Evaluation of Beauty Welfare under the Care of Bedouins in South Punjab, Pakistan

Animal welfare is a vital topic that is gaining increasing importance in the field of animal production, as it depends on several factors such as breeding systems and surrounding environments. The Arabian camel (Camelus dromedarius) is one of the animals that play an important social and economic role in arid and semi-arid regions. However, the issue of assessing the welfare of camels under traditional grazing systems remains underexplored. This article aims to review a new study that uses a tailored protocol to assess the welfare of working camels under nomadic grazing methods in southern Punjab, Pakistan. The study relies on a comprehensive assessment that includes 44 welfare indicators and explores the challenges and opportunities associated with the life of camels in a natural environment. Through the results, we hope to highlight possible standards for improving the welfare of these animals and enhancing their quality of life.

The Importance of Assessing Animal Welfare

Assessing animal welfare is a necessary effort to ensure healthier and happier lives for animals. To achieve this, we must consider the environmental and social factors that affect them. Animal welfare contributes to improving productivity and the quality of agricultural products, which closely relates to the ethical foundations and cultural visions of nations. This assessment also guides the design of necessary protocols to ensure a certain level of care and nutrition and to meet the needs of animals. A distinctive characteristic of the animal welfare assessment system is its multidimensionality, as it requires an analysis that goes beyond mere personal care to include environmental conditions, natural behaviors, and human-animal relationships – with camels serving as a clear example of the importance of these considerations. Camels are cultural and heritage symbols in many communities, especially in arid regions, highlighting the urgent need to understand their welfare conditions in traditional grazing systems.

Modified Protocols for Assessing Camel Welfare

A modified protocol has been specifically developed to assess camel welfare in pastoral environments. This protocol considers the comprehensiveness of various pastoral ecosystems, camel behavioral characteristics, and the relationships between herders and their herds. The assessment aspects include care methods, housing environments, and the availability of food and water. A total of 44 welfare indicators have been identified, distributed between animal-related indicators and resource and management indicators. Through this protocol, both the quality of nutrition and housing for both young and adult camels can be monitored and analyzed. In a recent study conducted in southern Punjab, four herds were classified as “excellent,” while 42 were rated as “satisfactory” and 8 as “unsatisfactory.” This reflects the diversity in living conditions and quality of care among different farms.

Data Collection Experiences and Camel Welfare Analysis in Pakistan

The study involved data collection in various areas of the Cholistan Desert, categorizing farms according to a set of criteria. This study included 54 herds of camels distributed across several regions, with a total of 1186 camels assessed. The results indicated that good nutrition and proper housing represented the greatest challenges. For instance, data showed that the average overall welfare index ranged between 55.7 and 82.2. It is important to note that, as it appears, camels in grazing systems had high welfare levels compared to those in intensive production systems, especially concerning appropriate behavior.

Challenges and Opportunities in Traditional Grazing Systems

The common perception that animals grazing freely live a natural life and should minimize welfare-related risks requires reevaluation. Considerations related to restricted nutrition, water, and harsh climatic conditions make it wise to give actual attention to these animals. Here emerges the main challenge faced by camel breeders, which is how to enhance traditional animal husbandry practices to comply with contemporary welfare standards. Therefore, herders need guidance and support within their social and economic contexts. Promoting education and training in livestock management can contribute to improving animal welfare and assist in reducing the lack of modern knowledge.


Future of Camel Welfare

The future of camel welfare requires a collective commitment from all stakeholders, including governments, universities, and civil society organizations. Cooperation among these entities can facilitate knowledge exchange and the development of effective protocols to enhance animal welfare. Local and international policies should raise awareness of the impact of animal welfare on economic and social productivity. Finding a balance between the traditional needs of caregivers and the modern standards for animal husbandry presents a challenge, but also an opportunity for sustainable development. A commitment to humane practices while ensuring sustainability can lead to a positive transformation in how we treat and relate to camels and traditional grazing systems.

Welfare Assessment at the Collective Care Level

The process of assessing welfare at the collective care level involves a comprehensive study of caregivers’ behaviors and their management practices for the herd. In this framework, direct interviews are conducted with managers or herd owners to gather data on how the animals are fed and cared for, as well as housing conditions and health services provided. In the context of the research, results showed that 66.7% of caregivers rely exclusively on grazing to feed their animals, indicating a lack of dietary diversity. Although all breeders assert that the animals receive water more than once a day, 87% of them acknowledged the absence of shaded areas for the rams, hindering their ability to rest and avoid extreme heat.

Furthermore, 38.9% of caregivers reported that rams do not have night resting places, providing additional evidence of the uncomfortable conditions they live in. Regarding healthcare, research shows that only 11.1% of breeders consult veterinarians for treating sick animals, highlighting the urgent need to enhance the level of animal healthcare. These findings indicate the necessity of improving welfare conditions by providing education and information to animal breeders about proper practices.

Welfare Assessment at the Animal Level

Welfare assessment at the animal level is an important part of the study, focusing directly on animal behavior and living conditions. This includes observing specific behaviors over a specified period, measuring criteria such as thermal comfort, available nutrition, and interaction behaviors with the environment, conspecifics, and humans. By analyzing this behavior, one can determine the psychological and physical comfort experienced by the animals.

The assessment of welfare behavior relies on a variety of indicators, including the availability of shade, food, and water, along with close observation to obtain accurate data. For example, a distinctive behavior pattern among rams shows a good level of welfare through their positive response when approached. If rams exhibit aggressive behaviors or flee, this is considered an indicator of stress or discomfort.

Additionally, the assessment includes examining the overall health condition of the rams, including signs of illness or injury. A precise evaluation method was used to determine the physical condition score by reviewing the animal’s appearance, including signs of coat condition and body condition. This data contributes to developing strategies to improve welfare in future time periods, and can also be relied upon as a starting point for developing training programs for caregivers.

Welfare Data Analysis and Classification

The analysis of welfare data involves categorizing groups of rams based on multiple welfare criteria. Data is collected and distributed into specific categories defined by a welfare classification system. These categories are divided into “Excellent,” “Satisfactory,” “Unsatisfactory,” and “Unacceptable,” based on the summarized welfare measurement results. This classification system plays a crucial role in improving the living conditions of the sheep by providing opportunities for breeders to identify areas for improvement and implement effective strategies.


