Characteristics and Evolution of the Sedimentary Environment of the Wujia Bing Formation in the Yinggehai Basin and Gas Shale Discovery

The Wujiaping Formation (WJP) from the Upper Permian is considered one of the significant sources of shale gas in the Yangtze River Basin in southern China. However, the clinical and environmental characteristics of this formation are still not well understood, which poses a barrier to its exploration and utilization. In this article, we will explore the promising prospects for shale gas in this region through a series of geological analyses and details of the rock composition of the formation. We will address sedimentary patterns, environmental changes, and factors affecting the accumulation of organic materials, in addition to analyzing chemical materials that provide new insights into exploration opportunities for gas in this formation. Through this research, we aim to provide a clear framework for the sustainable use of shale gas resources in Wujiaping.

The Geology and Surface Characteristics of the Wujiaping Formation

The Upper Geological Period of the Permian Era, particularly the Wujiaping Formation, is one of the critical periods in studying source rocks in the Yangtze Block in southern China. This formation gains special importance for its ability to contain shale gas, prompting researchers to invest in extensive studies to discover its characteristics. The Wujiaping Formation consists of 11 different types of rocks, which have been classified based on petrological observations and geochemical composition analyses. The sedimentary environments in this formation include shallow marine shelves, coastal environments, deep marine flats, among others, reflecting a rich geographical diversity significantly affecting the physical and chemical properties of the rocks.

It has been noted that significant geological environmental changes, such as the Dongwu movement, had a substantial impact on the ancient topography, leading to shifts in sedimentary environments. During the early sedimentation periods, a gradual process of submergence was observed, characterized by clastic rocks in the lower part of the Wujiaping Formation. Furthermore, the results indicate that the upper period of the formation witnessed a pivotal transformation in the geological environment, where the area of coastal environments decreased due to continuous submergence processes, leading to a transition in lithology from clastic rocks to carbonate rocks.

Geomorphological Characteristics and Historical Coordinates

The geomorphological characteristics of the Wujiaping Formation record a complex history of environmental and geological changes. The region has witnessed major impacts from tectonic movements, which led to the formation of ancient uplift, contributing to the development of various types of marine environments over time. Geochemical analysis is a fundamental factor in understanding changes in marine environments and shifts in ecosystems throughout ages.

A deep understanding of the geological processes that have occurred in the region highlights the importance of studying ancient conditions, especially in the context of marine environments and changes in Earth’s chemistry. By collecting 260 samples from 18 locations and one core, the geological composition and environmental changes were studied to support the understanding of these processes. Geochemical analysis data, such as major and trace elements, are extremely useful in shaping a clear picture of the harsh environmental conditions that led to the formation of these rocks.

Geochemical Analysis and Environmental Indicators Identification

Geochemical analysis forms a primary part of the study of the Wujiaping Formation, allowing for a deep understanding of ancient environments and the changes they underwent. Indicators such as the Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) are used to determine the degree of chemical weathering and ancient climate. The varying CIA values reflect transformations in climate, with higher values indicating warm and humid climatic conditions, while lower values suggest a cooler and drier climate. This analysis can help in understanding how decreased water levels and increased temperatures affected sediment formation.

Moreover, rare elements such as molybdenum and uranium are used as indicators to identify reducing conditions underwater. It has been shown that increased concentrations of these elements indicate reducing conditions, while their decrease indicates oxidizing environments. Through data extracted from chemical analyses, a range of factors affecting the sedimentary environment can be inferred, as well as the tripartite patterns of oxygen and depletion in rock deposits.


Shale Gas and Geological Sustainability

The economic potential of the Wujia Bing formation in the field of shale gas is attractive for research and development in this area. Previous studies have shown that the lower section of the Wujia Bing formation contains optimal conditions for gas accumulation, paving the way for future explorations. The dynamic geological processes that the region has undergone are one of the reasons for the deposits containing significant amounts of gas.

Understanding the environmental characteristics and geological changes paves the way for the development of sustainability technologies and more efficient exploration methods. The information gained from current studies can be used to test the models of shale gas reserves, contributing to future investments in this sector. This requires continuous field collaboration between researchers and major companies in the gas and oil sector to maintain an organized ecological balance and more effective techniques in shale gas exploration.

Geological Factors in the Wujia Bing Formation

The Wujia Bing formation is an important geological formation understood through studying the rock composition and various geological factors affecting it. One of the key tools is the analysis of the relative distribution of elements like molybdenum and uranium, which can be measured using the enrichment factor (EF) that quantifies the degree of concentration of these elements within the formation. This factor is calculated based on the average components of the shale, revisiting how the elements interact with other geological properties like sandy and clayey deposits. By understanding the relative distribution of minerals such as zirconium (Zr) and rubidium (Rb), a clearer picture of the hydrodynamic conditions affecting the Wujia Bing formation can be obtained. The presence of zirconium in heavy coastal sand indicates active depositional environments, while the abundance of rubidium in light minerals may indicate deep marine conditions.

