Summary of the episode: How has the entertainment sector changed? | Socrates Podcast

In our current era, the entertainment sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is witnessing radical transformations that reflect the ambitious Vision 2030. In this context, the dialogue with Mr. Zaki Hosny, founder and chairman of “Bunch Park,” which plays a pivotal role in organizing events, comes into play. The discussion addresses a range of vital topics, including the challenges facing the entertainment sector and how the national vision impacts infrastructure development and the enhancement of events. Mr. Zaki touches upon his personal experience in this field, starting from his early struggles, through organizational and legislative challenges, to the successes his company has achieved. He also highlights the importance of collaboration between the public and private sectors and the necessary regulations to achieve sustainability in events. The dialogue also emphasizes how events like historical festivals and major celebrations have affected culture and heritage in the Kingdom, and how these events have contributed to enhancing national identity. Through these substantial discussions, it becomes clear that the path to achieving ambitious goals requires will and cooperation, and shows that passion and creativity are the two key elements for success in this changing field.

Challenges of Event Organizing in Saudi Arabia

Organizing events in Saudi Arabia is considered one of the most prominent challenges facing the private sector, especially amidst the major transformations the country is witnessing. Success in this field requires a deep understanding of bureaucratic procedures and a thorough familiarity with good practices in event organization. There was a lack of the necessary licenses to organize events, which required obtaining approvals from multiple government bodies, posing a significant challenge in the past. For example, organizers had to coordinate with 14 government departments to obtain the necessary licenses, which often took a long time and caused frustration.

However, over time, things began to improve, and new bodies emerged to help facilitate this process, such as the Ministry of Culture, which is concerned with developing the cultural and entertainment sector. These changes contributed to attracting more investments into the event sector, leading to the flourishing of the entertainment industry in the Kingdom. This occurred during a time when Saudi Vision 2030 aimed to enhance the Kingdom’s position as a hub for international events, resulting in an increase in the number of major events being organized in Saudi Arabia, such as cultural festivals and international exhibitions.

Success of Major Events and Their Impact on the Local Economy

Major events, such as the Jeddah Historical Festival and the Riyadh Festival, are prime examples of how organizing events can impact the local economy. These events helped attract visitors from various regions, which in turn supported domestic tourism and increased revenues for shops and restaurants. For instance, the Jeddah Historical Festival attracted over a million visitors within ten days, significantly supporting the local economy.

The ability to organize major events using only local resources while maintaining high quality standards reflects the advancement of the private sector in Saudi Arabia. Major events have shown how they can be an important source of revenue, not just through ticket sales but also through partnerships with local and international companies. Events have contributed to creating new job opportunities, positively affecting the standard of living for many individuals.

Successful Foundations for Organizing Events

Organizing successful events requires many foundations, starting from good planning to actual execution. Success in this field relies on a deep understanding of the event audience and their expectations. Organizers should conduct studies to identify the target demographic and what they expect from the event. For example, if the event targets young people, it should include entertaining elements and innovative experiences that align with their interests.


of diversity and inclusion in events

احتفاء التنوع والإدماج في الفعاليات هو عنصر أساسي يعكس التزام المنظمين بتقديم تجربة شاملة لجميع المشاركين. من خلال ضمان تمثيل مختلف الثقافات والفئات، يمكن للفعاليات أن تعكس القيم المجتمعية وتعزز الوعي بأهمية الشمولية. يجب على المنظمين العمل جاهدين لتوفير منصة تسمح لجميع الأفراد بالتعبير عن أنفسهم والمشاركة في الفعالية بشكل كامل.

إن إدماج الفئات المهمشة أو الأقل تمثيلًا يمكن أن يُثرى المحتوى المعروض في الفعاليات. يتعين على المنظمين أن يأخذوا في اعتبارهم أن توفير مساحات آمنة وتعزيز روح التعاون بين المشاركين يساهم في بناء مجتمع أكثر تماسكًا وتفاهمًا. من خلال هذه الجهود، يمكن أن تكون الفعاليات ليست مجرد أحداث عابرة، بل منصات حقيقية لتعزيز التغيير الاجتماعي والاهتمام بالمشكلات التي تواجه المجتمع.

Heritage and Culture in Festivals

Heritage and culture are fundamental elements that contribute to enhancing national identity, and this was heavily emphasized in the Jeddah Historical Festival. Through the festival, a collection of performances reflecting the city’s rich history was presented, and artists participated in showcasing folk arts representing various regions of the Kingdom. These performances provided visitors an opportunity to explore the diverse cultural heritage, strengthening the sense of belonging and pride in national identity.

The events included traditional fashion shows and popular dishes, showcasing a variety of foods that reflect the culinary diversity in the Kingdom. These activities served as a way to familiarize visitors with the depth of local culture, as many expressed their admiration for the traditions and customs displayed. Furthermore, their participation in these activities reflects their desire to learn more about Saudi culture.

Additionally, a number of families showcased models of traditional houses, allowing visitors the chance to enter these homes and learn how people lived in the past. This type of interaction enhances the idea of cultural exchange and helps bridge understanding between different cultures. Through these activities, the importance of cultural heritage as part of national identity was underscored, highlighting how it can contribute to boosting tourism and the local economy.

