Neutron Stars Rotation as a Pulsar Radio Sources

Newly discovered rotating radio sources can be explained by the stability of their frequency through the rotation of a neutron star. Due to the presence of strong magnetic fields and high rotation speeds, relative velocities will form in any plasma within the surrounding magnetism, leading to radiation in a pulsar-like pattern.


Newly discovered rotating radio sources can be explained by the stability of their frequency through the rotation of a neutron star. Due to the presence of strong magnetic fields and high rotation speeds, relative velocities will form in any plasma within the surrounding magnetism, leading to radiation in a pulsar-like pattern.

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The following references have been cited in this article:

  • Hewish, A., Bell, S. J., Pilkington, J. D. H., Scott, P. F., and Collins, R. A., Nature, 217, 709 (1968).
  • Pilkington, J. D. H., Hewish, A., Bell, S. J., and Cole, T. W., Nature, 218, 126 (1968).
  • Drake, F. D., Gundermann, E. J., Jauncey, D. L., Comella, J. M., Zeissig, G. A., and Craft, jun., H. D., Science, 160, 503 (1968).
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  • Tanenbaum, B. S., Zeissig, G. A., and Drake, F. D., Science (in the press).
  • Thorne, K. S., and Ipser, J. R., Ap. J. (in the press).
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Author Information

This article was written by T. GOLD from the Radiation Physics and Space Research Center at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.

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Copyright and Permissions: GOLD, T. Rotating Neutron Stars as a Source of Pulses for Radio Sources. Nature 218, 731-732 (1968).



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