Based on that, simple indicators and traffic systems are used to enhance welfare classification. The green, orange, and red lights can be determined based on general welfare indicators. This allows breeders to distinguish between their animals based on the welfare reflected by performance indicators. This type of classification can include smart signals that take into account changing conditions, effectively contributing to enhancing the overall welfare level and providing clear guidelines for improving it.

Since the classification system requires periodic adaptation with breeder feedback, it should be considered that national and international data play a crucial role in the ability to review that classification periodically. Regular updates are a part of the control mechanism and continuous review of welfare standards.

Statistical Analysis of Data

Statistical analysis relies on a comprehensive set of statistical methods to eliminate misleading information and achieve accurate results. This includes the use of descriptive statistics to present absolute distributions, percentages, medians, and maximum and minimum values. Descriptive analysis is considered fundamental to understanding how field data reflects various categories and what they mean. Chi-square tests or two-sample summaries are used to compare observed distributions with expected distributions, contributing to the evaluation of the performance of each group of sheep.

Advanced statistical tests, such as discriminant analysis, are of great importance for determining the relative significance of each principle of welfare in the classification of groups. As part of the statistical analysis, the ranking resulting from the categories can be calculated while considering the four principles of welfare (good nutrition, good housing, good health, and appropriate behavior). In this way, a deeper understanding of the factors influencing the welfare level of sheep is achieved.

The statistical analysis also includes summarizing results and trend analysis to assist decision-makers and breeders in prioritizing future programs and care, promoting sustainable improvements in welfare conditions.

Assessing Camel Welfare in Pakistan

Camel welfare is a vital topic in countries like Pakistan, where many people rely on camel husbandry in their daily lives. Results collected from 54 camel owners in Pakistan in 2023 illustrate the welfare situation through a set of indicators. For example, the data showed that 69% of camels had access to food, but only 17.5% had access to water. Access to water is a vital component of animal welfare, as it contributes to their overall health and productivity. The body condition of the animals was also assessed, with results showing that 52.4% of camels were in moderate condition, while 35.3% were in good condition. This indicates that most camels suffer from a lack of proper care or nutrition, directly affecting their welfare.

Health and Environmental Practices

The success of breeding operations is also related to the environment in which the animals live. During the assessment, it was reported that 92% of camels did not have shaded areas, exposing them to direct sunlight and heat. This represents a lack of care for the camel environment and reflects the challenges faced by breeders in providing suitable spaces. Additionally, health examinations revealed common issues such as skin disorders and injuries, with 29.8% of camels suffering from painful management practices, such as burning or poisoning. These practices are indicators of poor animal management and also reflect the growing prevalence of harsh behaviors. It is essential to emphasize the importance of health and environmental care as part of the measures to achieve better welfare for these animals.

Analysis of Camel Welfare Data

The aggregated results allowed for a comprehensive analysis of the four welfare indicators: good nutrition, good shelter, good health, and appropriate behavior. The data showed that appropriate behavior received the highest rankings, indicating that the camels were well cared for by breeders. However, measurements of nutrition and health were lower, indicating deficiencies that need to be addressed. Further analysis shows that nutritional standards varied more among the herd, suggesting that food availability heavily depends on environmental conditions and the owners’ attention. This reflects the importance of education and effective practices in camel husbandry to ensure their safety and welfare.


Monitoring of Herds

The herds of camels were classified based on welfare indicators using a special classification system. Through the use of this system, there were four herds in excellent condition, while 42 herds were in satisfactory condition, and eight herds were in unsatisfactory condition. No herds were found in the unacceptable category. These results indicate the importance of having clear and accessible criteria for breeders to assess the status of their herds. Encouraging herd owners to improve and develop is not only for their economic benefit but also to achieve better welfare for the animals. Using a traffic light system to monitor welfare can facilitate a better understanding of the general condition of the herd, thus helping officials and decision-makers to implement effective support measures.

The Importance of Awareness and Education in Camel Care

Improving the welfare conditions of camels in Pakistan requires increasing awareness and education for both breeders and local communities. Breeders mainly rely on traditional practices, which necessitates the introduction of educational programs aimed at disseminating knowledge related to best practices in camel care. Providing training and guidance to owners regarding proper nutrition, appropriate housing, and healthcare can lead to significant improvements in animal welfare. This includes strategies for managing water and food as well as improving environmental conditions. Encouraging breeders to adopt sustainable improvements can contribute to enhancing the economic and environmental value of camels in local communities.

Practices of Camel Breeding in Semi-Open Areas

Camel breeding in semi-open areas is considered a traditional practice known in some communities, especially in desert regions such as the “Cholistan” area. The report by Faraz et al. addressed how camels are managed in the presence of many trees to provide shade during hot days, but this contradicts what has been observed in some studies that showed a lack of trees or shading methods like “Sirki.” Camel breeding requires suitable conditions to protect them from natural factors, such as exposure to predation and damage caused by high temperatures. For these reasons, rest and refuge areas, such as the shelters created by the government, are essential for providing water and safety for camels. The scope of these initiatives should be expanded to benefit remote communities that need similar structures to improve camel care conditions.

Challenges in Providing Healthcare for Camels

Many nomadic communities lack the necessary veterinary infrastructure, forcing them to rely on traditional practices for treating camels. Stakeholders report that veterinarians are not available, increasing reliance on traditional medicine and self-medication. This dependence on self-treatment can negatively affect camel health. Studies in countries like Qatar and Egypt have shown that most camel breeders rely on traditional treatments rather than consulting veterinarians. It is crucial to adopt necessary strategies to build trust in modern veterinary services through scientific knowledge, and to develop education on animal healthcare, to reduce the risks associated with using non-scientifically supported traditional practices. Some factors, such as the lack of means to identify animals and the absence of a health record, can lead to greater challenges in improving camel health. Serious identification efforts for camels should be a priority to combat infectious diseases.

