Mind leaks here once again

The article “Brain Drain Here Again” discusses the issue of brain drain in the United Kingdom. It focuses on scientists leaving the UK to work abroad, but little is known about the extent of the problem and its impact.

Brain Drain Issue

This section addresses the brain drain issue in the UK and its impact on the country. The article notes that many scientists are leaving the UK to work abroad, but there is not much information available regarding the size of the problem and its effects on the country.

Impact of Brain Drain

This section discusses the impact of brain drain on the UK. The article points out that brain drain can lead to a loss of talent and scientific knowledge in the country, negatively affecting scientific and technological development in the UK.

Solutions to the Brain Drain Problem

This section covers some potential solutions to the brain drain problem in the UK. The article suggests that a suitable work environment and good career opportunities for scientists in the UK should be provided, as well as enhancing scientific and research collaboration between universities and research institutions in the country.


The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of addressing the brain drain issue in the UK and its impact on scientific and technological development in the country. It stresses the need for action to retain scientific talent in the country and enhance the scientific and research environment in the UK.

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/319084a0

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