A New Surgical Technique for Removing Chordoma Tumor at the Skull Base Using the Latest Endoscope

The process of resecting spinal tumors, especially rare spinal tumors such as “Chordoma clivus,” is one of the major challenges facing neurosurgeons. The reason for these challenges lies in the significant depth of the tumor’s location at the skull base, in addition to its proximity to vital neural structures and blood vessels. In this article, we review a modern technique known as “EF-SCITA” (the extended far-lateral approach to accessing the infratentorial space) as an effective method for intradural resection of “Chordoma clivus.” We will discuss the case of a 68-year-old female patient where this technique was applied and highlight the associated benefits and positives. Through this study, we aim to provide new insights on how to manage these rare tumors, focusing on preserving neural functions during surgery, which illustrates the vital importance of a well-considered surgical approach in achieving positive outcomes for patients.

Challenges of Chordoma Surgery in the Cranial Region

Surgery for chordoma in the skull base region presents significant challenges for neurosurgeons due to its deep and critical location near vital neural structures and blood vessels. Chordoma is a rare tumor that typically arises from bone and often brings with it high recurrence rates and severe consequences, making its resection a complex procedure that requires advanced and precise techniques. The surgery focuses on preserving crucial neural functions, and success in this surgery necessitates thorough knowledge of the anatomy of the skull base and the best safe approaches to the tumor.

In recent years, various surgical methods have been developed to access chordoma tumors. The trend towards using endoscopic techniques stands out due to their numerous benefits, such as reducing the rate of exposure to important nerves and minimizing surgery-related scarring. The new surgical approach, which is the far-lateral infratentorial endoscopic technique used in the studied case, serves as a safe and effective option that can minimize postoperative risks.

Clinical Description of the Studied Case

An example is provided of a 68-year-old female patient who presented with sudden left eyelid droop for two weeks. Imaging studies, including CT and MRI scans, indicated a medium-sized lesion in the chordoma region extending into the membrane. The absence of tearing in the membrane separating the chordoma from the adjacent bones is a critical point in this case, as traditional access methods could increase the risk of cerebrospinal fluid leakage.

In this case, the EF-SCITA method was chosen to access and remove the tumor. This approach aims to protect surrounding neural structures with direct visualization to control the surgical procedure and reduce risks. The patient was positioned in a special way to provide the surgical unit with the best field of view, facilitating the complex surgical performance. As a result of the surgery, the tumor was completely resected, and the patient’s neurological condition improved during the follow-up period.

Surgical Techniques Used in Chordoma Resection

Chordoma surgery requires advanced techniques to ensure the success of the operation. The far-lateral infratentorial endoscopic approach was utilized, which combines the advantages of traditional methods with modern technology. A fixed system was used to enable the surgeon to operate without the need for continuous camera movement, which helps maintain clear visibility and prevent damage to neural structures during surgery.

During the procedure, special attention was focused on opening the skull in a manner that allows safe and adequate access. By using an inverted skylight incision, a better pathway to the tumor was ensured. While most traditional methods require deep incisions, this method reduced the potential mechanical and psychological damage to the patient. After surgery, MRI imaging of the affected area showed complete removal of the tumor, reflecting the success of the procedure.


Post-Surgery Follow-Up

The condition post-chordoma surgery showed significant improvement in neurological functions, as peripheral nerve activity was restored without any signs of cerebrospinal fluid leakage. Recent examinations did not reveal any signs of recurrence, indicating the success of the operation and the effectiveness of the technique used. This success represents an important evidence of the medical team’s ability to support new experiences and innovative procedures in neurosurgery.

The positive results highlight the importance of following up with patients after surgery, as regular check-ups should be conducted to assess the overall health status and monitor any changes that may occur. Patients should receive psychological support and necessary guidance after undergoing such major operations, as recovery encompasses not only physical aspects but also extends to psychological ones.

Future Directions in Chordoma Treatment

Chordomas are considered rare tumors, and there is still a need to develop new therapeutic techniques and surgical methods to effectively deal with them. As medical technology advances, new methods are anticipated to be developed that rely on achieving greater precision while minimizing the risks associated with traditional surgical procedures.

