The Impact of Physical Activity on the Mood of Italian Adolescents and the Effects of Sleep and Academic Performance

Mental health is considered one of the essential factors that affect the quality of life, especially among adolescents who face numerous challenges during their growth phase. This article explores the impact of physical activity on mood states among active and inactive Italian teenagers, analyzing its relationship with sleep quality, gender, and academic performance. We will review the results of a study involving 437 teenagers from the Lazio region in Italy, where data was collected through an electronic questionnaire after a period of social isolation due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The significance of this research lies in providing practical recommendations that contribute to enhancing the psychological and physical health of teenagers, opening new horizons for understanding the factors influencing mood states, especially in the current circumstances. Let’s explore together how physical activity can be an effective solution for improving mood and achieving psychological balance in the post-pandemic era.

The Importance of Physical Activity in Improving Teenagers’ Mood

Physical activity represents a critical factor in enhancing the mental health and overall mood of teenagers. Studies indicate that regular physical activity leads to noticeable improvements in mood and energy levels among adolescents. In the study conducted on 437 Italian teenagers, it was found that those who engage in 150 minutes or more of sports activities weekly exhibit higher levels of activity and vitality compared to their less active peers. Physical activity enhances the release of chemicals in the brain such as endorphins and serotonin, which play an important role in improving mood.

By promoting physical activity, teenagers can better face their psychological challenges. For instance, girls may suffer from more negative mood states such as anxiety and depression, which require effective interventions like natural vitamins represented by physical activity. Therefore, it is important to encourage teenagers to engage in sports as part of their daily routine to enhance their mental health.

Data also indicates that young people who feel an improvement in their sleep quality are more active and generally in a better mood. Good sleep is closely linked to the ability to exercise and achieve positive health benefits. Thus, encouraging teenagers to maintain an active lifestyle and providing a suitable sleep environment can be a significant turning point in their lives.

Factors Influencing Sleep Quality and Mood

Sleep quality is one of the fundamental factors affecting mood, particularly in the adolescent age group. Good sleep helps restore the physical and mental energy needed to face the challenges of the day. Studies indicate that issues related to sleep quality may exacerbate states of anxiety, depression, and stress among teenagers. In the aforementioned study, it was observed that teenagers who suffered from poor sleep exhibited a noticeable deterioration in their mood.

It is also essential to note that stress resulting from academic and social pressures can negatively impact sleep quality, pushing teenagers towards a vicious cycle of declining mood and poor academic performance. Therefore, teaching teenagers stress-reduction strategies and increasing awareness of the importance of good sleep can have a significantly positive impact.

Addressing sleep challenges requires effective strategies such as reducing electronic device usage before bedtime, creating a comfortable sleep environment, and regulating sleep and wake times. All of these efforts can contribute to improving mood states and enhancing the overall mental health of teenagers.

The Relationship Between Academic Performance and Mood

High academic performance is closely related to positive mood states. Research has shown that teenagers who feel they are performing well in their studies enjoy higher levels of self-confidence and energy, contributing to enhancing their mood. Meanwhile, teenagers facing academic difficulties experience greater stress and depression, negatively affecting their mood. This relationship is noteworthy as it encompasses different dimensions of adolescent life: emotions, social relationships, and future aspirations.


The teenager may feel academically insufficient, which can positively impact their mood. This highlights the importance of providing the necessary academic and psychological support for adolescents, and parents and teachers should pay attention to these aspects and offer the required assistance.

Moreover, it is evident that integrating physical activities into the academic life can improve academic performance. Studies have shown that regular physical activity not only contributes to improving mood but also increases focus and academic achievement. By promoting physical activities, educational institutions can create an encouraging environment for positive growth and the development of academic skills.

The Importance of Future Strategies to Enhance Mental Health

The findings of the study provide an important entry point for developing strategies to enhance the mental health of adolescents, especially following the challenges of COVID-19. With increasing concern about the mental health of teenagers, there is an urgent need to develop programs aimed at integrating physical activity into daily routines. These programs should also include improving sleep quality and instilling mental health concepts within the community.

This can be achieved through a partnership between schools, families, and the community as a whole, which requires investments in educational and training programs that focus on the psychological benefits of physical activity. Such programs should contribute to promoting healthy habits and awareness of the importance of psychological balance.

A deeper understanding of the relationship between physical activity, sleep, and academic performance can lead to significant improvements in overall mental health. Increasing awareness of the importance of these life elements enables teenagers to find a positive balance that helps them grow and adapt in a complex world. Therefore, communities should develop plans and strategies to enhance adolescent participation in physical activities while fostering a healthy and stimulating environment that addresses all aspects influencing their mood.

Study Participation: Background of Participants and Inclusion Criteria

Participation in the study included a group of students from various Italian schools who agreed to participate in the research. This group of teenagers ranged in age from 12 to 20 years and came from diverse backgrounds, with participants selected from both public and private schools in several Italian cities in the Lazio region. Participants were chosen in a way that ensured gender balance and diverse representation. They were classified based on entry criteria, including being regular students, which enhances the ability to generalize the results to the studied age group.