The Relationship Between Camel Herdsmen and Animal Health

The positive relationship between herders and their camels plays a pivotal role in the overall welfare of the animals. Research shows that herders who are able to handle their camels gently possess experience and skills that positively affect camel behavior. The camels’ response to field tests has been recorded positively, reflecting the level of thoughtful care they receive. It is also important to offer educational workshops for camel herders to enhance their knowledge of the fundamentals of handling animals, leading to improved breeding environments and overall camel behavior. Increasing awareness of animal behavior and needs may also help improve overall animal welfare levels.


Food and Water: Challenges and Needs of Camels

The issue of food and water availability for camels is a complex problem. Although there is plant diversity in areas such as the “Cholistan” desert that provides the nutritional needs of camels, during droughts or certain seasons, this availability decreases. Camels heavily rely on the existing vegetation, while many areas lack sufficient water sources, prompting herders to migrate in search of pastures and water, leading to conflicts. The problem is not just limited to the lack of water availability but also includes the potential for camels to ingest waste materials, such as plastic, which can cause health issues. Therefore, there should be greater focus on waste management and awareness of the risks associated with consuming foreign objects. Given the risks faced by herders due to the continuous absences of watering places, securing fresh water sources for camels is considered vital, especially for milking camels which require more water for milk production. Communities must also consider how to improve the availability of food resources, which are a vital part of camel husbandry.

Assessment of Camel Welfare

The welfare of camels involves a range of fundamental factors that affect their lives and quality. In traditional grazing environments, camels face multiple challenges related to nutrition, housing, and health. Our research indicates that a variety of issues require improvement, particularly in the areas of nutrition, healthcare, and housing. For example, the results showed that many camels experienced common health problems such as skin disorders and multiple injuries, but overall, the condition of most camels was good, highlighting the importance of improving their living conditions in general.

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in enhancing welfare levels. The lack of continuous access to appropriate nutrition negatively affects the health of camels. Sufficient and high-quality food resources are necessary to promote camel health and welfare. Additionally, providing fresh water and suitable climatic conditions can reduce the heat stress animals face during hot weather.

Housing also plays an important role, as the availability of shade and protection from weather factors are key variables. Studies indicate that camels, although desert animals, prefer shaded areas during hot days, necessitating the provision of resting and sleeping areas while also maintaining health conditions.

Animal Health and Its Importance in Livestock Management

The health of camels is one of the greatest challenges in livestock management, especially in typical scenarios that rely on grazing. Communities dependent on grazing often experience a lack of easy access to veterinary services, affecting the ability of camels to maintain their health. Diseases such as trypanosomiasis and pneumonia are common diseases that can lead to the loss of livestock if not treated promptly.

Traditional practices such as the use of nasal rings or thermal treatments can cause lasting pain to camels. These practices should be conducted with extreme caution, as the psychological harm and stress resulting from ongoing pain can negatively affect the overall welfare of camels. Therefore, modern animal welfare strategies should include training for breeders and awareness of the importance of proper healthcare, contributing to enhanced welfare and care levels.

To achieve this, there should be investments by governments in veterinary services and expanding the therapeutic service network in remote areas. Additionally, encouraging people to report diseases to veterinarians as soon as they appear will help improve their health and the overall health of the herd.


Appropriate Living Conditions for Camels

The results related to housing conditions show that camels lose access to shaded areas, which may increase their stress levels. The need to provide natural or artificial means to protect camels from the heat of the sun is urgent. Studies indicate that providing shaded areas can significantly improve welfare, as this helps reduce thermal stress and enhance comfort.

Sites should be designated for daily needs such as drinking, feeding, and nighttime support, ideally located at common points along grazing paths. Camels can respond positively when these facilities are available. Additionally, providing ample space for movement and rest assists in achieving the typical natural behaviors of each species.

Moreover, it is crucial to ensure that camels have a safe environment that allows for social interaction, which is considered a fundamental part of animal welfare. Behavioral isolation can lead to serious behavioral issues, thus the importance of designing spaces that enhance activity, movement, and natural behaviors must be recognized.

Behavioral Needs and Psychological Welfare of Camels

Studies have shown that meeting the behavioral needs of camels has significantly improved their quality of life. Animals given the opportunity to express their natural behaviors, such as social mixing and resting in a natural environment, exhibit a high level of psychological welfare. Research indicates that inadequate space and living conditions in harsh environments can lead to the emergence of abnormal behaviors such as behavioral repetition and aggression.

Camels in the study responded positively to interaction with companions and displayed activities such as play and relaxation, indicating the absence of psychological stress or behavioral problems. This suggests that camels thrive in environments similar to their natural habitat, which demands attention in any animal care system.

It is also important to assess the interactions of camels with their surrounding environment and provide positive experiences that enhance a comfortable atmosphere. Positive interaction between camels and caregivers is regarded as a strong indicator of welfare. Camels receiving appropriate support and care show a high level of positive responsiveness, reflecting the healthy environment in which they live.

Assessing Camel Welfare Under Pastoral Systems

Camels are important grazing animals, especially in harsh environments, where they play a central role in the lives of pastoral communities. This study represents an important step in assessing camel welfare, focusing on their health and psychological condition under pastoral management. The ability to provide a high level of welfare depends on several factors, including nutrition, water availability, shade, and shelter, which are vital for the health and performance of camels. Results indicate that camels under pastoral care enjoy better welfare levels compared to intensive systems, but several critical issues affecting their welfare have also been identified.

The main risks related to welfare include malnutrition, lack of water availability, and a shortage of natural resources such as shade and nighttime shelter. These elements are essential for the health of camels, as poor nutrition can lead to weakened overall health and increased vulnerability to diseases. Additionally, a lack of adequate nighttime shelter is a critical factor, as camels can be exposed to harsh environmental conditions at night, leading to increased stress and strain.

