Narcissism: Its Types and Impact on Personal and Professional Relationships

Narcissism has increasingly spread in our societies to the point of becoming a phenomenon that raises concern and interest. According to recent studies, it turns out that narcissism is not just a rare trait exhibited by a few individuals; it may affect one in every twenty people. While the youth often use this term unofficially, we find it is used to describe relationships, family dynamics, and even in workplace environments. This article discusses the difference between two known types of narcissism: grandiose narcissism and vulnerable narcissism, and how each affects individual behavior and their relationships with others. We will also explore how to deal with such individuals and why it is important to examine our own behavior in light of these complex psychological dynamics. Let us delve into the world of narcissism and learn about the warning signs that may indicate this behavior in our daily lives.

The Rise of Narcissism in Society

Narcissism is considered a growing social phenomenon that has become increasingly common in our societies. Research indicates that the prevalence of individuals suffering from narcissistic personality disorder reaches one in twenty, meaning that the likelihood of knowing one of these individuals is very high. It is noteworthy that not everyone with narcissistic traits suffers from the disorder, as these traits can appear at varying levels in different cases. For instance, we can find elementary school children competing for their peers’ attention by labeling each other as narcissists. This phenomenon reflects the influence of popular culture that portrays narcissistic traits and gives them a trendy character in society.

Media and social networks contribute to reinforcing this trend, as the embodiment of narcissism increases in various entertainment programs and digital content. This is due to the fact that narcissists often seek attention and praise, leading to increased views and interactions online. This reinforces the idea of self-superiority and the individual’s right to appreciation and admiration from others, reflecting the extent of this phenomenon’s impact on younger generations.

Patterns of Narcissism: Grandiose and Vulnerable Narcissism

There are various patterns of narcissism, including grandiose narcissism characterized by pride and boasting. Individuals with this pattern are often social and skilled in self-expression. They feel they possess exceptional abilities and the power to attract attention through their bold behavior. On the other hand, there is vulnerable narcissism, which represents a more shy and sensitive aspect. These individuals may appear externally as lacking confidence but internally experience intense anxiety about how they are perceived by others.

Research shows that grandiose narcissists exhibit lower levels of self-doubt, while vulnerable narcissists strive intensely to maintain their self-image. Vulnerable narcissists are marked by feelings of agitation and anxiety concerning threats to their image, leading to reckless responses to criticism or frustration. These responses may include anger or behaving negatively in an indirect way through passive-aggressiveness, which can negatively impact personal and social relationships.

In the workplace, narcissists can have adverse consequences on group dynamics, as vulnerable narcissists may feel they are not in a social status that meets their expectations. Thus, they may respond with jealousy and vindictive behavior, leading to a tense and unhealthy work environment.

Identifying Narcissists and the Consequences of Narcissism in Relationships

Identifying narcissists is a challenge, especially when narcissistic traits are subtle or expressed in non-obvious ways. A vulnerable narcissist may initially appear as a kind and self-unconcerned person, but in reality, they seek admiration in their circle indirectly. In romantic relationships, a vulnerable narcissist may seem submissive and accepting, but they can quickly become angry and exert control in a subtle manner that lacks clarity.


Narcissists feel that they are constantly seeking approval, which makes them susceptible to deception and emotional manipulation. In situations where discussions arise or the narcissist is criticized, they may resort to control techniques such as guilt manipulation or blaming the other party, further complicating matters and increasing the complexities in the relationship. It is important for individuals dealing with a narcissistic partner to recognize that they may need to establish clear boundaries to maintain their mental and emotional health.

The lack of empathy is one of the most prominent traits associated with narcissism, resulting in difficulty understanding the feelings of others. This trait leads narcissists to interact in ways that hurt those around them, either directly or indirectly through constant criticism and acts intended to embarrass. Such behavior can lead to significant problems in personal relationships, ultimately resulting in the breakdown of therapy or the relationship.

How to deal with narcissists?

Dealing with individuals exhibiting narcissistic traits requires special strategies and effective communication skills. First, clear and precise boundaries must be set to avoid any overstepping. Learning how to say “no” and distinguish between constructive discussions and mere criticisms is an essential part of building a healthy relationship. Open and frank dialogue with narcissists is advised, while ensuring to maintain calmness during conversations to protect oneself.

