What is Figma? Why did Adobe offer $20 billion to acquire it? And why did it not happen?


Last year, Adobe announced that it had entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Figma, the leading collaborative web design company, for a total value of $20 billion.

What is Figma?

Figma is a cloud-based design tool with collaborative features. Multiple designers can work in a single online space using Figma. These designers can also collaborate more easily with clients on the platform.

Why did Adobe want Figma?

Adobe’s core business growth had been slowing, as new design tools were diminishing market value. Therefore, Adobe had many reasons to consider its acquisition of Figma.

Adobe’s Offer for Figma

Adobe agreed to acquire Figma for $20 billion, half in cash and half in stock. It will also grant 6 million additional restricted stock units to the executive and Figma employees, which will be convertible over four years after the deal closes.

Why was the acquisition not completed?

Adobe faced regulatory hurdles in the UK and the European Union that led to the scrapping of the acquisition. Figma’s CEO announced that the two companies “no longer see a path toward regulatory approval,” which is why the deal was halted.

Why does it matter?

The acquisition of Figma raised many questions about how designers would work with Adobe, whether they would need to transition from a Figma account to an Adobe account, pricing changes, and usability. Before the rise of digital innovations, tech tools were limited to very constrained accounts, with few features for each design tool. This required designers to own multiple software tools to create, deliver, format, and collaborate with peers.

What Designers Need to Know

Figma offers an excellent experience for designers with comprehensive design features and real-time collaboration and sharing capabilities, directly from the browser. The collaborative nature of Figma makes it easy to share designs with decision-makers and receive their feedback without having to track email threads. If these two companies merge, designers can continue to use Adobe’s time-tested tools with the benefits of Figma’s cloud-based solutions.

This is a summary of the article in Arabic.

Source: https://blog.hubspot.com/website/adobe-figma-buyout


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