To address these issues, stakeholders, including the government, should work to provide necessary resources and technical support for farmers and local owners. Improvements in the quality of camel nutrition and the provision of sufficient water sources can have a significant impact on their health and welfare. It is also essential to provide appropriate schedules for shade and shelter to protect camels from harsh weather conditions. Furthermore, awareness and training programs for caregivers about the importance of improving camel welfare and how to measure and assess it are crucial.


of livestock farmers in Somalia face numerous challenges including drought, disease outbreaks, and limited access to veterinary care. These factors can severely impact animal health and productivity, leading to economic losses for households. To address these issues, it is essential to implement community-based veterinary services that empower local herders with the knowledge and skills needed to manage their herds effectively.

التوصيات لتحسين إدارة الإنتاج الحيواني في الصومال

يجب أن تتضمن استراتيجيات تحسين إدارة الإنتاج الحيواني في الصومال تطوير وتقديم برامج توعية وتدريب للمربين حول أفضل الممارسات في التربية والرعاية الصحية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، ينبغي تعزيز التعاون بين الحكومة والجهات غير الحكومية لدعم البنية التحتية الخاصة بالخدمات البيطرية، بما في ذلك توفير الأدوية والتلقيح في الوقت المناسب.[…]

من المهم أيضًا توسيع شبكة حوافز للمربين الذين يلتزمون بتحسين رفاه الحيوانات، بحيث يتم مكافأتهم على جهودهم في تحسين صحة ورعاية حيواناتهم. يمكن أن تسهم هذه الحوافز في تعزيز السلوكيات الإيجابية وتشجيع ممارسات أفضل في إدارة قطعان الماشية.

في الختام، يتطلب تحسين إدارة الإنتاج الحيواني في الصومال نهجاً شاملاً يجمع بين تطوير القدرات المحلية، وتعزيز الوصول إلى الخدمات الضرورية، وضمان الاستدامة البيئية. من خلال هذه الجهود المتكاملة، يمكن تحقيق رفاه أفضل للحيوانات ودعم المجتمعات الرعوية في مواجهة التحديات المستقبلية.

livestock breeders in Somalia face multiple challenges such as a lack of animal feed resources, widespread diseases, and a lack of education and awareness about modern production patterns. Success in managing livestock production is linked to a precise understanding of animal requirements and caring for them in a way that meets their nutritional and health needs.

In arid areas, where drought is regular, grazing is relied upon for the sustainability of livestock. Breeders need new strategies such as shifting towards breeding animals capable of adapting to harsh conditions and finding new forms of nutrition. Furthermore, the application of modern veterinary care techniques has contributed to reduced mortality rates and increased animal productivity, allowing breeders to achieve better returns.

Effective management of livestock production also contributes to improving breeders’ incomes, enhancing food security and reducing poverty within communities. For example, improving local animal breeds and enhancing healthcare can lead to increased milk and meat productivity, making these strategies pivotal for economic growth in Somalia.

The Socio-Economic Challenges of Camel Husbandry in Kenya

Camel husbandry plays a pivotal role in pastoral communities in Kenya, where these animals are considered an important food and economic resource. However, camel husbandry faces numerous socio-economic challenges that affect production improvement and income growth. Understanding these challenges is essential for developing effective sustainability strategies and improving farmers’ lives.

One of the most prominent challenges lies in the scarcity of water and fodder resources, which is further complicated by climate change. Pastoral areas in Kenya are experiencing an increasing shortage of natural resources, which contributes to reducing breeders’ ability to meet their herds’ needs. Under these conditions, breeders resort to moving in search of more fertile lands, which poses a challenge to their traditional way of life.

Another significant factor affecting camel husbandry is the lack of technical knowledge among breeders about camel breeding and proper nutrition. Many breeders rely on traditional practices, which decreases the opportunities for production improvement. Additionally, strengthening breeders’ capacity to utilize modern animal information and healthcare is necessary. Achieving this goal requires training and awareness programs aimed at improving the education and expertise levels of breeders.

Moreover, marketing camel products remains one of the major challenges. Breeders face constraints due to weak infrastructure and difficulty accessing markets. Improving logistics services, developing marketing channels, and integrating breeders into more professional marketing networks are important steps to solidify production sustainability and increase revenues.

Animal Welfare Under Different Production Conditions

The issue of animal welfare is one of the important topics in agriculture and livestock production, as it involves improving the quality of life for animals and meeting their physiological and behavioral needs. In various environments, rearing conditions can significantly impact animal welfare, necessitating the implementation of practices based on research and studies to ensure their well-being.

Studies show that living conditions, such as providing shade, clean water, and sufficient food, play a vital role in the health and productivity of animals. Research indicates that animals living in comfortable environments, where they have adequate space and appropriate healthcare, are more productive and less prone to diseases. For instance, research has demonstrated the role of shade in improving animal behavior and alleviating heat stress, reflecting on milk or meat production.

In this context, training breeders in humane rearing practices for livestock and camels is essential. They need to be aware of how to meet the nutritional and behavioral needs of animals, which will help improve the quality of life and enhance production. Policymakers and relevant breeders must consider production methods that promote animal welfare, such as free-range grazing and balanced ecological systems.


integration between healthcare and good environmental practices is essential. There should be a balance between livestock productivity and their welfare, which can contribute to improving farm productivity and increasing returns in the long term. This requires the implementation of comprehensive strategies to improve healthcare and nutrition, as well as the provision of adequate space and a healthy breeding environment.

Assessment of Camel Welfare in Traditional Grazing Systems

Assessing animal welfare requires a multidimensional approach that aligns with different care systems. In arid and semi-arid regions, where camels constitute a fundamental component of livelihood and cultural traditions, understanding the behaviors of these animals and their relationship with humans becomes paramount. The Arabian camel, or one-humped camel, is a symbol of resilience in the face of harsh environmental conditions, being used for transportation and the production of milk and meat, reflecting its economic and social status. However, little research has focused on the welfare aspects associated with different camel management practices, particularly in traditional grazing systems. This situation stems from the prevailing belief that camels living in open areas enjoy a natural life, which diminishes welfare concerns.

The traditional pastoral lifestyle is essential for the lives of many communities. Camels are allowed to graze in vast spaces, a method that closely aligns with environmental and socio-cultural dynamics. Despite the belief that these systems provide greater welfare, studies have shown that the lack of food and water resources can have negative effects on the health and behavior of camels.

