A Rare Case of Stiff-Person Syndrome with Multiple Sclerosis-like Features in an Adolescent

The Stüve–Wiedemann syndrome is considered a rare disorder that requires early diagnosis due to the high rate of neonatal mortality associated with it and the potential for autonomic nervous system dysfunction in children. This article discusses a unique case of a patient with a delayed form of this syndrome, where classical symptoms associated with it did not manifest until adolescence, contrary to what is common in most cases. Instead of severe neonatal complications, the condition presented with mild symptoms such as finger contractures and ulnar deviation of the wrist, leading to a delay in diagnosis until adolescence. In addition to reviewing clinical and radiological findings, the article will discuss genetic analyses that helped in understanding this diversity in Stüve–Wiedemann syndrome, contributing to improved strategies for early detection and medical-genetic counseling.

Introduction to Stüve–Wiedemann Syndrome

Stüve–Wiedemann syndrome (SWS) is an extremely rare disorder that occurs in an autosomal recessive manner and affects the skeletal system. The first cases of this syndrome were identified in 1971, where deaths of two siblings were documented shortly after birth. SWS includes effects on bone development; however, it may also involve dysfunction in autonomic neurological functions. Historical reports indicate that the syndrome was considered lethal in the newborn period or during the first two years of life, but numerous cases have been observed in older age groups over the years. Early diagnosis of this disorder is crucial due to the likelihood of serious complications, necessitating the implementation of precise and rapid medical examinations to detect clinical indicators during prenatal ultrasound examinations.

Clinical Case: A Patient with an Incomplete and Delayed Form of the Syndrome

A case of a 15-year-old male was studied, who experienced phenomena related to Stüve–Wiedemann syndrome, diagnosed at a late stage. At birth, the patient exhibited mild signs such as joint deformities and facial feature defects, yet he did not have the typical symptoms of the disease. As he grew older, he began to show gait abnormalities and postural issues, prompting further medical testing. X-rays revealed bone constriction, while genetic testing confirmed new mutations in the LIFR gene, which contributed to our understanding of the variability of the syndrome’s symptoms.

Clinical Symptoms and Examinations

Clinical symptoms included gait issues, deformities in the finger bones, weakness in the back muscles, and spinal curvature. According to the medical record, birth weight and height were normal; however, there was slight delay in motor development. Parents also noticed some difficulties in feeding and breathing, leading to weight loss. A variety of medical examinations were utilized, including bone imaging, electromyography, and detailed genetic tests to clarify the diagnosis. Notably, the patient exhibited atypical reactions of the autonomic nervous system, as he experienced rapid elevation in body temperature.

Genetic Changes and Causative Factors

Genetic analyses revealed new mutations in the LIFR gene, which provided a potential explanation for the mild symptoms displayed by the patient. The LIFR gene refers to receptors associated with certain cytokines and plays a key role in bone development and tissue formation. To date, 35 known pathogenic mutations in the LIFR gene have been reported, and the newly identified changes may shed new light on the complex understanding of the syndrome and enable better medical and genetic consultations for patients.

Challenges and Future Prospects

This described case highlights the importance of verifying the diagnosis of Stüve–Wiedemann syndrome, especially in non-traditional cases where known symptoms may not appear. Despite advancements in the genetic and medical understanding of this syndrome, challenges remain in determining relationships between genetic patterns and clinical manifestations. The need for further studies to comprehend the robust variety in SWS symptoms and the necessary management treatment methods is still present. It is also essential to enhance collaboration between physicians and researchers to ensure that no potential cases are overlooked in the future, thus improving the benefits of early treatment and intervention.



The conclusion represents a pivotal point that reflects the variance in symptoms of Stüve–Wiedemann syndrome, making it crucial to raise awareness about this disorder. A better understanding of the symptoms, diagnostic criteria, and genetic factors is part of future studies aimed at developing early analysis strategies, which in turn can help provide better care for patients. Ongoing research will continue to highlight the vital elements related to the syndrome’s diagnosis and broaden the horizon for understanding issues related to biological diversity in human health.