At the same time, exclusion criteria were applied to those who did not complete the data collection questionnaire as required, ensuring the quality and credibility of the collected data. The sample consisted of 184 individuals, with Gpower 3.1 used to estimate the necessary sample size to meet the statistical diagnosis of the research.

The aim of studying this sample was to understand the psychological state of adolescents and its relationship with physical activity, especially in light of the sensitive situation arising from a global pandemic that affected everyone.

Methodological Procedures: How Data Was Collected and Ethical Assurance

The initial stages involved contacting schools to clarify the research goals and data collection procedures. Students were then enabled to participate through links distributed via messaging apps and email. These measures surpassed the restrictions imposed due to the global health situation, allowing electronic communication rather than in-person meetings.

Before starting data collection, informed consent was obtained from participants and their guardians. This consent included information about the study’s objectives and the participants’ right to refuse participation at any time. This reflects a strict commitment to ethical guidelines in research.

After signing, the data collection process began using a developed form to gather information on age, gender, city, level of study, weight, and height, alongside participants’ evaluations of their academic performance level, the quality of their health, and their engagement in physical activity, whether within school sports classes or outside of them. This design reflects the research’s goal of compiling comprehensive information about the factors that may affect the psychological state of adolescents.


Mood States: The Use of the Brunel Scale and its Relation to Physical Activity

The Brunel Mood Scale (BRUMS) was used to measure a range of different mood states such as tension, depression, anger, vigor, fatigue, and confusion. This scale consists of 24 questions covering a wide array of feelings, providing accurate data on individuals’ psychological states. Responses ranged from 0 (not at all) to 4 (very much), enhancing the effectiveness of the measurement.

The core point is that mood measurements are significantly influenced by the level of physical activity. Results showed that individuals who are physically active enjoy higher levels of vigor and positive mood compared to their peers. The scale’s effectiveness was verified based on its reliability and high Cronbach’s alpha values for each of the subscales, reinforcing its credibility as a research tool.

Additionally, the sleep quality of adolescents was assessed using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, reflecting the strong relationship between sleep, mood, and an active lifestyle. These measures were accurately applied within the context surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, which presented an additional challenge.

Data Analysis and Results: Conclusions Drawn from the Study

The number of participating students was 437, with their data analyzed using SPSS to reveal demographic characteristics such as age, gender, and physical activity traits. The analysis aimed to determine the extent to which physical activity impacts the mood of participants. Participants were classified into two categories: active and inactive based on the World Health Organization’s recommendations.

The results were intriguing, revealing that physically active adolescents exhibit higher levels of psychological vigor compared to their peers. For example, BRUMS scores showed that the active individuals had higher ratings in the vigor category compared to the less active ones.

The use of simple regression analysis demonstrated that physical activity positively affects the psychological vigor of participants. It was evident that every minute of activity contributes to an increase in vigor and positive mood.

In parallel, there was useful information concerning sleep quality, as the level of physical activity had a clear impact on improving sleep quality, indicating the importance of the relationship between these elements in adolescents’ daily lives.

The Importance of Physical Activity and its Impact on Adolescents’ Mood

Physical activities are fundamental factors influencing adolescents’ mood. Research indicates that adolescents who engage in physical activity at levels exceeding the World Health Organization’s recommendations experience higher levels of vitality and a decrease in feelings of mental confusion. For instance, studies have shown that increasing the duration of physical activity, even by a few minutes, reflects a noticeable improvement in the psychological aspect. In one study, it was noted that every minute of physical activity corresponds to an increase in vitality ratings of 0.02, highlighting the importance of adhering to physical activity as part of a lifestyle.

Results also indicated that adolescents suffering from low levels of physical activity display a decline in their mood, including symptoms associated with stress and depression. For example, girls showed higher levels of stress and depression compared to boys, indicating the importance of understanding gender differences and their impact on physical activity and mental health. These results represent a call to encourage girls to engage in more physical activities, to enhance their mental health and provide them with necessary support.

The Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Adolescents’ Mood

Sleep quality is an important factor that directly affects mood states. Studies have shown that adolescents who experience insufficient or uncomfortable sleep display negative mood symptoms, such as depression and anxiety. The referenced study revealed a clear connection between sleep quality and mood, where adolescents who performed well on the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index had better mood levels. This highlights the importance of improving sleep habits as part of strategies to support mental health among adolescents.

Sleep quality interrelates

to the hormonal changes, social and psychological factors significantly influence mood in adolescents. Peer relationships, family dynamics, and environmental stressors can all contribute to fluctuations in emotional states. For instance, adolescents who experience conflict within their family or have challenges in their friendships may be more susceptible to mood swings and feelings of anxiety.

Strategies to Support Adolescent Mental Health

To support the mental health of adolescents, a multifaceted approach is essential. Parents, educators, and community members should work collaboratively to create an environment that fosters open communication and understanding. Providing resources for mental health education, promoting healthy coping strategies, and encouraging positive relationships can make a significant difference.

Additionally, schools should implement programs that promote social-emotional learning, allowing students to develop skills for managing stress and building resilience. Initiatives that involve physical activity, creative expression, and peer support can also enhance the overall well-being of adolescents.