Moreover, research continues on integrating surgical methods with radiation therapy techniques, which could lead to reduced recurrence rates and enhanced healing outcomes. Analyzing and evaluating the currently used methods allows for a better understanding of future therapeutic developments that could contribute to achieving better outcomes for patients moving forward.

Current Surgical Strategies for Removing Cartilaginous Anomalies

Surgery to remove cartilaginous anomalies located in the cranial base area represents a significant challenge in neurosurgery. Cartilaginous anomalies, such as chordomas, are rare tumors that may occur in sensitive areas like the cranial base. The basic principles of surgery focus on achieving the safest possible removal of the tumor while minimizing potential risks to the nerves. The available approaches to access the cartilaginous anomaly consist of a range of methods divided between middle (or frontal) and lateral (or transcranial) approaches. Traditional access to these tumors includes several surgical methods involving extensive removal of bone fragments while correcting some important neural structures.

For example, access to the upper part of the cartilaginous anomaly can be achieved using techniques such as the orbitozygomatic approach, while access through transpetrosal is available for the middle part. For the lower parts, the far-lateral approach is preferred. With advancements in microsurgical techniques, there has been a notable shift towards using endoscopic endonasal approaches, which help reduce the need for major open surgery while allowing for effective removal. The design of this surgery is based on accessing through natural pathways like the lower passage, enabling the surgeon to operate with minimal damage to the surrounding nerves.

The benefits of endoscopic methods stem from the ability to visualize details of the area surrounding the tumor better than is possible with traditional methods. Some research indicates that using these methods can lead to reduced risks related to cerebrospinal fluid leakage, which is considered one of the most common complications during surgery. Additionally, focusing on managing movement among key neural structures enhances the success of the procedure and reduces complications. In this context, doctors continue to refine their techniques to face the challenges posed by the nature of complex tumors.

EF-SCITA Approach for Cranial Base Anomalies

The EF-SCITA (anterior lateral body approach) approach used to treat anomalies in the cranial base area provides complex surgical functions. This technique was first introduced in 2000 as a method for accessing the posterior lateral part of the brain. Its adaptability and effectiveness in addressing anomalies located in neural structures such as chordomas and cartilaginous tumors were soon recognized. The success of effectively using this method lies in the surgeon’s understanding of how to efficiently access through the سقفية opening, facilitating the removal process without causing damage to the surrounding tissues.

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of these advantages, it’s crucial to assess the potential challenges that may arise when utilizing the semi-sitting position. Surgeons may encounter difficulties in managing certain types of procedures that require specific positioning or access to areas that are difficult to reach in this setup. Therefore, careful planning and consideration of each individual case are necessary to ensure optimal surgical outcomes.

In addition to patient positioning, improvements in direct surgical techniques play a significant role in enhancing overall results. With the advancement of technology and surgical instruments, procedures have become less invasive, allowing for quicker recovery times and reduce hospital stays. The introduction of robotic-assisted surgery and 3D imaging has contributed to greater precision and control during operations, enabling surgeons to perform complex procedures with increased confidence.

As the field of surgery continues to evolve, so does the need for continuous education and training for medical professionals. Staying updated on the latest techniques and technologies ensures that patients receive the highest quality of care. Collaboration and knowledge sharing among surgeons and healthcare teams are essential for fostering innovation and improving patient outcomes.


In summary, the evolution of surgical approaches and techniques has led to significant improvements in patient care and quality of life. By focusing on minimally invasive methods, precise execution, and patient-centered practices, healthcare professionals are paving the way for better surgical results. The commitment to ongoing education and adapting to new technologies will undoubtedly shape the future of surgery and provide hope for patients facing challenging health conditions.

Concerns regarding the increased risks of venous air embolism can be mitigated by modifying surgical procedures and positioning. Updated methods for achieving optimal head positioning are now available to reduce potential trauma during surgery. Additionally, using laparoscopic techniques improves surgical visibility, assisting surgeons in making accurate decisions during operations.