The Medical Context of Examining a Patient with Structural Defects

When studying medical cases related to bones and the skeletal system, one patient presented unusual features related to structural deformities. A neurological examination showed normal strength and muscle tone, but there was noted weakness in reflexes of the upper limbs, with normal tendon reflexes in the lower limbs. This information suggests that the challenges faced by the patient may be related to structural or genetic causes rather than arising from problems in the nervous system. It is essential to use electromyography, either surface or needle, for an accurate understanding of the condition.

Upon evaluating the X-rays, abnormal general arrangements of skeletal structures were revealed, showing dense areas and softer ones, particularly around the bones near the joints. The prominent feature was the presence of vertical striations in regions close to the joints, indicating a specific dysregulation in the developmental pattern. Radiographic studies exhibited unique changes, including asymmetric growth in what are termed “Erlenmeyer flasks,” a shape indicating specific medical conditions. Other deformities, such as osteochondrodysplasia, were diagnosed, leading to subtle structural changes in the patient’s skeleton.

Genetic Influences and Hereditary Factors

Clinical exome sequencing revealed mutations in the LIFR gene, indicating direct associations between genetic factors and the patient’s structural defects. Two mutations were identified, one known and another novel, suggesting complex hereditary influences. These mutations result in specific outcomes in the proteins produced in the body, reflecting how genetic changes can impact structural growth.

The previous mutation, c.2074C>T, caused a disruptive genetic substitution, indicating that this type of mutation can contribute to the development of structural deformities. Meanwhile, the novel mutation, c.3252del, led to a frameshift in the gene, meaning that a precise understanding of them could provide new insights into the condition. This demonstrates that genetic diversity can lead to individual patterns of skeletal asymmetry, allowing for complex interactions between genes and the environment that may accelerate the onset of symptoms.

Thus, studying this patient’s case illustrates how multiple factors, including genetics and genetic mutations, can interact to lead to unusual medical manifestations. Through a deep understanding of genetic factors, treatment methods or medical approaches can be improved, enhancing physicians’ ability to provide effective counseling and treatment.

Clinical Experience and Therapeutic Challenges

Based on the clinical features observed, it was clear that the patient’s condition was not entirely typical. Some symptoms, such as correspondence to congenital deformities, were present, but did not qualify as a severe disease until later in the teenage years. This point is intriguing as it shows how clinical signs can overlap with other symptoms, potentially leading to inaccurate diagnoses.

Cases of structural deformity require different treatment, as the approach depends on the type and degree of deformity, and the impact of symptoms on the patient’s daily life. In some cases, deformities may require early surgical intervention to address abnormal growth changes. In the case of this patient, surgical interventions were necessary at later stages, and the condition was monitored regularly.

with Stuve-Wiedemann Syndrome: Management and Support

Managing Stuve-Wiedemann Syndrome (SWS) requires a multidisciplinary approach to address the various complications that may arise. Treatment plans are often tailored to the specific needs of each patient, with a focus on improving quality of life and minimizing symptoms. This may involve physical therapy to enhance mobility, orthopedic interventions to correct skeletal abnormalities, and regular monitoring of growth and development.

In addition, psychological support is crucial for both patients and their families, as the challenges associated with SWS can have significant emotional impacts. Educational resources and support groups can provide valuable information and connections for families facing similar circumstances. Collaboration among healthcare professionals, including geneticists, orthopedic surgeons, physiotherapists, and psychologists, is essential to provide comprehensive care and support for individuals with SWS.

Research and Future Directions

Ongoing research into Stuve-Wiedemann Syndrome aims to deepen understanding of its genetic underpinnings and biological mechanisms. Identifying new genetic mutations associated with SWS may lead to improved diagnostic techniques and targeted therapies. Additionally, advancements in gene therapy hold promise for potentially correcting the underlying genetic defects in the future.

Future studies may also focus on developing standardized care protocols to ensure that individuals with SWS receive consistent and effective treatment across different healthcare settings. As knowledge about this rare syndrome expands, it is essential to continue raising awareness among healthcare providers and the public to facilitate early diagnosis and intervention.