Ultimately, recognizing the complexity of factors affecting adolescent mental health and taking proactive steps to address these issues can lead to healthier, more supportive environments for young people as they navigate this critical stage of life.

on mental health

Research indicates the need to raise awareness about how hormonal changes affect mood in girls. For parents and teachers, it is crucial to provide psychological and moral support during this critical phase. Positive psychological guidance can help girls face emotional and mood challenges during these transitional periods.

The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

Recent research confirms that extensive use of social media may have a negative impact on mental health, especially among teenagers. Immersion in comparing oneself to edited and idealized images on platforms like Instagram and TikTok contributes to feelings of body dissatisfaction, which in turn exacerbates symptoms of depression and unhealthy eating behaviors. These dynamics reflect the importance of social awareness in mitigating the impact of social media on the psychological patterns of adolescents.

This new phenomenon requires community and educational support to raise awareness of the negative behaviors that may accompany interaction on social media and to provide positive alternatives that enhance self-image. For example, mental health promotion programs should include strategies to cope with the impact of social media on mood, by encouraging real interaction and actual communication with the community.

The Relationship between Sleep and Mood in Adolescence

Studies confirm the close link between sleep quality and psychological state in adolescents. Research indicates that a lack of good sleep can affect mood and significantly contribute to feelings of anxiety and depression. Therefore, sleep should be considered one of the fundamental factors that contribute to managing mental health in teenagers. According to studies, getting good sleep can improve the ability to learn and perform daily tasks better.

These findings necessitate changes in how sleep is addressed among adolescents, where healthy sleep habits such as setting regular bedtimes and reducing screen time before sleep should be encouraged. Research recommends that parents and teachers collaborate to promote the importance of sleep in adolescents’ lives as part of comprehensive mental health strategies.

Academic Role and Its Impact on Psychological State

Evidence shows a strong link between academic performance and mental mood in teenagers. Studies suggest that negative self-assessments about academic performance are associated with feelings of anxiety and depression. Young people who feel their academic performance is inadequate tend to experience more negative emotions such as stress and pressure, which negatively affects their overall mental health.

Supporting academic capabilities by providing assistance and improving school performance can help prevent the emergence of psychological disorders. School programs should prioritize helping students set realistic goals and overcome academic challenges while receiving adequate psychological support. Schools should be supportive environments that foster positivity and confidence, directing efforts towards promoting mental health as an essential part of education.

Future Recommendations for Research and Studies

Results highlight the importance of conducting future research to better understand the impact of physical activity on mental health. This research should encompass various concepts and cultural and social factors that may influence outcomes. Additionally, studies should focus on identifying appropriate doses, activity patterns, and exercise frequency to achieve optimal results in improving mental health.

Future research should also highlight the links between psychological disorders, sleep, and physical activity, and how this affects long-term. These studies can provide a more comprehensive understanding of how to improve mental health using preventive methods based on physical activity and other healthy behaviors.

The Psychological Impact of Physical Activity on Adolescents

Research indicates that physical activity (PA) plays a crucial role in enhancing the mood of adolescents. Data shows that every minute of physical activity can boost the level of psychological activity by an average of 0.02. This suggests that adolescents who engage in regular physical activity clearly enjoy a better mood. The significance of physical activity is vital, especially after the negative impacts highlighted by the World Health Organization on youth during the COVID-19 pandemic, where analyses indicate a growing trend among adolescents to abandon any physical activities.

The effects of physical activity vary by gender, with research confirming that girls often experience worse moods compared to boys. This disparity highlights the importance of providing organized environments to motivate girls to participate in sports activities, necessitating additional interventions from teachers, parents, and policymakers. For instance, sports programs targeting girls can be introduced to enhance their participation and improve their psychological well-being.

Studies also prove a significant relationship between mood and sleep quality. Children and adolescents who experience poor moods tend to sleep poorly, fostering a cycle of stress and depression. Therefore, encouraging physical activity not only helps improve mood but also contributes to better sleep quality, which is another important factor for mental health among adolescents.

The Importance of Directing Mental Health Programs Towards Physical Activity

The need to integrate physical activity as a central part of mental health strategies for adolescents is increasingly urgent. This is evidenced by the growing need to raise awareness about the benefits of exercise and its impact on mental health. Teachers, parents, and policymakers must recognize that the shift towards physical activity is integral to effective strategies for addressing feelings of stress and depression among youth. This also requires providing appropriate equipment and resources for schools and sports clubs in communities.

Evidence indicates the necessity of intensifying programs that promote physical activity and developing community initiatives for families. For example, sports events can be organized during weekends aimed at encouraging family participation in sports activities. This type of interaction not only helps improve mood but also strengthens family bonds.

It is also crucial to conduct more studies to identify the types, intensity, and doses of physical activity that are most effective in enhancing mood. This will enable adolescents to determine the activities that suit them and motivate them to engage in them regularly. We must recognize that the impact of sports extends beyond physical improvement, encompassing also psychological and social benefits that cannot be overlooked. This means that a comprehensive healthy environment must be provided to encourage adolescents toward activity rather than isolation and negative technologies.