Risks and Challenges Associated with the EF-SCITA Technique

Despite the numerous benefits of using the EF-SCITA technique, it is not without drawbacks. For instance, the static view resulting from the technique may be insufficient for accurate depth perception, leading to misjudgments during procedures. Good performance with this technique requires a high level of expertise and experience, and some cases may face challenges when introducing instruments in certain angles.

Additionally, it is common for debris produced during procedures to obstruct vision, necessitating ongoing cleaning by the surgeon. These issues and others make it crucial to focus on neural tissues during any exploration using laparoscopy. Precision and caution must be exercised to protect essential vascular structures and nerves; otherwise, the procedure could lead to undesirable complications. Tumor removal surgery in the cephalic region presents a challenge, requiring surgeons to utilize the best available techniques while considering all potential risks.

Future Directions in Cephalic Tumor Surgery

Cephalic tumor surgery is one of the fields that continues to evolve due to increasing research and modern techniques. The future is heading towards improving surgical tools and techniques, such as using 3D glasses that can provide surgeons with deeper insights, making it easier for them to handle complex tumors. This technique allows surgeons to estimate distances more accurately, reducing the likelihood of incidental injuries.

Furthermore, there is ongoing interest in developing strategies related to safety during surgeries, including the precise monitoring of the patient’s vital signs during and after the surgical procedure. Collaboration between the surgical team and medical specialists to make surgeries safer and more effective is one of the key elements that can benefit patients in the future.

The Role of Surgical Techniques in Removing Rare Tumors

Rare tumors such as chordomas pose significant challenges during removal due to their deep location surrounded by vital neural structures. Chordomas are malignant tumors that typically arise from bone, specifically from the cranial base area, where they grow slowly but may cause severe complications including nerve damage. Therefore, the importance of using advanced surgical techniques that allow surgeons to access these tumors and reconstruct the affected area with minimal damage is paramount.

The significance of the surgical approach is increasing, as traditional options may not suffice to access deep tumors like chordomas. Research indicates that modern techniques such as extreme lateral supracerebellar approach provide better access while reducing risks associated with damage to nerves and the meninges. For instance, the lateral surgical approach allows surgeons to access tumors from different angles, which helps preserve vital structures.

Moreover, a case study presented highlights the benefits of this type of approach; the extreme lateral supracerebellar approach was used to remove chordomas after CT and MRI scans concluded that the tumors were connected to the surrounding membranes, thereby posing a risk of cerebrospinal fluid leakage. Through this approach, the surgeon was able to maintain the natural barrier, leading to reduced complications. Thus, improving surgical access methods is one of the crucial steps in overcoming the obstacles faced by surgeons in removing rare tumors.


The Risks Associated with Chordoma Surgery

Chordoma surgery is considered one of the sensitive and complex operations, as the human brain is surrounded by an advanced network of nerves and blood vessels. Consequently, the risks associated with this surgery range from minor complications to life-threatening ones. Potential side effects include, for example, loss of mobility, difficulty speaking, or even memory loss.

Maintaining neural functions during these operations is one of the major challenges. Traditional approaches to chordomas can cause damage to surrounding nerves, leading to negative consequences. Therefore, the use of advanced surgical techniques is necessary to improve outcomes and reduce risks.

An example of this is the use of the lateral remote approach technique, which allows access to lateral tumors without affecting the important nerves crossing the area. This method can reduce the likelihood of interfering with central nervous tissue and helps minimize bleeding and recovery time after surgery. With improved clinical outcomes, there has been an increasing interest in shifting towards less invasive methods.

Moreover, designing postoperative protocols such as monitoring nerve performance and periodic examinations through imaging plays an important role in providing comprehensive care to the patient. Focusing on early monitoring methods can contribute to identifying potential problems before they become critical, ensuring that appropriate treatment is provided in a timely manner.

The Role of Endoscopy in Enhancing Neurosurgery

The endoscopic technique has revolutionized the field of neurosurgery, especially when it comes to removing challenging tumors like chordomas. Thanks to modern technology, surgeons can access deep areas that were once considered difficult to reach using traditional tools. Endoscopy enhances visualization and helps achieve greater precision in performing surgeries, naturally leading to satisfactory outcomes.

