This article provides an overview of the learning opportunities available for learners in the field of science and technology at NASA. Here you will find programs and scholarships for undergraduate, graduate students, and researchers who wish to work in the field of space science and technology. These opportunities include summer internships, hands-on training, research fellowships, and special programs for early-career researchers, faculty, and senior scientists. Some of these programs are available at NASA centers, while others support students or scientists at universities. Some programs are funded by NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, but many are sponsored by other directorates within NASA or NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement or non-NASA organizations. Some programs are available for more than one group as indicated (post-doctoral, graduate, undergraduate, or high school).
High School
SEES Summer Internship Program for High School
High School Opportunities
A national competitive program in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) for high school students. The program provides selected students with the opportunity to learn about Earth and space research. Interns will learn how to interpret NASA satellite data while working with scientists and engineers in their chosen field of study.
GL4HS Program: GeneLab for High School Students
High School Opportunities
An intensive four-week training program for high school students in their junior or senior year, funded by NASA’s Ames Research Center (near Mountain View, California). GL4HS offers students the opportunity to immerse themselves in life sciences in space with a specific focus on biobased research utilizing biotechnology like gene codes and computational biology.
Blue Marble Program
University Opportunities
The BMSIS Young Scientists Program (YSP) provides opportunities for eligible students and early-career scientists to engage in fundamental research and learn effective scientific communication while developing critical thinking skills in ethics, policy, and more. Successful applicants join BMSIS as Research Associates (RAs) for the duration of the program. The program focuses on undergraduate students and those who have completed their undergraduate studies and have not yet enrolled in graduate studies.
National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program
Graduate and undergraduate opportunities
NASA initiated the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program, also known as Space Grant, in 1989. Space Grant is a national network of colleges and universities. These institutions work to expand opportunities for Americans to understand and engage in NASA projects in aviation and space by supporting and enhancing science, engineering, and research education and public outreach efforts. The national network of the Space Grant program includes over 850 branches from universities, colleges, industry, museums, science centers, and local and state government agencies. These branches belong to one of the 52 coalitions across all 50 states and the District of Columbia and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. The 52 coalitions fund scholarships and grants for students seeking careers in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology or STEM, as well as enhance curricula and develop faculty. Member colleges and universities also run pre-college educational projects and community service in their states.
NASA Internship Program
Graduate, undergraduate, and high school opportunities
Being an astronaut is not the only exciting thing about space. Interns use their creativity and innovation to work on projects that impact NASA’s mission, such as returning to the Moon by 2024. As a NASA intern, you will be part of an amazing team dedicated to space exploration. You will work with leading experts and gain valuable experience while contributing to research and mission projects.
International Summer Internship Programs at NASA
Graduate and undergraduate opportunities
Summer internship opportunities at NASA field centers for students from participating countries through a competitive process. During the internship, students work alongside other American and foreign interns under the guidance of NASA mentors.
NASA/JPL Laboratory
Postdoctoral, graduate, undergraduate, and high school opportunities
An internship opportunity at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory is a chance to do the impossible. Our programs place you at the heart of the action with the scientists and engineers who have made JPL the leading center for robotic exploration of the solar system. Our programs are as diverse as the places we explore, with opportunities in all areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics for undergraduate, graduate, postdoctoral students, and faculty.
Space Life Sciences Training Program (SLSTP)
University Opportunities
The Space Life Sciences Training Program (SLSTP) provides undergraduate students entering their third or fourth year, as well as recent graduates, the opportunity to gain professional experience in space life sciences. This intensive ten-week summer program is hosted by NASA’s Ames Research Center in the heart of Silicon Valley, California. The primary goal of the program is to train the next generation of scientists and engineers, enabling NASA to meet future research and development challenges in space life sciences. Please note: SLSTP study opportunities are available only to U.S. citizens.
Pathways Program
Graduate and undergraduate opportunities
At NASA, you have the opportunity to work and explore careers while still in school. The Pathways Program provides current students with paid work opportunities and dynamic professional experience for recent graduates at the start of their careers.
International Astronautical Congress (IAC)
Graduate Opportunities
NASA supports some graduate students each year to attend the International Astronautical Congress (IAC). Read the call for proposals for full details.
Graduate Opportunities
Through the Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST) program, the Science Mission Directorate (SMD) solicits proposals from accredited U.S. universities and other eligible institutions for research projects designed and performed by graduate students that contribute to SMD’s goals in science, technology, and exploration. Review the latest FINESST call for details by visiting and searching using the keyword “FINESST.”
New Student Research Opportunities in Space Technology at NASA
Graduate Opportunities
Through this fellowship opportunity, the NASA Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) seeks to support research conducted by graduate students who are U.S. citizens or U.S. nationals or permanent residents who have significant potential to contribute to NASA’s goal of developing new innovative space technology for the nation’s science and exploration and economic future. Review the latest call for details by visiting and searching using the keyword “Space Technology Graduate Research.”
National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program
Graduate and undergraduate opportunities
NASA established the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program, also known as Space Grant, in 1989. Space Grant is a national network of colleges and universities. These institutions work to expand opportunities for Americans to understand and participate in NASA projects in aeronautics and space by supporting and enhancing science and engineering education, research, and public outreach efforts. The national network of the Space Grant program includes over 850 branches from universities, colleges, industry, museums, science centers, and local and state government agencies. These branches belong to one of the 52 consortia across all 50 states and the District of Columbia and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. The 52 consortia fund grants and scholarships for students pursuing careers in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology, or STEM, as well as augmenting curriculum and faculty development. The member colleges and universities also conduct pre-college education projects and community service in their states.
NASA Fellowship Program
Graduate Opportunities
NASA’s training fellowship program annually provides training grants for educational institutions serving minorities using funds from NASA’s Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP). The NASA training fellowship program aims to support NASA’s goals in STEM participation and to provide learning and development opportunities at the graduate level for academic institutions.
Ongoing Opportunities
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Explore current opportunities at JPL through the website.
Job Opportunities at NASA
Explore current opportunities at NASA through the USAJOBS portal.
Presidential Management Fellowship
A premier leadership development program for graduate degree holders. The program aims to develop a cadre of potential leaders in government. It provides some support during the early years of employment and encourages the development of leadership capabilities. The PMF program establishes a lasting connection and spirit of public service, ultimately encouraging a career in government.
NASA’s STAR Program
Learn how to design space biology experiments. The Spaceflight Technologies Application and Research (STAR) program is a virtual training program in space life sciences. It targets annual Principal Investigators (PIs), early career researchers, postdoctoral researchers, and junior faculty and aims to facilitate their entry into space biology and prepare them to conduct space experiments using NASA and commercial platforms.
DEVELOP, part of NASA’s Applied Sciences program, addresses environmental issues and public policy through multidisciplinary research projects that apply NASA’s perspective on Earth observations to community issues worldwide. DEVELOP enhances capabilities in both participants and partners to prepare to tackle challenges facing our communities and future generations. With the competitive nature and increasing social role of science and technology in the global workplace today, DEVELOP aims to cultivate a skilled generation of scientists and leaders for the future.
Citizen Science at NASA
Nasa’s citizen science projects are collaborations between scientists and interested members of the public. Through these collaborations, volunteers (known as citizen scientists) have contributed to important scientific discoveries. Want to work on some real science at NASA? Check out the latest list of projects and select one that interests you.
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