The Shape of the Void

This article deals with the importance of the shape of vacuum despite its lack of material. The Casimir force that arises from quantum fluctuations in the vacuum between surfaces depends critically on their shape at the nanoscale.

The Effect of the Casimir Force

Two opposing plates attract each other in the vacuum. This astonishing phenomenon is known as the Casimir effect, named after the Dutch physicist Hendrik Casimir who discovered it in 1948. It is a quantum mechanical effect that arises because the perfect vacuum is not completely empty but is filled with countless fluctuations in the electromagnetic field, imposed by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, giving the vacuum non-zero energy. The two plates provide boundaries where some electromagnetic fluctuations can exist compared to those in the unbounded vacuum outside the plates. Therefore, the energy of the vacuum between the plates is different from that outside, leading to the “Casimir” force, which varies with the fourth power of the inverse distance between the plates and depends on their surface area, making it, in precise terms, a pressure. In a study published in Physical Review Letters, Chan et al. discovered that the exact shape of the plates also has an effect by measuring the Casimir force between a gold-coated sphere and a nanosilicon surface.


In summary, the shape of the vacuum is significant despite its lack of material. The Casimir force that arises from quantum fluctuations in the vacuum between surfaces depends critically on their shape at the nanoscale.


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Author information

Astrid Lambrecht at Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Campus Jussieu, Case 74, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France.

This article was published in Nature on August 13, 2008.

Journal number: 454

Article pages: 836-837

Citation number: 454836a

Publication date: August 13, 2008

Issue date: August 14, 2008

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