Negative Outcomes of Low Physical Activity

Studies indicate that a lack of physical activity or low levels of it has significant negative effects on the mood and mental health of adolescents. Often, youth with poor academic performance experience negative feelings such as stress and anxiety, which can lead to depression. This is concerning, as without appropriate intervention, these conditions can become entangled with low daily life habits, resulting in a pattern of negative behavior.

In fact, research suggests a reciprocal relationship between low levels of physical activity and cases of depression. Most adolescents who reported negative feelings had lower levels of physical activity. Hence, there is a need to enhance youth participation in physical activities, which may subsequently help improve their academic and social experiences. Organizing sports events, creating suitable outdoor spaces, and encouraging adolescents towards team sports may be effective solutions to address this phenomenon.

the importance of the initiative in providing means that support engagement in physical activity through education. Schools should have success grades linked to participation in sports and physical activity. Scholarships can also be offered to teenagers who show commitment to sports and thus contribute to enhancing mood and improving overall mental health.

Family and Community Guidance to Maintain Physical Activity

To develop effective strategies to help improve the overall mood of teenagers, it is essential that guidance starts from the family. Parents should understand the importance of physical activity and its direct impact on their children’s mental health. They should maintain an active lifestyle that reflects this by encouraging activities and team games, which can become part of the family’s daily routine.

Additionally, recreational sports communities find themselves in a similar position, where they must take steps to raise awareness and motivate teenagers to engage in physical activities. Directing awareness campaigns and enhancing social and communication skills for teenagers through sports activities can significantly contribute to improving mood and reducing stress and anxiety. These activities provide youth with a social platform that allows them to interact with their peers and build new friendships.

To achieve this, it is important to have a partnership between parents, teachers, and communities. Community initiatives that encourage sports and cultural and artistic aspects can also make physical activity more appealing and enhance the youth’s ability to communicate and interact positively with others. Being in environments that encourage collaboration and participation strengthens social bonds, providing valuable psychological support for teenagers during times of crisis and mental stress.

The Importance of Sports for Mental Health

Sports are vital activities that play a central role in improving mental health. Research confirms that regular exercise can lead to reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety and an overall improvement in mood. For example, aerobic exercises like running or swimming can trigger the release of hormones such as endorphins, which are associated with enhancing feelings and creating a sense of happiness.

Studies indicate that individuals who engage in physical activity regularly experience lower levels of anxiety and depression. In a recent study, it was found that engaging in even 30 minutes of physical activity daily could produce antidepressant effects. Furthermore, it is important to note that the type and quality of sports play a significant role; some water activities such as swimming may be more beneficial in improving mood compared to others.

Moreover, physical activity helps improve sleep quality, which is a very important factor for mental health. Individuals who exercise regularly tend to sleep better, which contributes to enhancing their focus and daily performance in various activities. Based on these benefits, many medical institutions seek to integrate physical activity as part of therapeutic treatment plans for many mental health conditions.

The Relationship Between Physical Activity and Teenagers

During adolescence, youth face challenges and struggles related to identity and self-acceptance, which may lead to feelings of depression and anxiety. As such, physical activity is an effective means of supporting mental health during this critical stage. Research indicates that teenagers who regularly participate in physical activities tend to have higher levels of self-confidence and lower feelings of loneliness.

A contemporary study shows that teenagers who were negatively affected by lockdown measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic experienced a significant decline in physical activity, which exacerbated feelings of depression. By providing safe and engaging sports options, communities can help redirect these teenagers toward improving their mood and mental health.


Physical activities suitable for teenagers include a variety of sports such as basketball, football, or even martial arts. Therefore, sports clubs and youth centers can contribute to enhancing effective participation in physical activity among adolescents, leading to an overall improvement in mental health.

Strategies to Enhance Physical Activity and Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy strategies can be integrated with sports programs to achieve the best outcomes in improving mental health. By coordinating therapeutic sessions with sports activities, mental health professionals can provide greater support to patients, especially those suffering from depression or anxiety.

For example, awareness sessions about the psychological benefits of sports can be part of cognitive-behavioral therapy, which focuses on changing negative thoughts. Other strategies include implementing team sports programs, where individuals can feel support and encouragement from others. By working in teams or groups, individuals can boost their self-esteem and help alleviate feelings of isolation that may accompany depression.

It’s not just psychotherapy programs that can benefit from physical activity; incorporating nature work and movement meditation can also contribute to improving mental states. Sports tourism and natural trails provide an ideal environment to enhance mental well-being by integrating natural elements into body movement, resulting in calming effects.

Challenges and Barriers to Exercising

Despite the numerous benefits of physical activity, many face challenges and barriers that hinder them from exercising regularly. These barriers include a lack of time due to work or study commitments, unavailability of sports facilities, or simply a lack of motivation to maintain an active lifestyle.

To overcome these challenges, it is essential to raise awareness about the importance of physical activity through awareness campaigns and health education. Furthermore, it is important to provide access to public and private sports facilities, encouraging individuals to engage in sports. Programs must be designed in a way that motivates individuals to participate, including encouraging them through social and family support.