Rock Types in the Wujia Bing Formation

The Wujia Bing formation is classified into 11 different types of rocks based on observations from rock samples and thin section analysis. These types are defined according to their mineral composition. For example, bauxite contains a set of hydroxides and oxides, which places it within the sedimentary rock group, while siliceous rocks may display different characteristics. Bauxite contains minerals like gibbsite and boehmite, characterized by its red or brown color. The thin section images also exhibit alluvial structures, indicating the environmental processes that contributed to its formation.

Siliceous rocks, such as siliceous rocks and clayey sands, encompass various types of rock identified through careful observation within the Wujia Bing group. Clay rocks, like carbonaceous clay, have a dark gray appearance and are often separated by horizontal openings. These types of rocks are distributed inconsistently across different portions of the Wujia Bing formation but reflect a variety of environmental factors that have shaped them.

Geological and Chemical Analysis of Rocks

The geological analysis of rock chemistry involves measuring the major and trace elements in the Wujia Bing formation. Any expression of the chemical composition of rocks can provide many insights, including an understanding of the geological characteristics of these rocks over time. The values of the Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) in the Wujia Bing formation range from 58.08 to 85.84, indicating a variation in climatic conditions over the ages. In the lower part of formation P3W1, conditions are often humid and hot, which corresponds to the deep weathering processes of these rocks.

Experiments analyzing rare elements, such as molybdenum and uranium, in the Wujia Bing formation reveal that these elements are not abundant in P3W1, but their values in P3W2 are significantly higher. Different trends for the concentration of molybdenum in various sections indicate the geological processes occurring during these time periods. The values of the zirconium to rubidium ratio vary across different formations, reflecting significant changes in the hydrodynamic conditions that have affected the formation.


Climatic Factors on the Formation of Wujiabing

The analysis of CIA values indicates that the ancient climate in the Wujiabing Formation was hot and humid, resulting in the weathering of carbonate minerals. This favorable climate facilitated the weathering process of carbonate rocks in the Maoku Formation, leading to the formation of an ancient land surface. As time progressed, the area underwent cycles of warm and humid weather, followed by cold and dry weather, highlighting the dynamic nature of this geological environment.

The climatic influences on the Wujiabing Formation manifest in the geological records where the chemistry changes with time. This demonstrates the ongoing efforts to understand how climatic factors affect the underlying geological processes and contribute to the diversity of geological formations. For instance, rainfall and natural factors play a role in the decomposition of rocks, leading to the formation of new minerals called clay minerals, which are continually processed and formed over an extended time period.

Conclusions and Future Analyses

The current study of the Wujiabing Formation represents an important window into understanding geological transitions over time. Knowledge of the types of rocks and chemical compositions enables geologists to reconstruct the environmental and climatic conditions that shaped the area. In addition to manual and microscopic methods for rock analysis, modern technologies, such as data analysis from satellites and geological modeling methods, can be leveraged to achieve further advancements in understanding the factors influencing the Wujiabing Formation.

In summary, the Wujiabing Formation is a site rich in geological and climatic understanding and provides a vivid example of how the earth was shaped by the complex interactions between natural processes and human factors over time. Ongoing studies require further research and development to arrive at a deeper understanding of the factors affecting these formations.

Ancient Climate Change in the Formation of Wujiabing

The geological values (CIA) indicate that the ancient climate in the Wujiabing Formation experienced significant changes from a warm and humid state to a cold and dry one. The P3W1 stage began with a warm and humid climate but shifted to a cold and dry climate in the lower part of the P3W2 stage. This change reflects the substantial alterations in environmental conditions that occurred during those geological periods. At the top of P3W2, the climate briefly returned to a warm and humid state, but soon reverted to cold and dry by the end of P3W2.

These climatic changes can be illustrated by studying sediments and the geographical distribution of fossils. For example, the fossils found in these layers indicate representations of various marine life that reflect diverse environmental conditions. In areas that experienced warm and humid conditions, rock formations containing abundant living organisms were found, while the sediments formed in cold and dry conditions represented a marine environment that was less diverse.

These climatic changes are not merely local alterations but represent part of a global pattern of climate change that may be linked to tectonic plate shifts or changes in sea level. These geological dynamics play a significant role in understanding how life on earth has evolved.

Redox Conditions and Oxygenation in Marine Waters

Geological analysis indicates that values related to oxygenation conditions in marine waters, such as MoEF and UEF, suggest that the oxygenation conditions in the P3W2 stage were more intense than in P3W1. Although both periods had oxygenation conditions, the MoEF and UEF in P3W2 provided a more positive picture of oxygen levels.