Treatment for Stuve-Wiedemann Syndrome

Integrated care and specialization in dealing with patients with Stuve-Wiedemann syndrome play a vital role in managing symptoms and alleviating the impact of the disease. Treatment focuses on addressing growth and bone issues and should be multidisciplinary, involving orthopedic doctors, neurologists, and rehabilitation specialists. One of the main goals in managing cases is to improve the quality of life for patients by providing medications to relieve pain, managing mobility issues, and physical therapy aimed at improving movement and strengthening muscles. Orthopedic surgeons may also be part of the medical team to correct any indicated structural deformities.

Future Aspirations for Stuve-Wiedemann Syndrome Research

Although current studies have significantly contributed to our understanding of the syndrome and its genetic relationship, there are still many questions that need exploration. Future research should focus on understanding the genetic and environmental factors that may play a role in the disease’s emergence. The development of new treatment strategies should also be considered, especially in cases where recent genetic changes have been identified. By increasing awareness of the disease among doctors and the medical community, better diagnosis and appropriate care for patients can be achieved, enhancing their chances of leading a dignified and active life.

Genes and Genetic Sequencing

Blood samples were collected from the patient and his healthy friends, and DNA was extracted using standard methods. Clinical exome sequencing was performed to identify mutations in the patient’s DNA, where specific enzymes were added to the coding regions of 6640 genes considered important at the current time, according to features such as OMIM and HGMD. Subsequently, paired-end sequencing was carried out using the Illumina NextSeq 500, where sequencing data were processed using a standard computational algorithm in the Illumina BaseSpace software. The images produced from the data were illustrated using IGV software. The variable filtering algorithm is based on a frequency of less than 1% in the Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD). The clinical significance of these variants was assessed according to the guidelines for interpreting data from massive parallel sequencing (MPS).

These genomic processes demonstrate the complexity of identifying mutations, as well as the importance of using modern technologies to research genetic diseases. Processes that involve precise identification of genetic variants are an essential part of understanding how genes affect individuals’ health. For example, variants found in the LIFR gene were verified by Sanger sequencing, confirming the clinical significance of the discovered mutations.

Clinical Findings of the Case

The case involves a 15-year-old boy who presented a range of symptoms including a change in gait, deformities in the finger joints, restricted movement, and weakness in the back muscles. The parents were examined and no health issues were detected, and they have a younger healthy daughter. The medical report provides a clear map of the patient’s history, indicating he was born weighing 3990 grams and had good APGAR scores.

The boy experienced feeding problems during his first year of life, which led to growth delays, and later suffered spontaneous fractures in his forearm. The symptoms the child underwent reflected changes throughout his growth stages, where he had delays in acquiring certain motor skills. This illustrates how genetic health conditions can significantly affect children’s development.

By the age of 15, he was noted to have facial deformities including a nasal tilt and facial fat, as well as a prominent forehead. His condition also showed changes in bone structure, including musculoskeletal deformities that required careful planning. All these clinical observations highlight the medical complexity of the case, necessitating a comprehensive response from medical teams to monitor and provide appropriate support.


Molecular and Diagnosis

The clinical exome sequencing revealed known mutations in the LIFR gene. The identified mutations were classified as pathogenic, providing a strong basis for understanding the medical condition. It was confirmed that these mutations are present in a heterozygous state, giving insight into how the disease is inherited.

These biological findings reveal the link between genetic disorders and physical traits. For example, the relationship between bone deformities and genetic defects such as Stüve–Wiedemann syndrome is evident, confirming the role of genetics in influencing bone growth. This awareness is necessary to understand how genetic factors work and how they can lead to serious clinical issues.

The case also highlights the importance of early diagnosis of genetic disorders and its future impact on daily life. Early diagnosis helps in developing treatment strategies and early care. Genetic matters like these demand accuracy in medical circles to improve the health status of affected children.