Therefore, government and non-government institutions should collaborate to promote a culture of physical activity by celebrating sports events and conducting activities that highlight the benefits derived from exercising, which may increase motivation and encourage participation.

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Adolescent Mental and Physical Health

The COVID-19 pandemic posed significant challenges to the psychological and physical health of populations worldwide, affecting various age and social groups. Adolescents and youth in educational stages represent a vulnerable group experiencing additional pressures due to the exceptional circumstances brought about by the pandemic. In the Italian city of Cassino, as in other areas, this group faced multiple challenges, both in terms of physical activity and mental health. The lockdown and social distancing led to a decrease in physical activity levels, negatively impacting the overall mood of young people, resulting in increased levels of stress, anger, and mental confusion.

Moreover, studies have shown that negative psychological effects also include feelings of depression and anxiety, as reduced physical activity is considered one of the factors contributing to the worsening of these feelings. We must recognize the role of physical activity as a key factor in improving mood and enhancing psychological well-being, as it contributes to raising levels of endorphins and serotonin, neurotransmitters that play an important role in regulating mood and feelings of mental comfort.

The Relationship between Physical Activity and Mood

Research indicates a close relationship between physical activity levels and mood. Teenagers who engage in regular physical activity tend to experience positive emotional experiences, such as feeling energetic and happy. In contrast, young people who suffer from low physical activity often exhibit negative emotions such as depression and anxiety. This relationship can be explained through several biological and psychological mechanisms, as physical activity stimulates happiness centers in the brain, contributing to improved mood.


For example, physical activities such as running or engaging in team sports increase levels of happiness hormones and help control cortisol levels, known as the stress hormone. Therefore, encouraging teenagers to engage in physical activities can be an effective strategy for improving their mental health. There are studies that show how simply spending time outdoors or participating in simple exercises can make a significant difference in energy levels and mood.

The Impact of Sleep Quality on Mental Health

Good sleep is considered a fundamental factor for the mental and physical health of youth. Research indicates that a lack of sleep exacerbates negative emotions and reduces cognitive abilities, which negatively affects academic performance. In the current context, sleep problems among teenagers have increased due to the pressures stemming from the pandemic, leading to a decline in sleep quality. It is important to focus on how to improve sleep quality in order to enhance mental health; as good sleep plays a role in improving mood and enhancing the ability to cope with daily stresses.

Evidence shows that there is a connection between sleep quality, social life, and mood. Teenagers who have regular and sufficient sleep tend to show a more stable mood and are less prone to feelings of anxiety and depression. Here comes the importance of establishing strategies to improve sleep quality, such as setting consistent sleep and wake times, creating a comfortable sleep environment, and avoiding screens before bed, to achieve improvements in mental health.

Strategies for Enhancing Mental Health Post COVID-19

In light of the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, effective strategies must be developed to enhance the mental health of teenagers. Among these is encouraging physical activities, where incorporating regular physical activity into daily routines is a vital component. Such activities not only enhance mental states but also contribute to improved focus and academic performance.

Additionally, awareness of the importance of mental health should be increased, and support should be provided in educational institutions. Strategies rely on offering educational programs that focus on relaxation techniques, stress management, and enhancing social connections among students. Research has confirmed that social support has a strong impact on mental health, where good relationships with peers and supportive teachers can be crucial during transitional periods such as adolescence.

Finally, strategies should include providing available resources for mental health, including counseling and psychological assistance services. Psychological support and counseling can significantly help teenagers cope with the stresses and challenges they face in their daily lives, especially in unprecedented circumstances like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Data Collection and Sample Size

The program known as Gpower 3.1 was used to estimate the required sample size for the study. The calculation was conducted a priori based on the selection of the Wilcoxon-Mann Whitney test, which is typically used for comparisons between two groups. An effect size of 0.5 was adopted, with an alpha level of 0.05 and a precision of 0.95 (Luiz and Magnanini, 2000; Matias et al., 2019). During the estimation process, the total number of individuals required was determined to be 184 people. It is noted that due to the lack of cross-sectional studies assessing mood variables in the adolescent category, a decision was made to estimate effect size through a mixed methodology, using previous studies, experimental studies, and theoretical estimations (Maciejewski et al., 2019; Lee, 2021). Data collection was carried out through several steps, where preliminary contact was made with schools to explain the research objectives and methods.

Students were given access to Google Forms electronically, through links distributed via messaging apps or email. Participants were directed to adhere to the instructions for filling out the questionnaires, where an “Informed Consent Form” (ICF) was provided electronically. This form included information about the study’s purpose, and it was clarified that participation was voluntary and that participants could withdraw from the study at any time. The study was conducted in accordance with ethical guidelines, and informed consent was obtained from all participants and their guardians, while ensuring complete confidentiality of the data.


Measurement: Mood Scale and Sleep Questionnaire Programs

The mood scale known as the Brunel Mood Scale (BRUMS), the Italian version, was used to assess the different mood states of participants. The scale includes 24 questions, with response options ranging from 0 (not at all) to 4 (very much so), reflecting the participant’s mood during the assessment. By summing the responses to questions related to each mood component, scores ranging from 0 to 16 can be obtained for each mood state. The scale includes classifications such as anger, confusion, depression, fatigue, tension, and vigor. The scale has shown good internal consistency during validation, with Cronbach’s alpha values for all components exceeding 0.70, reflecting the tool’s credibility.

