary; it reflects an attempt to control general concepts that express national identity. The fedayee symbolizes action and liberation, while resistance increasingly deals with reactions. The growing need to establish clear concepts has posed significant challenges to leadership structures, as the pressing question remains: which concepts accurately reflect the interests of the Palestinian cause and the aspirations of the people?


Resulting from Conceptual Transformations

The transformations that have occurred in the concepts of “freedom fighter” and “resistance fighter” have significantly impacted the overall political and social action in the Arab world. When national wars turned into religious wars, this complicated the situations further and led to a loss of direction, as the warring parties relied on religious slogans to justify their practices. The transformation of the freedom fighter into a resistance fighter certainly requires a deeper understanding of violence and counter-violence, as well as political and diplomatic means to achieve liberation.

The concern here lies in the possibility of losing the national dimension, as the absence of a clear future vision can lead to a state of chaos, with civil wars and extremism continuing to destabilize the region in general. The risks are evident in turning the act of freedom fighting from being an expression of nationalism into mere tools used by movement leaders to achieve narrow political gains. Emphasizing the necessity to reassess national identity and seek practical and realistic solutions alongside proposing new political initiatives should guide the future vision.

Searching for Solutions and Future Directions

It is essential to think about ways to rebuild national concepts so that they reflect the requirements of contemporary reality instead of empty slogans. Redefining the freedom fighter and resistance fighter also requires moving away from polarization and towards a dialogue that brings together the diverse social and political components in the region. An approach that includes engaging civil society and thinkers in shaping the conceptual map of national action may significantly help rejuvenate the national discourse and strengthen collective identity.

The solution does not lie only in intensifying military action but in developing peace strategies that can lead to achieving a state of stability. The need for political and diplomatic initiatives that leave a long-lasting impact on people’s lives has become urgent. Starting from a true understanding of the difference between the freedom fighter and the resistance fighter, we can draw lessons from the past to benefit in building a future that enhances the spirit of national identity and promotes dialogue as a means to achieve goals.

The urgent need remains to move away from combat frameworks to more secure and realistic horizons that reflect the aspirations of communities and peoples towards freedom and justice. The transition from war to peace should be the ultimate goal from which we derive, and in this way, we would have better served the issues of the people, reexamined the meaning of the freedom fighter and the resistance fighter, while simultaneously reviving the spirit of liberation and resilience.

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