The Life of Palestinian Citizens in Israel Under the Weight of Fear After the Hamas Attack

Many Palestinian citizens living in Israel are experiencing a state of fear and anticipation amid the violent reactions that followed the attack carried out by Hamas on October 7, 2023. In this article, we highlight the fundamental changes that have occurred in the lives of these citizens over the past year, and how political and security events have impacted the details of their daily lives. From the Jaffa neighborhood, where Palestinians and Israelis coexist, the negative impacts of the current crisis on social and economic relations become evident. We will examine how a diverse community that was based on coexistence has now become a stage for suspicion and fear, and how Palestinians in Israel navigate daily between their loyalty to their homeland and their existence within a community that considers them an unwelcome minority. Join us in exploring these troubling challenges and their implications.

Changes in Life for Palestinian Citizens in Israel

The living conditions of Palestinian citizens in Israel are rapidly and noticeably changing following the Hamas attacks on October 7, 2023. Palestinian families that used to live in Jaffa and coexist with Israeli Jews now find themselves under increasing social and psychological pressure. Social transformations have made relations between Palestinians and Jews characterized by suspicion and fear. The impacts are not only social but also relate to rights and individual freedoms. Many Palestinians recount their feeling of losing trust from their Jewish neighbors and the alteration in the way they are perceived. One representative of this experience is Abu Yahya, a bicycle repair shop owner, who describes how the looks from his Jewish neighbors have become suspicious following the tragic events.

However, there are certain boundaries to the relationships in which Palestinians can live, as they speak both Arabic and Hebrew and share daily life. With increasing anxiety and fear of violent reactions, some say they prefer not to talk about Gaza or even post condolences on social media. This phenomenon reflects a deep sense of isolation and confusion within the Palestinian community in Israel, where some feel they are entangled in a complex web of loyalties and affiliations.

The Historical Background of Palestinians in Israel

The history of Palestinians in Israel is complex and painful, tracing back to the establishment of the state in 1948. During that time, more than 750,000 Palestinians were displaced, and overall, the relations between Palestinians in the interior and Israelis are a thorny issue. Some Palestinians maintain their rights as citizens of the Israeli state, while many long for a return to their homeland or seek radical changes in their political status. A series of laws that differentiate between Arabs and Jews have contributed to shaping the reality they live today.

The laws that legalized discrimination, such as the “Jewish Nation-State Law”, delineate the boundaries of identity and belonging. Nevertheless, Palestinians are transitioning from a state of suspicion to active participation in society, which contributes to their empowerment to make an impact within the parliament and the community at large. However, the strong affiliations to their families and friends in Gaza still impose an additional psychological burden, as citizens face a sense of dual belonging and complex identity.

Restrictions on Freedom of Expression and Movement

The daily life of Palestinians in Israel today is characterized by significant doubts and strict restrictions. Many, like Ahmad Khalifa, a human rights lawyer, experience arrests after participating in protest demonstrations. His arrest occurred after he attacked the police during one of the demonstrations in support of Palestinian demands. The charges against him, such as “incitement to terrorism” and “affiliation with a terrorist organization,” indicate how dissenting voices are violently suppressed.

Basic freedoms such as freedom of expression are under assault, with the state treating any criticism or inaccurate speech as a justification for violence and arrest. Living under constant surveillance makes many Palestinians cautious about what they share online or even in their daily conversations. Threats and arrests reinforce a feeling of insecurity and turn communities into places where individuals cannot freely express their opinions.


The Struggle for Palestinian Society in Israel

The effects of the conflict extend beyond the individual, reaching into the social fabric of Palestinians in Israel. The widening gap between Palestinians and Jews leads to the fragmentation of communities, as separation increases between societies due to an atmosphere of doubt and exclusion. Economic eligibility in various aspects of life is no longer equal, and many feel that their efforts are hindered by political and social backgrounds.

As a result of the charged atmosphere, calls from Palestinian citizens in Israel for dignified and free living are increasing. Human rights organizations are calling for the urgent need to end discriminatory laws and provide protection for the rights of Palestinian citizens. There is an urgent need for the entire Israeli society to recognize the legal status of Palestinian citizens and acknowledge their rights as members of one community. Efforts should focus on enhancing mutual understanding and bridging the gaps between different cultures.