The primary benefit of using endoscopy is the ability to provide a clear three-dimensional view of the targeted area. This gives surgeons the capacity to see the fine details of the case and interact better with complex structures. Through this method, injury to central nervous structures can be avoided, as the surgeon can make informed decisions based on direct visualization of the case. Additionally, the integrated video allows for a more precise understanding of the tumor’s location and its relationship with surrounding structures.

Furthermore, emphasizing minimal invasiveness is considered a remarkable advantage. Unlike traditional surgery, which requires large incisions, endoscopy relies on smaller incisions, leading to reduced pain and swelling that patients experience after procedures. This also means shorter hospital stays and faster healing, which positively reflects on the patient’s quality of life post-surgery.

Thanks to endoscopy, surgeries such as chordoma removal can be performed while preserving as much healthy tissue around the targeted area as possible, contributing to avoiding complications. Although this technique offers advantages, the knowledge required for these specialized methods necessitates specialized training to ensure that physicians are confident in handling these tools.

Innovations and Future Trends in Neurosurgery

As technology advances, it becomes possible to continuously enhance surgical methods in the field of neurosurgery. Innovations in computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and three-dimensional imaging have contributed to improved surgical planning. These new technologies facilitate surgeons’ clear visualization of tumors and assist in formulating precise surgical strategies.

One potential future trend involves exploring and utilizing virtual reality techniques in certain surgical procedures. This type of technology may allow surgeons to engage in higher precision collaborative planning, providing them with the needed advantages to deal with complex tumors such as chordomas.

the surgical procedure with a thorough assessment of the tumor’s location and its relationship to surrounding neural structures. The surgeon must be vigilant to avoid damaging critical nerves during resection. In addition, the use of real-time imaging techniques can assist the surgeon in visualizing the anatomy more clearly, allowing for more precise maneuvers during surgery.

Collaboration with neurophysiologists during the procedure can also provide valuable feedback on the functional integrity of the nerves. This intraoperative monitoring helps ensure that essential neural pathways are not compromised during the excision. The surgical team must remain adaptable, prepared to alter their approach based on the findings encountered during the operation.

In conclusion, the successful outcome of surgical procedures in the cranial base hinges on a combination of meticulous preparation, advanced surgical techniques, and effective collaboration among multidisciplinary teams. With these elements in place, patients have the potential for improved recovery and quality of life post-surgery.

the surgical techniques employed in “EF-SCITA” بالقدرة على المحافظة على الهياكل العصبية والوعائية، مما يقلل من المخاطر المرتبطة بالعمليات الجراحية التقليدية. تشمل هذه الميزات قدرة الوصول إلى مناطق صعبة، وزيادة دقة العمليات، وتقليل الوقت المستغرق في الجراحة. كل هذه العوامل تسهم في تحسين نتائج المرضى وتقليل فترات التعافي.

مع التقدم المستمرار في جراحة الأعصاب، يعتبر استخدام أساليب مثل “EF-SCITA” خطوة مهمة نحو تحسين إجراءات استئصال الأورام وتعزيز السلامة العامة للمرضى. يتطلب هذا النوع من الابتكار التعاون بين الأطباء والبحث المستمر لتطوير أفضل الممارسات وتطبيق التكنولوجيا الجديدة في هذا المجال.

new methods to reduce the need for traditional bone lengthening and mitigate the risks associated with conventional surgeries. Additionally, employing surgical positions such as the semi-sitting posture can enhance the field of vision and decrease the need for coagulation, leading to improved clinical outcomes.

Challenges and Risks: Understanding the Complexities Associated with EF-SCITA Techniques

Despite the significant benefits offered by the “EF-SCITA” approach, it is not without challenges. The fixed endoscopic view lacks the necessary dimensions in certain cases, complicating surgeons’ ability to manage complications arising from deep bleeding or other challenges related to precise excision. It is important to note that new techniques such as experience-based education will become essential for future neurosurgery.