The data showed that MoEF/UEF rates indicated the presence of mixed oxygen conditions in both periods, but with a greater concentration of reducing characteristics in P3W1. These changes are initially difficult to understand but may be linked to shifts in ocean temperatures and evaporation rates, affecting oxygenation in the seas. For instance, during times when temperatures rose, evaporation rates likely increased, which could hinder oxygen levels in the waters.

The results suggest that environmental changes throughout geological periods contributed to shaping the complex environmental conditions that affected marine life diversity and its ability to survive and adapt.

Hydrodynamic Conditions and Sediments

Analyses indicate that Zr/Rb ratios in the P3W1 phase declined more sharply compared to the P3W2 phase, suggesting that hydrodynamic conditions were more active in P3W1. This difference highlights the importance of understanding water movement and its impact on marine sediments. In P3W1, there were strong marine conditions supporting water movement, aiding in the formation of diverse sediments such as sand and silt.

When examining sediment distribution and characteristics under different hydrodynamic conditions, it is observed that areas subjected to stronger marine forces witnessed the formation of sediments rich in marine life, leading to significant biological diversity. Although all areas exhibited less dynamic hydrological characteristics in P3W2, marine trees and materials extracted from sediments reflect changes occurring over time.

The slow distribution and diversity of marine sediments may indicate complex geological processes over time. The graphs extracted from geological data provide a clear picture of these processes, showing gradual transitions between different marine areas and the extent to which hydrodynamic conditions influenced sediment distribution patterns.

Development of Sedimentary Rocks during the Permian Period

Geological studies show that carbonate rocks gradually replaced clay rocks, with this phenomenon clearly appearing after a mixed period of deposition. The P3W2 phase represents a vital stage in the development of sedimentary rocks, where the main sedimentary facies transformed into limited and open platforms, indicating a deepening trend from east to west. In this context, the existence of three groups of coral reefs has been identified in the areas surrounding Fuling, Wulong, Yanhe, and Zhenba, while beaches are located in the western and southeastern parts of the study area. These beaches are primarily composed of carbonate claystone, with a small part of claystone containing silty materials, and some siliceous rocks. These changes reflect erosion processes and marine flows that affected the formation of these rocks.

Analysis of Sedimentary Facies and Their Geological Applications

Analysis of sedimentary facies is a key tool for understanding the environmental processes that occurred during a specific period. Eleven types of rocks are classified in the Wujiaping formation, including bauxite, siliceous rocks, and various types of clay and carbonate sedimentary rocks. These types display significant potential for hydrocarbon production. The different rock compounds, such as micritic carbonates and bioclastic carbonates, are considered potential habitats for gas and oil. Geological information about these types helps guide future exploration efforts, emphasizing the importance of these rocks in the formation of oil and gas reservoirs. Developments related to carbonate platforms and the factors causing the formation of various platforms are significant indicators for understanding the dynamic aspect of the geological environment.

The Impact of Geological Movement on Rock Formation

Geological movement, such as Dongwu movement, represents key factors in shaping rock environments. During these movements, carbonate rocks from the Maokou period were exposed to opening and erosion, resulting in the formation of ancient erosion surfaces. Under these conditions, pieces of bauxite emerged as a result of intense erosion processes. Slow deposition during the Wuchiapingian period contributed to the formation of new platforms, indicating the need to understand how tectonic movements affect sedimentary environments. Additionally, changes resulting from earth movement play a role in directing future explorations for mineral and oil resources.

Model of Sedimentary Evolution from the Middle to Late Permian

The model of sedimentary evolution from the Maokou formation to Changxing provides insight into the changing environmental landscape. Studies show that sedimentary platforms and shallow marine shelves provide sustainable environments for sedimentation and processing of geological materials. Transitions between limited and open platforms reflect environmental impacts and the strength of water flow. The attached figure illustrates the temporal development of changes in rocks, indicating that the diversity of sedimentary facies suggests a continuous renewal of resources. This cumulative understanding forms a solid foundation for estimating future resources as the prospects for gas and oil exploration in the Sichuan Basin expand.


Prospects for Oil and Gas Exploration

From an in-depth analysis of geological processes, it is concluded that there is enormous potential for exploring gas and oil in confined sedimentary rocks. The extracted data indicate that bauxite sands and marine minerals represent a strategic target for exploring new sources. Deep marine ecosystems provide ideal environments for hydrocarbon accumulation, suggesting environmental factors involved in interconnected sedimentation processes. Current data provide good conclusions about the geographical and mineral distribution of hydrocarbons, encouraging oil companies to expand their exploration efforts in these promising areas. Aside from gas and oil resources, a deeper understanding of environmental and mining environments enhances nations’ ability to achieve sustainability in resource use.