Clinical Symptoms of Stüve-Wiedemann Disease

Stüve-Wiedemann syndrome (SWS) presents a diverse range of symptoms affecting patients’ health. In a specific case of a patient studied, the symptoms included minor movement deformities and facial features that appeared at birth. Although believed to resemble known joint deformities (arthrogryposis), the diagnosis was confirmed after performing clinical and radiographic examinations. Through the examinations, doctors noted a disorder in autonomic functions, which was linked to difficulties in feeding during early childhood, leading to weight loss and heat intolerance. With age, episodes of prolonged sweating appeared during adolescence. Additionally, the patient suffered multiple bone fractures in the limbs between ages 5 and 11, which, along with the progression of movement restrictions, contributed to multiple joint complications.

Doctors observed that the patient had deformities in the lower limbs, particularly leg bowing, and difficulties in walking. All these symptoms converged to indicate the potential existence of skeletal dysplasia. Initial radiographic examinations suggested joint involvement indicating some form of metaphyseal dysplasia. However, the patient did not exhibit features of bent bones; rather, a typical pattern of widened metaphyses was observed, suggesting a potentially less severe condition.

Stüve-Wiedemann syndrome is defined as a rare group of skeletal disorders. It is important to note that the case presented here is characterized by the presence of an unusual mutation, c.3252del (p.Trp1085GlyfsTer31), in the LIFR gene, which appears to explain the mild phenotype of the disease. The protein resulting from this mutation contains a modification in the amino acid sequence, which may affect its function. It has also been suggested that this modified protein may have partial activity, accounting for the moderately mild symptoms.

Genetic Diagnosis and Use of Exome Sequencing

In the field of genetics, early diagnosis serves as a critical guide for improving health outcomes for children. The use of techniques such as Exome Sequencing has become a common means to identify genetic mutations associated with specific diseases. In the case studied, genetic tests revealed mutations in the LIFR gene, with two hybrid states present, one known beforehand and the other novel.

Exome sequencing targets all coding regions responsible for protein synthesis, allowing for the search for mutations responsible for specific structural body anomalies. This type of genetic analysis provides new opportunities to understand the development of disease and its indicators. The application of these technologies may facilitate identifying trends for early detection of conditions and providing proactive medical and genetic services.

In the study, the results of genetic tests were also analyzed to include the follow-up of patients’ lifespans and their health consequences. By gathering data from multiple cases, researchers can map the diversity of structural disorders resulting from specific mutations in the LIFR gene. Such context can help raise awareness about other additional disorders, such as Stüve-Wiedemann disease, and support access to effective genetic medicine strategies.


Treatment and Medical Support

The critical factor in providing healthcare for patients with complex genetic conditions, such as Stuve-Wiedemann syndrome, is the provision of integrated medical support. This involves early diagnosis and predicting potential complications along with a comprehensive assessment of the disease effects. Medical care includes specialists in the fields of genetics, neurology, orthopedics, and physical therapy to ensure the integration of therapeutic procedures.

Moreover, early care can have a significant impact on the quality of life for patients, as children need to receive appropriate diagnoses and treatments to reduce symptoms and improve their daily living options. Families are also supported through medical and genetic counseling to gain the necessary knowledge about the nature of the condition and its potential impact.

Treatment typically involves multiple approaches, such as physical therapy to improve mobility, and surgical procedures to correct structural deformities or complications. Care also includes psychological and emotional support from doctors and hospitals, helping to boost the morale of families and children.

Future Research and Genetic Trends

Research in the field of genetics and genomics continues to advance, contributing to our understanding of rare diseases such as Stuve-Wiedemann syndrome. With the opening up of technological developments, studies may lead to discoveries of new mutations and the biological mechanisms associated with them.

Advances in technologies such as CRISPR provide opportunities for directly addressing genetic mutations, which could open new avenues for treatment. Research efforts focus on assessing the efficacy of advanced treatments, as well as studying the effects of genetic modifications.

These developments are expected to enhance medical care for patients, the effectiveness of genetic services, benefiting the medical community as a whole. This requires collaboration among researchers, health services, and families affected by these diseases to develop therapeutic strategies that benefit patients while moving towards a clearer and more positive future.

Source link: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/pediatrics/articles/10.3389/fped.2024.1442624/full

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