New efforts aim to develop camel welfare assessment protocols to suit traditional conditions. This is evident from research conducted in southern Pakistan, where the conditions of camels were analyzed, and a new protocol was implemented to identify resource-related challenges. This requires a thorough understanding of the diverse challenges facing these animals, such as climate alerts, the presence of predators, and malnutrition.

Research on Camel Breeding Systems and Associated Challenges

One of the primary challenges facing camel breeding systems is the lack of scientific research focusing on camel welfare in traditional systems. In Pakistan, where there is a rich culture surrounding camel breeding, there is a pressing need to understand how these traditions can impact the welfare levels of the animals. Despite the economic and cultural significance of camels, few scientific studies have addressed their welfare assessment in these contexts.

The assessment process of camel welfare includes several key aspects such as health, nutrition, and behavior. A new assessment protocol has been developed to suit the specific conditions of camels under traditional grazing systems. Based on data collected from 54 herds, approximately 510 adult camels were assessed, highlighting multiple welfare aspects that require attention.

Among the findings, nutrition and water issues were among the most prominent challenges. Herdsmen face difficulties in providing sufficient amounts of food and water, negatively impacting productivity and the welfare of camels. Although camels are capable of adapting to harsh conditions, resource inadequacies can lead to an increase in health issues such as infections. Therefore, there is a necessity to develop effective intervention strategies to enhance welfare levels.

Future Strategies to Support Camel Welfare

In light of the findings from the research, future strategies should focus on improving the living conditions of camels and integrating them into sustainable agricultural systems. This requires comprehensive steps including education and guidance for breeders on good management practices. It is important to raise awareness among herders about the significance of providing adequate nutrition and healthcare for camels to enhance productivity and maintain their health.

These strategies should be based on cooperation between scientists, breeders, and policymakers. Policies that encourage sustainable development need to include considerations of animal welfare as part of the production process. This would help meet the needs of modern markets while promoting traditional practices. Furthermore, technology can be employed to enhance care systems through monitoring the condition of the animals and providing essential information to breeders concerning their behavior, health, and offspring.

Population and economic trends remain central. Policymakers must consider how the growth in demand for beauty products affects care and welfare practices. It is essential to strike a balance between meeting market needs and protecting the health and welfare of beauty. The ultimate ambition should include creating a breeding environment that enhances the quality of life for both animals and caretakers alike.

Welfare Assessment at the Care and Herd Level

The first stage of the welfare assessment takes place at the care and herd level, where face-to-face interviews are conducted with herd managers or owners. This assessment includes 16 diverse closed-ended questions related to nutrition practices, healthcare, housing conditions, and handling experiences. The goal of this stage is to gather baseline information on how animals are managed and to ensure that appropriate conditions are provided for them. For instance, caregivers are questioned about the availability of food and water, conditions such as the presence of shaded areas for them, and whether the animals receive medical care when needed. This information reflects the commitment of breeders to good animal care practices.

After the interviews, assessors observe from a distance how caregivers interact with the camels. This includes monitoring mood and techniques used in handling, such as the use of a stick if present. These observations are crucial as they reflect the actual behavior and attitudes of breeders towards their animals. Results depend on the extent of interaction between animals and humans, and can indicate how the breeder deals with behavioral issues and the daily lives of the animals. This human-animal relationship is a fundamental necessity to enhance the welfare of camels.

Welfare Assessment at the Animal Level

The animal-level welfare assessment stage is one of the most important parts of the process, focusing on 27 different indicators related to animal welfare. The indicators are carefully selected to ensure they align with the four principles of welfare: good nutrition, safety in housing, good health, and appropriate behavior. For example, the availability of food and water for the animals is tracked, and their comfort in their environment is monitored. During the assessment, animal behaviors are observed unobtrusively for three minutes, helping to accurately determine the level of comfort and welfare indicators for the animals.

Examined criteria include “good housing,” such as the presence of shaded areas, followed by an assessment of “good nutrition” through the availability of food and water. The fourth principle is linked to “appropriate behavior,” where an approach test is conducted to evaluate how camels respond to human presence. This test helps determine how well camels understand humans and whether they respond positively or negatively. Human behaviors are expected to significantly influence animal behaviors, and thus considering how to manage these interactions is a core part of the welfare assessment.

Data Analysis and Results

After collecting data from the levels of care, herd, and animal, the results are processed and documented using Excel software for data analysis. Welfare indicators are calculated through several steps, starting from gathering points and categorizing them into 8 sub-indicators following the four welfare principles. Points are initially converted from a scale of 0-2 to a scale of 0-100 before being combined into weighted aggregate indicators. This system allows for an organized and reliable assessment of the welfare status for each herd. Using this system, herds can be classified into four main categories: “Excellent,” “Satisfactory,” “Unsatisfactory,” and “Unacceptable.”

Statistical analysis results from the data show that most caregivers rely on grazing as the primary source of nutrition for the camels, but a significant proportion of them expressed concern about the lack of shade for the animals, which indicates issues with living conditions. A range of common health issues, including skin disorders, was also identified, necessitating better medical care. These analyses aim to provide data related to the welfare of animals and to identify areas needing improvement, thus supporting efforts to enhance welfare levels in the future.


Beauty for Behavioral Testing

In the context of welfare testing, most camels responded positively, with the results of a test on 510 camels indicating that 53.3% of them exhibited positive reactions before the test, while only 29.6% showed neutral responses. This indicates a good level of positive interaction between camels and the care provided to them. Moreover, another study showed that only 17.1% of camels exhibited negative interactions, indicating that the general conditions were highly suitable. These results demonstrate that the level of welfare in camels is essential for understanding the dynamics of their care and improving their environmental conditions.

According to welfare category statistics, camel care can be classified into four principles: good nutrition, good housing, good health, and appropriate behavior. The services provided for these four aspects represent important indicators of the level of welfare, as the results show that there was a significant variation in response to each of these categories. For instance, a focus on appropriate behavior had a greater positive impact if the camels were well cared for by caretakers, indicating the importance of effective communication between the animals and their keepers.

