Article Download Statistics
Nature Portfolio allows authors to view article download statistics on its website. Authors can access these statistics through the manuscript tracking system. Authors can view the number of downloads and the number of HTML and PDF views of their articles on a daily basis and display them on a graph that shows cumulative downloads. The raw data used to create the graph is available for download. Below is a screenshot of a sample graph.
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Primary research papers and other content in our journals are made freely available online to readers in HINARI, AGORA, and OARE member countries, significantly broadening the reach of the papers and providing timely information to people who may not otherwise access it or access it in a timely manner.
It is a scientific and developmental online network that provides news, opinions, and information about science, technology, and the developing world. It is a freely accessible site featuring many articles each week from Nature, selected by the editors of SciDev.Net.
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