Our civilization is entirely distinct from everything that preceded it by relying on science. Science imposes certain demands on the social environment, and among the most important of these demands is undoubtedly the freedom of thought. Without this freedom, our scientific system cannot exist or progress: without it, representative institutions cannot be maintained. Milton saw these matters very clearly, and it was in the early days of the Royal Society that he wrote:
Our civilization is entirely distinct from everything that preceded it by relying on science. Science imposes certain demands on the social environment, and among the most important of these demands is undoubtedly the freedom of thought. Without this freedom, our scientific system cannot exist or progress: without it, representative institutions cannot be maintained. Milton saw these matters very clearly, and it was in the early days of the Royal Society that he wrote:
Article Summary
Our civilization is entirely distinct from everything that preceded it by relying on science. Science imposes certain demands on the social environment, and among the most important of these demands is undoubtedly the freedom of thought. Without this freedom, our scientific system cannot exist or progress: without it, representative institutions cannot be maintained. Milton saw these matters very clearly, and it was in the early days of the Royal Society that he wrote:
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Uwe HoßfeldLennart Olsson. (2006). Freedom of the mind got Nature banned by the Nazis. Nature. Download the full article through the following link: https://doi.org/10.1038/139941a0
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