Camel Welfare Indicators and Classification System

In analyzing partial and overall welfare indicators, studies showed remarkable success in classifying camel herds into specific categories based on welfare indicators. The herd was divided into four categories: Excellent, Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory, and Unacceptable. This classification helps clearly identify the necessary improvements in camel care. For example, there were 42 herds within the satisfactory category, while 8 herds were classified as unsatisfactory, highlighting the importance of periodically assessing the conditions these animals live in.

A traffic light system was also used to classify the groups. Those classified with a green signal received the best welfare scores (above 70.6), while red signal groups needed significant improvements. This system facilitates further enhancement and development, allowing camel keepers to focus on improving standard elements that affect the overall safety and well-being of their camels.

Moreover, discriminant analysis showed that the most influential indicator in herd classification was good nutrition. This result emphasizes the importance of providing a balanced diet for camels and the necessity of monitoring their feed and water needs, contributing to overall health and behavior improvement.

Environmental Challenges and Their Impact on Camel Welfare

Camels living in the desert, especially in areas like the “Cholistan” desert in Pakistan, face significant environmental challenges. Welfare conditions depend on several factors, including the availability of grazing land and water resources. Water resources are a crucial element in meeting camels’ needs, but negative impacts from climate change and agricultural activities exert significant pressure on natural resources. For example, grazing areas have shrunk due to increased mechanized farming, hindering herders’ ability to provide appropriate food for their camels.

As a result, it is important for communities to develop sustainable strategies to preserve their environment and address these challenges. Consideration should be given to the use of modern technologies, such as creating specialized water reservoirs and controlling forage development, to enhance the nutritional welfare of these camels and their environmental sustainability.

Globally, these challenges reflect the need to promote policies that support camel breeding in a way that meets international welfare standards, which also contribute to improving the quality of life for herders and ensuring food security. Additionally, there is an urgent need for further research and knowledge sharing between countries to ensure the improvement of camel welfare levels worldwide.


Improving the Welfare of Camels through Local Practices

There is an urgent need to develop sustainable working strategies to improve the welfare of camels under traditional grazing conditions. By providing education and training to herders, a number of issues that their animals face can be addressed. Investment in education and training is vital to ensuring that herders possess the knowledge necessary to care for the animals effectively, leading to improved health.

Maintaining the basic needs of camels, such as providing shaded or cooled areas, as well as nighttime resting zones to reduce stress, are prioritized in comprehensive welfare programs. Trade gardens and children’s gardens are examples of successful efforts to support this goal, where good care contributes to the psychological and emotional stability of camels.

Based on the results obtained, it is essential to create additional infrastructures such as water stations, designated grazing lands, and resting areas specifically designed for animals. If facilities are available, herders can ensure that their camels are not subjected to further stress or discomfort. Such strategies will also help improve productivity rates, as increased comfort levels lead to better reproduction and growth rates.

In summary, proper nutrition, good care, and a correct understanding of camel needs should be at the core of environmental programs and policies to ensure the desired welfare levels are achieved, thus positively impacting the food-giving communities. Focusing on the welfare of camels will improve the economic situation of herders in the community, contributing to sustainable and inclusive development.

Traditional Care Methods and Their Challenges in Camel Care

Traditional camel care is an integral part of the life of nomadic communities that rely on camel breeding as a fundamental part of their income and livelihood. However, the reliance on untrained veterinarians raises many concerns about the health of camels. In remote areas, herders often avoid seeking formal veterinary support due to a lack of trust in the expertise of veterinarians or the unavailability of health services. This situation drives herders to use traditional remedies and medications, leading to the spread of health difficulties.
Communities that depend on camel breeding undergo multiple stages of transition from traditional practices to the use of modern veterinary medicine. In studies in Qatar and Egypt, it was observed that camel breeders tend to treat the animals themselves, reflecting a low level of trust in the veterinary services provided. Moreover, nomadic communities tend to use ethnic veterinary medicine as one of the main treatment strategies, indicating the need for comprehensive study to understand these practices and how to improve them without negatively impacting the welfare of camels.
Reforms to facilitate access to modern veterinary services are vital, as these services can contribute to improving the health status of camels and increasing their productivity. Therefore, incorporating training programs for herders on how to use modern veterinary services will have positive long-term outcomes.

Healthcare Issues for Camels and Disease Prevention

Healthcare issues and disease infections are major challenges facing camel breeding in nomadic communities. Due to the absence of an adequate information system to identify and address animal conditions, the ability to control disease spread is very limited. This highlights the urgent need to establish a system for tracking and monitoring the movement of camels between different areas. For example, many camels are transported across countries, leading to the transmission of diseases between groups.
In countries where camel identification is not mandatory, the chances of eradicating diseases and avoiding outbreaks are extremely weak. Hence, it is crucial to establish campaigns aimed at educating herders on the importance of identification, in order to improve camel welfare and protect human health as well.
Reports from regions such as Kenya show that reliance on traditional disease prevention and treatment often leads to high disease rates among camel herds. Therefore, partnership among various stakeholders, including governments and civil society organizations, is essential to develop effective strategies to address these issues. Additionally, community awareness about the importance of adopting modern healthcare and veterinary methods that improve camel welfare should be enhanced.


The Importance of Good Nutrition and Its Impact on Camel Welfare

Good nutrition is considered one of the essential elements to ensure the welfare of camels. However, many problems arise in the availability of feed and water, negatively affecting the physical condition of the camels. Field diagnostics have shown that camels in some areas suffer from severe water shortages, which contradicts the statements of herders that they provide water regularly.
In harsh desert environments such as the “Cholistan” Desert in Pakistan, camels primarily rely on limited feed sources, making it necessary to provide nutritional alternatives during drought periods. The poor water infrastructure, such as the absence of irrigation sites, complicates the situation, forcing herders to move to agricultural areas in search of water, which in some cases leads to conflicts over resources.
It is important to organize educational workshops to raise awareness about food preservation and storage and to explore nutritional alternatives to improve the living conditions of camels. These long-term challenges are essential to embody the will to attempt to enhance the lives of camels by strengthening their ability to achieve a proper nutritional balance.