The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), the Italian version, is a self-directed questionnaire developed to assess sleep quality and patterns through questions about the previous month. The results are summed up into seven components including self-rated quality, efficiency, sleep duration, medication use, and contextual disturbances. The values of these components are aggregated to give a total score ranging from 0 to 21, where higher scores indicate poorer sleep quality. The PSQI also reflects high internal consistency and stability in temporal measurements, making it an important tool for sleep assessment.

Physical Activities and Their Impact on Mood

Data on physical activities were collected through a simple question about the number of hours students allocate to exercise. Participants were classified into two categories: active (those who engage in more than 150 minutes of exercise per week) and inactive. This classification is based on recommendations made by the World Health Organization, reflecting the physical activity pattern of adolescents. Analysis showed that a majority of participants (67.9%) had a level of physical activity above the required average, while more than 32% of them did not meet the minimum threshold, demonstrating a diversity of activity levels within the sample.

When comparing mood rates between active and inactive adolescents, we observed that active students reported higher levels of vigor (5.75 ± 3.49) compared to inactive ones (4.461 ± 3.20). Analysis also indicated a significant improvement in mood needs such as tension, depression, and anger among the two groups, highlighting how physical activity can positively influence mental well-being as an indicator of overall health.

Data Analysis and Results Extraction

Data were collected using Google Forms and later compiled in Microsoft Excel. Analyses were conducted using the SPSS statistical package, including both descriptive and inferential analyses. Demographic characteristics such as age, gender, nationality, weight, height, and weekly activity duration were described using means, percentages, and standard deviations. Furthermore, the impact of physical activity on mood variables was evaluated through simple regression analysis, revealing that physical activity contributes to improved vigor rates.

The results indicated that every minute of physical activity contributes to increased scores in vigor and positivity, demonstrating that engaging in physical activities enhances good and acceptable moods. This aligns with the general findings of previous studies that have shown a positive correlation between physical activity and psychological well-being. Additionally, the study carries significant practical implications regarding the importance of emphasizing physical activity within school and individual programs to promote good mental health among adolescents.

Importance of Physical Activity in Improving Mood Among Adolescents

The mood of adolescents is an extremely important topic, as it directly affects their mental health and academic performance. Studies indicate that adolescents who engage in regular physical activity enjoy better mood states compared to their less active peers. For example, research has shown that physical activity improves vigor levels and reduces levels of tension, depression, and anger. Many adolescents find that exercising helps them to relieve stress and enhance their negative feelings. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to a decline in physical activity levels due to social distancing and lockdowns, exacerbating mood problems among youth.


global indicates that teenagers need to engage in 150-300 minutes of moderate physical activity weekly. However, research has shown that a significant percentage of teenagers do not adhere to these recommendations, which increases the risk of mental health issues. For example, a lack of physical activity has been linked to higher levels of depression and anxiety, which negatively affects academic performance. This relationship between physical activity and mood supports the idea that improving lifestyle habits can have a positive impact on teenagers’ mental health.

The Impact of Sleep on Teen Mood

Good sleep is considered a crucial factor in improving mood. Studies suggest that there is a strong correlation between sleep quality and the mood of teenagers. Research has indicated that teenagers who experience poor sleep quality tend to feel more anxious, depressed, and irritable. For instance, studies have shown that teenagers who do not get enough sleep experience a decline in vitality and exhibit negative behaviors such as stress and frustration. Interestingly, an analysis of research data also suggests that every additional hour of sleep significantly helps improve mood. Therefore, enhancing sleep quality should be part of strategies to support teenagers’ mental health.

Moreover, sleep may directly affect academic performance. Studies have shown that teenagers who get adequate sleep achieve better academic results compared to their peers who suffer from insufficient sleep. To ensure sleep quality, teenagers are advised to adopt healthy sleep habits such as reducing the use of electronic devices before bedtime and developing a consistent daily routine. These strategies can play a crucial role in improving mental health and academic performance.

Gender Differences in Teen Mood

Research indicates noticeable differences in mood between male and female teenagers. In many studies, females have been found to report negative feelings more frequently than males, such as stress, anger, and depression. These differences may be linked to the various societal and cultural pressures that females face, in addition to biological and psychological differences. It is important to recognize these disparities and apply different support strategies for each gender. For example, such strategies may include promoting physical activity specifically geared towards girls, which may help improve their mood. Additionally, providing safe and supportive environments for both male and female teenagers may enhance their sense of control and efficacy in their lives.

Furthermore, the impact of social relationships on mood should be considered. Females may feel social pressure more intensely, which can contribute to an improvement or deterioration in their mood. Thus, building healthy and effective social relationships is essential for ensuring good mental health for both genders. Youth centers and group activities are part of the solution, as they offer opportunities for teenagers to build positive relationships.