The Implications of the Supreme Court Ruling on Ahmad Khalifa’s Life

The life of Ahmad Khalifa, a Palestinian citizen within Israel, reflects the complex challenges faced by Palestinians in Israeli society. After the Supreme Court ruling stating that he no longer poses a threat to Israeli society, he was placed under house arrest in an apartment he rented in Haifa for six months. This decision did not solve all his problems, as he had to cope with a new reality that combined government surveillance and a lack of familial support. His wife remained with him as a guarantor, while his children in Umm al-Fahm received their education with relatives, making weekly visits a familiar occurrence.

This situation distanced Ahmad from his family but developed in him a profound sense of alienation from a state that boasts of its democracy. In his statement, he clearly articulated the idea that “the state claims democracy, but in reality, it is a Jewish democracy in which there is no place for Palestinians.” These words reflect a deep current of exclusion and discrimination faced by many Palestinians in Israel, where personal experiences, like Ahmad’s, embody a broader suffering. Events such as protests and human rights stances have shown that the demand for freedom of expression is increasingly challenged.

Restrictions on Freedom of Expression in Israeli Universities

The broader issue concerning restrictions on freedom of expression has particularly manifested in Israeli universities, where many Palestinian students and academics have faced threats and penalties. According to a report by the organization “Adalah,” which focuses on Palestinian rights, students have been expelled or punished for participating in demonstrations or posts on social media deemed “incitement to violence.” This reality helps shape an educational environment that stifles dissenting voices and deprives Palestinians of expressing their issues and grievances.

The case of lawyer Maisna Marani is a vivid example of these challenges, as she points out that the judicial system has changed significantly following the recent attacks on Israel. There is a growing sense of isolation within legal corridors, creating a state of doubt among lawyers, as there is no longer a “common language” between them and the judges. This social and judicial transformation reflects deeper tensions in Israeli society, where many Palestinian citizens feel that their criticisms may be met with indifference or leniency, further increasing their dissatisfaction and anxiety.

The Impact of the Gaza War on Palestinians within Israel

As the conflict and war in Gaza escalate, the lives of Palestinians within Israel are increasingly affected. Reports indicate a rise in arrests and sentences against Palestinians on charges of incitement. For example, there are numerous cases in which individuals have been arrested solely for their participation in social media postings. Incidents like the arrest of Rasha Harami, who was detained for her posts, clearly demonstrate the harsh impact of political events on ordinary individuals. The gap between the state and Palestinian citizens is significantly widening under the pressure of war.

It is clear that the conflict leaves complex psychological and social effects, not only on those living in Gaza or the West Bank but also on Palestinians living within Israel. Testimonies from citizens show how community members feel oppressed and fearful, sometimes even isolated from their communities. While there are individual efforts to help the injured and affected families, there is also an increasing sense of instability and anxiety.

Looking to the Future: Conflict of Belonging and Identities

Identity is a contentious issue for Palestinians within Israel. How can a society that considers itself democratic ignore or marginalize a significant portion of its population? This question lingers in the minds of many. Many public figures, such as Sami Abu Shehada, reflect this daily struggle between belonging and discrimination. The majority of those who face discrimination belong to the same community that claims responsibility and inclusiveness. In fact, the social fabric within mixed cities such as Jaffa continues to be affected by events while citizens try to coexist amid ongoing tensions.

At the Al-Jabaliya Mosque in Jaffa, Imam Bilal Dekkeh provides spiritual support to women and men confronting the impacts of war, but he avoids speaking directly about the conflict during his sermons for fear of arrest. This dynamic reflects the deep societal divide and the level of anxiety present within the community. In time when some accept this situation as part of living in a high-stress environment, others strive to achieve balance and stability in their daily lives.

Such challenges make it difficult for Palestinians within Israel to build a reassuring future. The looming question is: how can they transition from a phase of pressure to a phase of hope and advocacy for real change? Many activists, despite the imposed restrictions, continue to fight their way toward justice and freedom, driven by education, creativity, and their voices. This dynamic suggests that the issue is not only political but also concerns humanity and the basic principles of life.

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