Environmental Methods and Climate Impact on Herders’ Shelter Structures

The environmental welfare of camels depends on providing suitable spaces, including adequate shade to protect them from the heat of the sun. Recent studies have shown that a lack of necessary shade and shelter during hot months is a significant barrier; therefore, providing appropriate shelter sites is crucial to ensure good camel behavior and welfare. Despite the common belief that camels can live without shelter, they tend to prefer better shade in any climatic conditions.
High temperatures often lead to a decrease in animal welfare, necessitating the need for places that should be well-prepared to protect camels from harsh conditions. Providing suitable places helps reduce the thermal stress that camels may be exposed to.
It is essential for governments and local communities to collaborate to develop constructive strategies aimed at improving the architectural level of the houses used for camel care. These strategies should include sustainable environmental practices to protect camel welfare and enhance awareness about their environmental needs.

Overall Assessment of Camel Care Under Pastoralist Systems

Camels are essential animals in the lives of traditional communities, playing a significant role in meeting these communities’ needs for food and transportation. The importance of the quality of life and care directed at these animals is highlighted, as researchers have shown through field studies that grazing camels are managed in completely different ways from those in intensive production systems. In this study conducted in Pakistan, the overall welfare of camels was assessed and the impact of management methods was studied.

The results show that managing grazing camels achieves higher care levels compared to intensive production systems. An assessment was made using indicators such as the Overall Welfare Index (PAIs) and the Total Welfare Index (TWI), where most camel herds exhibited a good welfare status, but some concerns related to health and nutrition were noted. For example, good nutrition was found to be a significant factor influencing the overall welfare rating of camels, indicating a need for more efficient and reliable intermediate food resources.

Factors Affecting the Health and Welfare of Camels

Good health in camels is one of the essential elements for achieving a high level of welfare. During the study, some common diseases such as dermatitis and other infections were observed, but they did not significantly impact the overall score, as the majority of camels were in good health. This suggests that the healthcare provided by herders was adequate to mostly meet the health needs of camels. However, some cases of diseases that may have zoonotic effects were found – meaning they can transmit to humans, requiring an enhancement of understanding and training on how to address these issues.


the traditional practices in treating camels can lead to long-term pain. Therefore, it is essential to educate herders on more humane and effective methods of managing camel health, which includes the availability of appropriate veterinary services along grazing routes.

Behavioral Needs and Interaction of Camels with Their Environment

Traditional grazing methods provide camels with the opportunity to express their natural behaviors, which is evident in the reduced occurrence of stereotypical behaviors and aggression among animals. Unlike camels kept in unsuitable conditions, the studied camels here have adapted well to their environment. Behavioral observations indicate positive social interactions among camels, such as mothers caring for their young and play among juveniles. These social dynamics provide a clear picture of how the surrounding environment influences camel behavior and mental well-being. In intensive systems, on the other hand, behavioral problems increase due to inadequate care and limited confinement environments.

This underscores the importance of providing a suitable environment for camels that allows them to move freely and socialize. Furthermore, research indicates that camels living in environments closer to their natural habitat are less prone to behavioral disturbances, which enhances their ability to live peacefully and reduces the occurrence of behavioral problems associated with captivity. This highlights the need to rethink camel care and housing methods in modern systems.

Issues and Challenges in Pastoral Grazing Systems

Despite the success of the grazing system in providing an adequate level of care for camels, there are numerous challenges that must be addressed. Among the main issues identified are poor nutrition, lack of sufficient water, absence of suitable shade, and limited veterinary care. These are considered critical risks that relate to the welfare of camels and how they are managed.

To improve the current situation, government and community teams must intervene to address these issues. For example, new water wells can be created and shaded areas can be provided for protection against climatic conditions. In many regions, there may be a lack of veterinary transport, making it difficult for breeders to access camel health services. It is essential to provide mobile veterinary services to farmers in remote areas to ensure proper health care.

Additionally, awareness-building initiatives and improving traditional practices are part of the solution, as procedures can be implemented to teach breeders how to handle camels and take proper care of them in line with modern techniques.

Opportunities for Improving Camel Care in the Future

This study provides important starting points for establishing standards on how to handle camels in traditional grazing systems. Future research should focus on improving the quality of life for camels, enhancing veterinary care, and addressing challenges related to diseases. This, together with the importance of collaboration between the government, breeders, and the community, is essential for achieving sustainable improvements. Efforts made for strategic development should include intellectual improvements regarding how access to water, food, and health care impacts camel welfare, ensuring good living conditions for them.

It is crucial to have ongoing research to assess the impacts of new changes on camel care. Safety and continuous improvement are essential to protect these livestock from diseases and challenges related to their living conditions. With such efforts, we can contribute to the welfare of camels and thus improve the living standards of farmers who have relied on these animals for a long time.

Foundations of Animal Welfare in Managing Nomadic Grazing

Camels are among the most important animals relied upon by nomads in their daily lives, playing a central role in the ecological and economic system of nomadic communities. Caring for camels under the nomadic grazing system requires a deep understanding of the health and nutritional challenges these animals face. Herders encounter several issues related to animal welfare, including establishing a balanced diet that ensures the provision of essential nutrients necessary for camel health. The traditional feeding system in some areas heavily depends on available natural grazing feeds, which can affect the health of the animal if not properly monitored. For instance, deficiencies in nutrients such as protein and vitamins can lead to severe health problems like malnutrition, which may result in decreased productivity or even death in severe cases.


Camel husbandry in harsh environments presents a double challenge, as climatic conditions impact the welfare of the animals. Environmental factors such as extreme heat and lack of humidity make it essential to take preventive measures to help camels adapt to these conditions. Providing shade and clean water are fundamental aspects of proper care, and camel owners should conduct regular rounds to monitor the health of their animals. Intense ultraviolet rays may lead to skin issues, so implementing an appropriate care routine is important. In other cases, behavioral problems arising from environmental stress, such as obesity or depression, may emerge.

Comprehensive camel care resembles the principles of animal welfare aimed at enhancing the quality of life of animals. Providing veterinary healthcare is considered a fundamental practice in achieving this. Early detection of diseases and providing appropriate treatment can save the animal’s life. Herders should collaborate with veterinarians periodically to ensure camels’ safety. It is noteworthy that attending to the social and emotional needs of camels may lead to the development of more stable behaviors and better mental health.