Strategies to Address the Psychological Impact of the Pandemic on Teenagers

Mental health has been significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, especially for teenagers who faced substantial social restrictions. These effects have created an urgent need to develop effective support strategies. This includes promoting physical activity, providing psychological support, and offering educational programs on how to cope with stress and mental health issues.

One effective strategy involves the continuous promotion of physical activity. Schools and families can collaborate to organize sports events and support groups that help teenagers engage in physical activity in an enjoyable and encouraging way. Additionally, the concept of good sleep should be promoted and schedules arranged to encourage getting enough sleep. Workshops for teenagers focusing on coping skills and addressing stress should also be provided.


families to recognize the importance of fostering good sleep habits and addressing sleep issues to enhance the overall mental well-being of teenagers. By focusing on creating a conducive sleep environment and encouraging healthy sleep routines, families can significantly contribute to improving the mood and mental health of adolescents.

In conclusion, the interconnections between physical activity, mental health, and social influences highlight the need for a collaborative approach among families, educators, and healthcare providers to support the well-being of adolescents. Understanding and addressing these multifaceted dynamics can lead to better mental health outcomes for teenagers during this critical phase of their development.

The call from parents and teachers is to think of effective measures to ensure that teenagers get enough sleep, as overcoming sleep challenges may positively contribute to improving mood and reducing the risk of depression and anxiety. Studies also emphasize the importance of providing a comfortable sleep environment and following healthy sleep habits as part of a comprehensive strategy to enhance mental health.

Academic Effects on Mood

Teenagers’ academic performance has significant effects on their mood that cannot be ignored. Teenagers who perceive their academic performance as inadequate report worse mood states, particularly in terms of stress, depression, and anger. This phenomenon illustrates the complex relationships between academic performance and mental health.

For example, in a study involving British teenagers, it was shown that heightened symptoms of depression were associated with decreased academic performance. This indicates that interventions to improve academic performance could contribute to better mental health. However, there remains a need to study the relationship between certain types of physical activity and the mental health and academic performance of teenagers.

Teachers and parents need to be aware of the effects of academic success on mood and how education-related pressures can lead to anxiety and depression among teenagers. This requires more support and resources to help teenagers overcome these challenges.

Limitations and Future Considerations in Research

Current studies face some limitations, such as their cross-sectional design, which does not allow for strong causal inferences. Self-reported data may be influenced by recall bias, necessitating verification of results through future studies. Additionally, the geographic focus of the limited research sample and the lack of available socio-demographic information may restrict the generalization of findings to different populations.

In the future, it is important to expand the geographic and social scope of samples and study them in more depth to find a more precise relationship between physical activity and mood. Additional factors such as diet, family history, and screen time should be considered, as these variables can significantly impact mood outcomes.

In research, it is important to control for variables such as the type and activity level of student-athletes, as athletes may have higher levels of physical activity compared to their peers. Considering the long-term effects of physical activity and sleep on mood will contribute to enhancing our deep understanding of the complex relationships between these variables.

Innovative Applications and Calls for Public Policy Changes

The current findings contribute to shaping public policies aimed at improving the health and mental well-being of teenagers, especially in light of the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis. Proposals to enhance physical activity should be fundamental to health and educational initiatives that affect teenagers’ lives. Physical activity can be an important solution in addressing feelings of anxiety and stress, particularly after the isolation resulting from the pandemic.

A culture of physical activity should be promoted in schools and communities, and education about sleep should be an integral part of mental health programs for teenagers. It is essential to channel energy towards improving mental health and reducing the negative effects that may arise from negative lifestyle patterns.

Records indicate that physical activity is closely linked to positive mood states, and that teenagers who engage in physical activities according to WHO standards show better mood states. These findings highlight the importance of curricula that encourage the practice of physical activity among teenagers, as a step towards improving overall health and mental well-being.

The Importance of Physical Activity in Improving Mood

The decline in physical activity among youth and teenagers is a significant issue that warrants attention, especially in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Preventive measures and the new lifestyle resulting from the pandemic may contribute to increased levels of anxiety and depression among young people, making it essential to promote physical activities as an effective means to enhance mood. Studies indicate that physical activity not only promotes physical health but also boosts mental health and helps alleviate feelings of depression and anxiety.

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The studies conducted by experts in sports psychology have confirmed a strong correlation between physical activity and mood improvement, making it an important factor in strategies to enhance mental health. For example, participants in focused sports programs show significant improvements in their mood compared to those who lead more sedentary lifestyles. Even simple activities such as walking or cycling can have a positive impact.

Educators, parents, and planners should work to establish strategies that focus on integrating physical activity into the daily lives of adolescents. For instance, school initiatives can be launched that include diverse sports programs, encouraging students to participate in both team and individual sports. Relevant authorities should also contribute by providing public spaces for outdoor exercises and supporting social activities that enhance teamwork.

Challenges Faced by Adolescents After the COVID-19 Pandemic

Due to the significant lifestyle changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, adolescents faced many challenges that negatively affected their mental and physical health. It is essential to recognize that this age group particularly suffers from feelings of isolation and anxiety during this difficult time. The pandemic-related lockdowns led to a significant decrease in physical activities, contributing to increased levels of depression and anxiety.