The Role of Government Support in Enhancing Cultural Events

Government support plays a vital role in enhancing cultural and entertainment events, as the presence of bodies like the Entertainment Authority facilitates the organization of festivals and events. By providing financial and technical support, organizers can create rich experiences for visitors. The importance of this support was discussed, along with how it helped overcome financial challenges that organizers may face, contributing to the greater success of the event.

Moreover, government support reflects the state’s vision of promoting tourism and entertainment, aligning with Vision 2030. This vision includes developing various sectors, including the entertainment sector, which has witnessed notable growth in recent years. By providing the necessary support, organizers can attract more talents and artists, enhancing the quality of events presented and making them more appealing.

In addition, there was a focus on how to deal with challenges that may arise during the event organization process and how previous experiences can be utilized to improve performance in future instances. These lessons learned are essential to ensure the delivery of high-quality events that meet audience expectations. Thus, government support is not only direct assistance but also an investment in the cultural and tourism future of the Kingdom.

The Impact of Entertainment on Saudi Society

The entertainment sector has become an integral part of the lives of Saudis, reflecting the social and cultural changes occurring in the country. Young people today tend to seek new and different experiences, driving them to engage in recreational activities. Through festivals and events, youth find a refuge to express themselves and connect with others in an enjoyable and safe environment.

The impact of the entertainment sector is not limited to entertainment alone; it extends to contributing to the improvement of individuals’ psychological and social well-being. Recreational activities help alleviate daily stresses and enhance feelings of happiness and comfort. In this context, it was noted how entertainment can serve as a means for people to connect and strengthen social bonds, contributing to building a more cohesive community.

Moreover, the entertainment sector opens new horizons for job opportunities, providing employment for many young Saudis. This shift towards supporting entertainment indicates the government’s recognition of the importance of this sector in enhancing the local economy and generating new job opportunities. In this way, entertainment has become not just a means of enjoyment, but an essential part of the social and economic development in the Kingdom.


Event and Celebration Organization

Event and celebration organization has become an essential part of enhancing cultural and social life in the community. Major events, such as concerts and festivals, play an important role in attracting visitors and boosting tourism, thereby contributing to improving the local economy. These events can have positive social impacts as they bring together different age and social groups to exchange culture and entertainment. An example of this is the concerts held in various cities, where people gather from all over the country to enjoy live performances, strengthening social bonds and creating shared memories.

Additionally, organizing events requires a substantial amount of planning and precision. It is essential that the organizational plans include clear strategies for crowd management, selection of the event venue, arranging facilities, and coordinating with relevant authorities. For instance, in large parties, there should be good organization of movement on the ground, such as designating seating areas and placing clear signs to guide the audience. This tight organization helps ensure everyone’s safety and contributes to creating a positive experience for attendees.

Moreover, there should be continuous evaluation of events after their completion. This evaluation assists in identifying strengths and weaknesses in the organization, which allows for improvements in future events. By listening to attendees’ feedback and assessing the team’s performance, it is possible to discover what can be improved in the future. For example, if some aspects did not function as expected, such as the facilities or amenities, this should be considered in planning upcoming events.

Successful Experiences in Event Organization

Successful experiences in event organization indicate that good planning can lead to excellent outcomes. The experience of organizing parties, for example, demonstrates how a team of professionals can work together to achieve clear goals. In one experience, a large concert was organized that attracted thousands of visitors. Success in the concert was reflected in the positive attendance and overall appreciation from the audience, which led to an increased demand for future events.

It is also worth noting that government support can make a significant difference in the success of events. When financial support and facilities are provided by governmental bodies, events can be organized with a high level of professionalism. For example, a large music festival was organized with the support of the Ministry of Culture, which helped attract renowned artists and increase the number of visitors. Such events enhance the country’s image as a cultural destination and attract tourists and investors.

Furthermore, innovation and creativity play a big role in organizing successful events. The use of modern technology, such as smartphone applications to facilitate the visitors’ experience, can have a positive impact. In one event, an application was used to simplify ticket booking, which sped up the entry process and provided instant information to visitors about the events and available facilities.

Challenges Facing the Entertainment Sector

Despite the success achieved by the entertainment sector, it faces several challenges. One of the most prominent challenges is the need for greater investments in infrastructure. Many events require the presence of advanced facilities, such as theaters and cultural centers, which still need further development. For instance, there is a shortage of major theaters in some cities, leading to limitations on the number of events that can be organized.

Moreover, there are challenges related to raising awareness and culture regarding the value of events. Some still believe that cultural and entertainment events are not very important, which can affect attendance rates. It is essential to increase the promotion of these events and explain their benefits to the community. For example, showcasing the economic and social benefits of events, such as job creation and enhancing tourism, can demonstrate how these events can be a value-added proposition for society.

One of the challenges is the need to face competition from other sectors. There are many events in various fields, which means there is a need for innovation and uniqueness in the offerings to ensure attracting the audience. Organizers must work on providing a unique experience that distinguishes their events from others. The use of new elements such as interactive arts or offering a multi-sensory experience can help attract more visitors and make the event more appealing.

The episode was summarized using artificial intelligence ezycontent


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