Based on these concepts, it is advisable to develop innovative strategies that can enhance camel care under the nomadic pastoral system. Leveraging past global experiences in animal care and healthcare contributes to improving the productivity and genetic diversity of camels. By raising awareness of animal welfare issues, nomadic communities can help identify the best practices needed for care and management, ultimately leading to enhanced welfare for these animals and strengthened local economies.

Impact of Government Policies on Camel Care

Government policies play a crucial role in directing efforts to improve the health and welfare of camels, especially in pastoral communities. These policies are essential for providing financial and educational support to breeders, thereby enhancing animal care standards. For example, such policies may include training programs for breeders on best practices in camel husbandry, including nutrition and healthcare. Such measures aim to reduce treatment costs and diseases by enhancing knowledge and skills. Good policies also include providing support resources such as mobile veterinary clinics, which may be vital in remote areas.

Moreover, government policies can contribute to establishing an information system that allows farmers to access data on best care and production practices. This helps in making informed decisions regarding the management of their herds. These policies may extend to establishing legal standards for animal welfare, preventing cruel treatment, and providing improved care methods. This requires coordination among various government agencies, farmers, and the local community to ensure the successful implementation of these policies.

By focusing on camel care within government policies, notable economic benefits can be achieved. Camels are not merely an economic resource but also part of the cultural heritage that enhances livelihoods in desert communities. Improvement policies in care can contribute to increased production of milk and meat, boosting household incomes and enhancing the economic stability of communities. This approach enables farmers to adapt to changing economic and market challenges, leading to the creation of more resilient environments for farmers and herders.

Ensuring improved care also necessitates collaboration with non-governmental and academic organizations working in the field of animal welfare. These entities can contribute to providing educational and technical support, helping to implement innovations in camel healthcare. By expanding partnerships, decision-makers can build a network of collaborators who can exchange knowledge and experiences, thus promoting the concepts related to camel welfare more comprehensively.


Scientific Research in Improving Camel Care

Scientific research provides a deep understanding of the challenges associated with camel breeding and how to improve their welfare. Science is considered a vital tool for developing better animal care practices, providing the necessary evidence on which policies and decisions are based. Research addressing various aspects such as nutrition, health, behavior, and environment helps to enhance care strategies. For instance, scientific studies offer an in-depth view of camel responses to environmental or dietary changes, assisting in improving feeding schedules and the quality of fodder.

Research on camel behavior can also impact management methods. Understanding how camels interact with their environment and gaining insights into their emotions and needs can contribute to improving handling methods, leading to increased efficiency and more stable behaviors. These insights open the door to applying informed breeding practices, such as organizing spaces for milking or breeding strategies that align with the natural behavior of camels.

Field research also provides valuable insights into monitoring herd health. By analyzing data on mortality, disease, and productivity, patterns can be identified and proactive programs developed to improve animal care. These aspects reflect the importance of relying on research conducted on the ground, such as studies carried out in nomadic communities. This research contributes to understanding the socio-economic dynamics impacting the lives of nomads and camel breeding.

The scientific process also requires employing new technologies such as data science and analytics, enabling the prediction of future trends in camel breeding and improvement. The use of big data can facilitate evidence-based decision-making. In parallel, universities and research institutes provide valuable resources for herders, enabling them to apply scientific findings to daily practice. Understanding the dynamic relationship between scientific research and camel care contributes to developing sustainable methods and raising awareness of the importance of animal welfare.

Camel Production in Different Environmental Areas

Animal production is considered one of the most important components of agriculture, and camels play a fundamental role in this system, especially in arid areas. Research on camel production in Pakistan, which analyzes production in three different environmental areas, shows that grazing conditions, water availability, and camel feed play a crucial role in determining the success of production. Breeders in these areas rely on traditional knowledge acquired over generations, as daily movements and grazing paths significantly influence the quality and safety of available feed. These studies provide a close assessment of how camel productivity can be improved while preserving the environment and achieving sustainability.

Health Care Practices for Camels

The health of camels is a fundamental element of traditional agriculture, and studies related to camel health care have been addressed by caregivers in permanent markets. By monitoring care practices and providing traditional treatments, it has been identified that knowledge related to common diseases and appropriate treatments varies greatly among breeders. This includes the widespread use of herbs and veterinary treatments which have been documented in many countries. For example, pastoral communities in the Western Desert rely on local herbs to treat diseases and protect camels from environment-related ailments, reflecting the importance of a deep understanding of local biodiversity and traditional medicinal resources.

Camel Welfare in Markets

Camel welfare is an important social and environmental issue, especially in urban contexts such as markets. Studies have shown that the handling and daily management of camels in these environments have a significant impact on the behavior and welfare of the animals. This includes providing shaded areas and managing available spaces to ensure camels can express their natural behaviors. Research provides evidence that camels need shade to avoid stress resulting from heat, and managing their movement behaviors plays a role in improving the quality of life for these animals. Implementing good management practices also enhances productivity and reduces stress levels.


Production and Modern Management

The environmental changes and modern market trends challenge traditional camel production. Case studies from various countries, such as Kenya and Egypt, highlight how economic and social signals impact traditional production models. Factors such as access to water, healthcare levels, and livestock markets are all considered major challenges. Communities need to adopt innovative methods for managing environmental resources to ensure the sustainability of camel production in the future, amid climate change and economic instability. This requires flexible strategies that allow breeders to adapt to evolving conditions.

The Need for Ongoing Research and Assessment

The need for ongoing research and assessment of the social and environmental factors associated with camel production is crucial. This research provides a knowledge climate that enables breeders to make more informed decisions regarding the management of their herds. Additionally, it contributes to raising public awareness about the importance of camels as a core component of agricultural ecosystems. Similarly, continuous discussions between researchers and breeders illustrate the importance of sharing knowledge and the experiences of herders in enhancing production quality and care practices, ultimately leading to improved health and welfare of camels overall.

Source link: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/veterinary-science/articles/10.3389/fvets.2024.1442628/full

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