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Eleanor Ormerod, the Economic Entomologist

Elinor Anne Ormerod is considered one of the characters that will remain in memory for a long time due to her continuous efforts in the field of practical entomology, surpassing all but Caroline Herschel and Mary Somerville in her specific research, both of whom can be suitably compared to her. There is no more appropriate time than now to recall her services to science and the entire world, as the Linnean Society (which had previously been so exclusive that the ladies who contributed papers were not even allowed to attend their reading) has now opened full membership to women. The Entomological Society was never quite so exclusive, and at one time Elinor Ormerod was one of the most regular attendees at meetings, sometimes accompanied by her sister and colleague, Georgiana Ormerod, and occasionally by a few other rare ladies.

Biography and Correspondence

Edited by Professor Robert Wallace, Professor of Agriculture and Rural Economy at the University of Edinburgh. It contains illustrations and drawings. Pages xx + 348; Plates xxx; Text illustrations 76. (London: Murray, 1904.) Price 21 shillings net.

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Cite this article: Elinor Ormerod, the Economic Entomologist. Nature 70, 219-220 (1904). https://doi.org/10.1038/070219a0

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Publication date: July 7, 1904

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/070219a0

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