Surgical procedures require experienced users, which necessitates that physicians be well-versed in handling challenges associated with neuroendoscopy techniques. Furthermore, successful procedures require deep coordination among surgical team members to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Clinical Trials: Evaluating the Actual Performance of EF-SCITA Techniques

Clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy of the “EF-SCITA” approach in treating large and medium tumors, including “subtotal resection” of cranial tumors. The major benefit of this approach lies in its ability to reduce the negative consequences faced by patients, particularly reducing the rate of cerebrospinal fluid leakage compared to traditional methods. Moreover, the stimulated optics significantly improve surgical outcomes in terms of precise tumor removal while preserving surrounding structures.

Future Conclusions: Insights on Developments in Skull Base Tumor Surgery

As research and development continue in neurosurgical methods, the “EF-SCITA” approach emerges as a technically justified alternative for skull base tumors. Current findings suggest that this type of surgery can achieve the best possible outcomes while minimizing associated complications. However, integrating these modern techniques into ongoing medical practice requires further studies and research to establish the long-term effectiveness of these methods, ensuring the public health of patients in the future.

Introduction to Scientific Research

Research study is a complex process that requires adherence to specific methodologies and legal guidelines. Compliance with local laws and institutional requirements is essential to ensure the integrity of the research. Before commencing any study, written informed consent from participants must be obtained, which includes clarifying the nature of the research, the use of personal information, and ensuring the rights of volunteers and participants. Additionally, publishing any potentially identifiable data or images also requires obtaining individual consent. Collectively, these elements help create a transparent and ethical environment in scientific research.

Authors’ Contributions to the Research

The distribution of tasks among authors contributes to enriching the research and enhancing its quality. For instance, “SH” was responsible for securing funding and writing reviews. Meanwhile, “YB” was involved in formal blogging and analysis as well as visual conceptualization, reflecting the multiple aspects that can be relied upon in creating research. This kind of role distribution facilitates the exchange of ideas and the overall development of the project, with each author bringing their own expertise, creating an integration that enhances the final results. Each author holds a special status in impacting the research, ensuring the inclusion of multiple perspectives and valuable inputs.

Research Funding and Institutional Support

Research funding is a key factor in the success of any scientific project. In this research, financial support was obtained from the Science and Technology Plan in Liaoning Province and the National Natural Science Foundation of China. This funding contributes to covering research costs, enabling researchers to acquire necessary equipment, hire staff, and facilitate the conduct of required tests and studies. Having institutional support lends credibility to the research and aids in presenting information to the academic community more effectively, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and scientific progress. Engaging with reputable funding agencies enhances the scope of the study and facilitates innovation.


Ethics and Interests

Managing potential conflicts of interest is a vital part of scientific research. Participants in this research acknowledged that the study was conducted in the absence of any business or financial relationships that could influence the results. Therefore, adhering to the highest ethical standards in scientific research is the responsibility of all researchers. Any relationships that may lead to an influence on the results must be clarified to ensure transparency and trust in the research outcomes. Taking preventive measures to manage conflicts of interest supports the integrity of research and enhances trust between the research community and the public at large.

Ethics and Publication in Scientific Research

The process of publishing results is a critical part of the scientific research cycle. All published claims and results should reflect a reliable source, and the authors’ voices should be regarded as an independent scientific source. The publication preparation process involves a careful review of the data and interpretation in a manner that aligns with the research objectives. It is important to consider the opinions of the editorial board and reviewers to improve the quality of the submitted work. Ensuring that published research includes ethical standards aligned with best practices contributes to the development of the scientific community and encourages result analysis and constructive criticism.

Future Directions in Scientific Research

Researchers should focus on future trends in their research by exploring emerging topics and new technological innovations. This requires researchers to adapt to rapid changes in research fields and to use these changes to guide new and innovative studies. Furthermore, collaboration across different fields should be promoted, enhancing knowledge exchange and contributing to effective innovation. Employing modern technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data analytics can open new avenues for research and assist in solving complex problems. This demands researchers to be willing to adopt modern ideas and new practices to achieve actual progress in their fields.

Source link: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/oncology/articles/10.3389/fonc.2024.1448063/full

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