October 18, 2023
Do you sleep deeply? You can follow simple commands, as recent studies indicate that sleep does not separate you from the external world as much as scientists once believed.
The Science of Sleep and the External World
Scientists considered sleep like a curtain drawn across the window between the brain and the external world: when the curtains are drawn, the brain stops interacting with external stimuli.
The Study and Results
Experiments suggest that sleep does not isolate you from the external world as much as scientists thought. Sleeping individuals can follow simple commands even when in deep sleep.
The Impact of Sleep on the Brain
The study indicates that sleep does not completely sever the connection between the brain and the external world. The brain can follow simple commands even while in deep sleep.
Conclusions of the Study
The study suggests that sleep is not a barrier completely separating you from the external world as scientists believed. Sleeping individuals can follow simple commands and interact with the external world even while in deep sleep.
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