Social distancing and lockdowns have not only impacted mental health but have also affected adolescents’ social balance. Young people show signs of anxiety and confusion due to their inability to interact with peers and engage in recreational activities they were accustomed to. Such experiences can lead to identity crises among adolescents, necessitating immediate interventions to foster psychological and social resilience in this age group.

Instead of leaving adolescents to struggle on their own, educational programs should include psychological and community support for individuals. To overcome these challenges, leveraging online learning and digital resources is encouraged to provide interactive activities and content that inspire adolescents to return to physical activities and engage in social events.

The Role of Parents and Educators in Promoting Physical Activity

Parents and teachers play a vital role in promoting physical activity among adolescents. They should be role models by adopting active lifestyles, which encourages young people to embrace the same behaviors. This can be achieved through finding shared family activities, such as walking in parks or engaging in sports together.

Furthermore, teachers should be able to incorporate physical activities into the curriculum in innovative ways. Sports activities can include team games and physical challenges that build team spirit and enhance social relationships among students. The social aspect is a fundamental part of physical activity, as it helps reduce feelings of isolation and promotes cooperation.

New techniques and methods in physical education can also be adopted, such as using electronic and kinetic games that encourage adolescents to be active while being fun. For example, using fitness tracking applications or organizing competitions between classes can stimulate enthusiasm and motivate students to participate actively.

Future Research and Data Needs

Researchers have suggested the need for further studies to better understand the types and levels of physical activity that can positively impact adolescents’ mood. Researchers should focus on different aspects of physical activity such as exercise intensity, duration of practice, and variety of activities. This information can be essential for developing effective programs aimed at improving adolescents’ mental health.

Additionally, studies should provide real-time data to support the acceleration of interventions. Evidence-based information can help refine public health policies and enhance resource allocation towards effective activities. The academic community needs to collaborate with public health authorities to establish an effective monitoring system that can assess the negative impacts of renewed lifestyles after the pandemic.

Research entities should also work on facilitating access to data for researchers and practitioners interested, enabling them to benefit from new methods and tools to measure the psychological effects of physical activity. This collaboration between various sectors can ensure the comprehensive development of adolescents, helping them overcome the challenges they face in the contemporary world.

The Psychological Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Adolescents

The COVID-19 pandemic caused significant changes in adolescents’ lifestyles, greatly affecting their mental health. Many studies have reported a rise in rates of depression and anxiety among young people due to social isolation and the sudden loss of daily routines. For example, research indicated that adolescents who lost opportunities for social interaction were more susceptible to mental disorders. This situation was not limited only to spontaneous lockdowns but extended to the negative effects of negative emotions such as anxiety and stress that accompanied adolescents during the pandemic.

When collective sports activities were halted due to social distancing measures, it was observed that many adolescents were compelled by these circumstances to rely on solitary physical activities or stay at home for prolonged periods. This shift in lifestyle led to an increased sense of isolation and frustration, as physical activities became an important outlet for relieving mental stress. This situation had a significant impact on academic performance and the overall mood of adolescents.

The Relationship Between Physical Activity and Mental Health

Scientific evidence increasingly shows that physical activity has a direct positive impact on mental health. A study conducted in China during the pandemic suggested that regular exercise enhances positive feelings and alleviates symptoms of depression and anxiety. Physical activity boosts the release of hormones such as endorphins and serotonin, which play an essential role in improving mood and promoting feelings of happiness.

Some studies have shown that adolescents who engage in regular physical activities were less likely to experience depression compared to their peers living a sedentary lifestyle. An example of this is a study that addressed the impact of physical activity on adolescents from multicultural families, which showed that exercise improved children’s mood and their levels of social interaction. In this case, sports served as a means to enhance positive interactions with others, contributing to improved mental health.

Strategies to Promote Physical Activity During the Pandemic

In light of the conditions imposed by the pandemic, it is essential to find ways to motivate adolescents to engage in sports. Strategies should focus on promoting activities that can be done alone or with family, such as walking or running outdoors. Additionally, free sports activities can be provided via online platforms, making them accessible and widespread among adolescents.

On the other hand, schools and local communities should provide support to adolescents by organizing safe sports events that comply with health regulations. This could include small sporting events or workshops to promote the importance of physical activity and its positive impact on mental health. Moreover, involving families in sports activities can enhance social bonds and encourage children to take responsibility for their physical health.

Future Challenges and Research Areas

As ongoing changes continue to affect our lives due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become crucial to focus on future research to improve the situation of youth. There is an urgent need to develop long-term studies to understand how this pandemic profoundly affects adolescents’ mental health. These studies could also include assessments of the impacts of returning to normal life and how physical and psychological activities might be affected both negatively and positively.

Research should also focus on the social and psychological effects that may arise from prolonged isolation and the stress resulting from the pandemic. Understanding these dynamics can assist in developing policies that support adolescents in the future and raise awareness of the importance of mental health and physical activity as a means to face challenges. Addressing these needs requires multidisciplinary participation, including psychologists, educators, doctors, and policymakers to design effective programs that enhance youth activity and their psychological well-being.


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