It is also important to avoid escalating matters when the narcissistic person is tense or angry. People involved in relationships with narcissists are advised to stay away from arguments that may lead to conflict or confrontation. Additionally, learning about healthy emotional relationships and effective communication can have a significant impact on managing such relationships in a more positive manner.

There are additional strategies that help in dealing with narcissists, such as setting time limits for interactions with them and the necessity of creating a strong support network of friends or family to help you stay balanced and fortified against the influence of the narcissistic person. Psychologically, seeking professionals is preferable when feelings of depression or increased discomfort arise as a result of the relationship with a narcissistic person. External support can have a huge impact on enhancing self-awareness and improving personal dynamics.

Details on the Study of Empathy in the Context of Narcissism

Recent studies addressing the topic of empathy and narcissism have shown that individuals who tend toward narcissism significantly lack the ability to empathize. In one study, 88 college students who were assessed for their narcissistic traits were shown a video depicting the story of a woman named “Jenny,” who experienced emotional trauma due to the end of a romantic relationship. Interestingly, when their heart rates were measured while watching the video, it was noted that students exhibiting high levels of narcissistic traits reported lower levels of empathy toward Jenny, correlating with a decrease in heart rate compared to non-narcissists, indicating an unexpected emotional non-responsiveness. However, when asked to imagine themselves in Jenny’s situation, their heart rates accelerated, suggesting that by attempting to understand her perspective, they became empathetic on a physiological level.

These results show that narcissists possess the ability to empathize, but they choose not to use it, especially if it conflicts with their personal interests. This dynamic represents a core element that makes narcissism a complex subject for psychoanalytical analysis, as some vulnerable narcissists, who continuously strive to downplay their failures, tend to be more anxious and depressed, highlighting how narcissism affects mental health.


Narcissism: The Impact of Upbringing and Life Experiences

Researchers are questioning the reasons behind the rising levels of narcissism in society. While a genetic component to narcissism is believed to exist, research indicates that upbringing and life experiences play a greater role in shaping this personality. Increasing evidence suggests that children who are overly praised by their parents may later show signs of narcissism. For example, children who receive constant praise from their parents for being superior to their peers tend to exhibit a greater propensity towards narcissistic traits.

Studies show that children who receive inconsistent emotional nurturing, such as praise at times and criticism at others, show a greater tendency towards fragile narcissism. These findings illustrate how different parenting styles can lead to the development of narcissistic personalities that are characterized by fragility or strength. While overt narcissism tends to be more prevalent among men, covert narcissism is more common among women, highlighting the need for further research in this area.

Dealing with Narcissistic Individuals: Coping Strategies

Interacting with individuals who possess narcissistic traits can be a significant challenge. Since narcissism is a part of an individual’s personality, changing it seems difficult, though it is not impossible. Addressing personality disorders like narcissism is complex due to how personality is formed over time. Although some changes in personal traits can occur over time, the narcissistic personality tends to remain stable due to the life circumstances of the individual.

Studies indicate that some minor changes in personality can occur through engaging in behaviors aimed at promoting certain traits, such as periodically interacting with new people to increase openness. However, it is unclear whether individuals exhibiting narcissistic traits have the desire to change. For success, it is advised to promote empathy rather than attempting to reduce narcissism. Narcissistic individuals appear to possess the ability to empathize, so efforts should be directed towards increasing their motivation to utilize this ability.

Programs that reframe empathy to make it appealing to narcissists can help heighten their awareness of the importance of empathy and how it can lead to greater success in areas such as leadership and business. For example, one could demonstrate how meeting their narcissistic needs can be achieved through acts of kindness or generosity. It is crucial for these individuals to understand that their self-interest may be jeopardized through selfish behaviors. However, to achieve this, such initiatives should come from psychological professionals to ensure their effectiveness.

Identifying Covert Narcissism: Do You Suffer From It?

Covert narcissism can be distressing in itself, and individuals exhibiting traits related to it often struggle with feelings of shame or anxiety when criticized. There are questions people can ask themselves to determine whether they exhibit these traits. If you find yourself agreeing with most statements related to covert narcissism, such as feeling frustrated when others do not appreciate you or having a constant need for positive attention, or lacking a strong sense of identity, you may have traits of fragile narcissism.

Identifying these traits and recognizing their link to your behavior patterns can be an important step towards self-understanding and positive change. It is essential for individuals to thoroughly examine their behaviors and personal perceptions and acknowledge that personal improvement is an ongoing process that requires a true understanding of the root causes of their emotional reactions and handling of personal relationships.


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