Covert Efforts to Overthrow the Maduro Regime in Venezuela

On September 26, 2018, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro took the stage at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, where the political situation in his country was deteriorating rapidly. Maduro’s reliance on strategies to confront social and economic crises faced enormous challenges, with escalating popular protests and soaring inflation rates. Meanwhile, the U.S. administration under President Donald Trump was working on a plan to oust Maduro from power, viewing his presence as a threat to regional stability.

This article delves into the secrets of the covert campaign led by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) against Maduro, which involved complex operations not necessarily aligned with broader U.S. foreign policy objectives. It also highlights the internal tensions within the U.S. administration and its willingness to strike against the Venezuelan regime amidst increasing challenges. In the midst of all this, we will discuss pivotal details about how covert operations evolved and the conflicts among various parties within the Trump administration, shaping the broader image of the conflict that led to attempts to influence events in Venezuela.

The Political Situation in Venezuela and Maduro’s Challenges

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro faces tremendous political challenges that have led to the deterioration of his position in the country. Since taking office, Maduro has assumed the presidency amid a severe economic crisis fueled by hyperinflation that has devastated the Venezuelan economy. Maduro’s victory in the recent elections, which were described as fraudulent, became a pivotal point in driving the Venezuelan opposition to take to the streets against his regime. These protests reflect a deep sense of public frustration and discontent with the deteriorating living conditions.

The potential civil war and successive waves of poverty have created a massive refugee crisis, with over a million Venezuelans fleeing their country. This phenomenon has led to diplomatic and economic challenges for neighboring countries, which have been burdened by the influx of refugees. In light of these circumstances, Maduro seeks to bolster his power by blaming “American imperialism,” arguing that the United States uses humanitarian issues as a pretext to intervene in Venezuela’s affairs.

International Pressure on Maduro’s Regime

Another facet of the story is intensified international pressure against Maduro’s regime. Trump’s policy toward Venezuela is part of broader efforts to remove him from power. Trump has expressed his thoughts on the “possibility of military options” as a means to resolve the crisis. In this context, Maduro’s speech at the United Nations General Assembly can be seen as a reaction to the acute crisis in which he is entangled.

The actions taken by the U.S. administration included imposing stringent economic sanctions targeting Maduro’s associates and the Venezuelan oil industry. These sanctions were aimed at highlighting corruption and mismanagement of the government, reaffirming the American alliance with the Venezuelan opposition, which supported the calls for the regime’s overthrow through statements and financial backing. Through this context, we see how Venezuelan domestic politics intersect with international pragmatic agendas.

The Covert Campaign to Oust Maduro

Details of the covert campaign led by the CIA emerged, along with the diplomatic efforts and support extended to the opposition. A “Task Force on Venezuela” was established to confront severe challenges and plan operations against the ruling regime. This operation appeared as a direct response to pressures from the administration, despite obstacles within the agency related to resource shortages and differing views on methodology.

Despite the signing of covert operations, including cyberattacks on state infrastructure, the real outcome was the satisfaction of some soldiers regarding the management of payrolls and encouraging some to defect from Maduro. Tensions arose between the executive branch and the intelligence agency due to differing perceptions of the importance of proposed actions amidst the efforts to eliminate Maduro’s political influence.

The Rise

Guaidó and His Impact on the Venezuelan Opposition

Juan Guaidó’s declaration on January 23, 2019, of himself as the “interim president” of Venezuela marked a significant shift in the political dynamics. Guaidó’s support from the National Assembly symbolizes the opposition and its ability to organize itself against the government. Guaidó gained recognition from around 60 countries, strengthening his position as a potential savior for Venezuela from chaos.

Amid escalating crises, the Trump administration began to impose stricter sanctions on the Venezuelan state, which had an immediate impact on the regime. This fueled the conflict between Maduro and his allies on one side, and Guaidó and his international allies on the other. This complex tension continued to create unstable conditions, increasing pressure on the Venezuelan government.

Intelligence Crisis and International Cooperation in the Campaign Against Maduro

The conflict between the U.S. administration and the intelligence agency reflects a framework aimed at overthrowing Maduro, but it also mirrors the cultural and ethical differences between the entities. Some administrations have considered that intelligence should be more intensive and bold in its strategies rather than relying on a more cautious ethics-based approach. These tensions continue to be felt in the struggles between the administration and the agency, especially regarding how to handle the Venezuelan situation.

Despite restrictions on communication and operations, the war on disinformation and intelligence continues, attempting to draw the world’s attention to the injustices suffered by Venezuela, which highlights the importance of international cooperation as a means to bolster recognition of the Venezuelan opposition’s legitimacy. Through these dynamics, the importance of integrated political strategies that view humanitarian issues as central in the context of American foreign policy is made clear.

U.S. Interventions in Venezuela

The history of U.S. intervention in Venezuela is complex and full of events that reflect the influence of American foreign policy on Latin American countries. Since the ousting of the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez in 2002, the United States has worked to enhance its economic and political pressure on the Venezuelan government, led by President Nicolás Maduro. The principal reason behind this engagement is the control of Venezuela’s rich oil reserves as well as democratic principles. Under the Trump administration, multiple strategies were devised to inflict damage on the Venezuelan government. One proposal included neutralizing oil exports from Venezuela to Cuba, and the U.S. government’s plans to use airpower to engage with the Venezuelan Air Force. However, these attempts were hindered by several concerns, including the need for non-military strategies, leading to a decline in the capability to ensure actual changes in leadership.

Military and Intelligence Strategies

During the Trump administration, clear military and intelligence strategies emerged aimed at weakening Maduro’s authority. Interestingly, there was a proposal involving the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to conduct maritime sabotage operations against Venezuelan oil tankers. But these plans failed due to objections from within the CIA, as U.S. intelligence deemed that executing military operations inside Venezuela could lead to complicated political ramifications. In an attempt to provide support, Colombia intervened to conduct sabotage operations against Venezuelan warplanes, but poor coordination led to unexpected outcomes. This sabotage operation was described by a former official as not being as successful as anticipated. These events reveal the complexity surrounding intelligence military actions and how limited operations can affect the instability of ruling regimes.

Tensions Within the U.S. Administration

The relationship between various parties in the Trump administration shows a level of tension and division. Former National Security Advisor John Bolton was urging more pressure on Maduro, but the lack of trust among different government agencies, such as the CIA and the Department of Defense, prevented the activation of aggressive plans. It was clear that Bolton sensed Maduro’s strength and believed the opportunity was ripe to oust him, while other officials warned of potentially dire consequences. By March 2019, the situation had worsened, especially after the closure of the U.S. embassy in Caracas, which hampered intelligence-gathering efforts and, as reported by a former official, was a “disaster.” These dynamics illustrate how internal divisions within Trump’s team weakened attempts to change the regime.


Venezuelan Opposition Crisis

Despite the significant efforts by Venezuelan opposition leaders like Juan Guaidó, internal political operations have not achieved the desired success. On April 30, 2019, Guaidó announced the “Operation Liberty,” calling on both the military and civilians to join him in protests. However, the failure in coordination and the lack of trust between the military and the Venezuelan political elite, along with the waning popular enthusiasm, ultimately led to the operation’s failure. There was poor communication and significant mismanagement among Venezuelan leaders, raising doubts about Guaidó’s effectiveness and ability to confront Maduro’s regime. Experts believe that had the agency intervened more strongly between January and April, the opposition might have succeeded in capitalizing on the existing unrest to oust Maduro. The events that followed “Operation Liberty” demonstrated how international and local support may not be sufficient without strong leadership and a clear vision.

Response of the New Biden Administration

With the Biden administration taking office, a bold step was made towards a new understanding with Maduro. In October 2023, the U.S. administration faced a crisis due to rising fuel prices and an increasing influx of refugees, prompting it to open channels of dialogue with the Venezuelan regime. This agreement aimed to organize free and fair presidential elections, but Maduro quickly violated the agreement and initiated new repressive measures to counter any opposition. These events reflect a different strategic response, as the Biden administration sought a solution to the crisis without military escalation. However, with Maduro’s controversial re-election announcement, it became clear to everyone that the regime still maintains a firm grip on power, raising questions about the effectiveness of sanctions and political pressures in achieving meaningful change. The question remains open on how to manage future relations between the United States and Venezuela amidst rising authoritarianism and instability in the region.

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