Geological Conditions for the Wujiping Formation

The Wujiping Formation represents one of the most important source rocks of the Paleozoic era in the Yangtze Block in southern China. The study area is located in the Yangtze Block, bordered to the north by the Qinling Orogenic Belt and to the east by the Jiangnan-Xiufeng uplift. The area has undergone a range of topographic and tectonic transformations that led to the formation of a continental shape basin, thus evolving the local geology over the ages. The sedimentary environments here are diverse, reflecting the geological changes that occurred over different times, such as the ancient continental basin in the Caledonian era, the mountainous basin in the Hercynian era, and the mountain uplift area in the Indosinian era.

The Wujiping Formation consists of layers rich in organic sources and trace chemical elements, making it an attractive point for exploring shale gas. Focusing on the sedimentary environment of this formation leads to a deeper understanding of gas accumulation characteristics, where environmental factors such as the ancient climate, oxidation conditions, and hydrodynamic conditions contribute to determining the quality and quantity of potential gas. Studying the geological characteristics of these layers is essential for developing effective exploration strategies, as previous studies confirmed the possibility of gas existence in the lower layers of the Wujiping Formation.

Sedimentary and Geochemical Properties of the Wujiping Formation

Sedimentary and geochemical analysis of the Wujiping Formation demonstrates that the type of rocks and their sedimentary condition change with various environmental parameters. The sedimentary rocks are found in the form of greasy clay, containing large amounts of organic carbon. These factors play a critical role in the formation of shale gas and determining exploration effectiveness. Over the past decade, intensive exploration activities have been conducted in the area, resulting in various discoveries indicating potential opportunities, highlighting the importance of detailed research on the chemical properties of the sedimentary shape.

Studies addressing the development of environmental sediments focus on carbon storage and gas development. For example, geomorphological processes affect the distribution of organic carbon in the formation, emphasizing local influences such as hydrological conditions and mineral component distribution. Geological testimonies also indicate the critical role of oxidative conditions in carbon integrity, as oxidizing conditions contribute to the degradation of organic materials, suggesting a need for a deeper understanding of chemical interactions in geological analysis.

Prospects for Shale Gas Exploration in the Wujiping Formation

The Wujiping Formation is considered one of the formations with significant potential for shale gas exploration, thanks to its suitable sedimentary and chemical characteristics for gas storage. Although there is some data regarding gas types and geological conditions in surrounding areas, there is a need for deeper knowledge about the internal properties of the formation. The effectiveness of exploration relies on data derived from field research and geological analysis, including pressure and temperature measurements, which determine the levels of fullness and the suitability of conditions for exploration.

Investment in Europe and North America in shale gas projects has increased, prompting emphasis on the importance of developing similar strategies in the Yangtze Block. It has been noted that advancements in exploration technology, such as geophysical methods and synthetic techniques, open new horizons for identifying potential gas sites. By improving understanding of formation properties and exploration data, existing exploration programs can be enhanced and larger investments directed towards developing sustainable gas resources.


Future Research in the Wujia Bing Formation

There are still many challenges facing gas exploration in the Wujia Bing Formation, including issues related to identifying suitable environments and the complexities associated with geological analysis. It requires the development of innovative methods for environmental assessment and analysis of the factors influencing gas accumulation. For example, researchers need to develop integrated screening strategies that take into account the impact of the ancient climate and deposition conditions on resource availability.

Future research should place equal emphasis on environmental sustainability aspects and how to reduce the environmental impact resulting from exploration and development processes. Therefore, collaboration with environmental agencies and government bodies for the integration of efforts towards environmental conservation is essential. Future research should include detailed assessments of the impacts of shale gas, enhancing the comprehensive understanding of the consequences of its extraction.

Tectonic Formation of the Eastern Yangtze Block

The Eastern Yangtze Block represents one of the important geological areas in the world, having experienced complex tectonic interactions over time. In the early rifting phase, this block underwent rapid dragging due to tectonic movement, leading to the flooding of most of its areas. By the end of this phase, differential uplift occurred, known as the “Dongwu” movement, resulting in varying erosion at the top of the “Maoko” formation. In the late period, the opening of the “Paleo-Tethys” ocean accompanied by widespread continental rifting in the middle and upper section of the Yangtze Block took place. This was accompanied by the invasion of marine waters from east to west, contributing to the formation of the current geological state.

The geological structure of the study area consists of fault belts, folds, and uplift zones, reflecting the continuous tectonic transformations that have occurred in that region over the ages, as both the Tertiary and Quaternary periods witnessed multiple phases of transformation. This makes the study area a distinctive environment for studying geological and tectonic changes over time.

Chemical Analysis and Sedimentary Environment

To reconstruct the sedimentary environment of the “Wujia Bing” formation in the area, a variety of analytical methods are utilized to understand the ancient climate and oxidation conditions. The Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) is considered one of the essential means for estimating the ancient climate. By studying CIA values, climates can be classified into hot and humid, warm and humid, and cold and dry zones, providing insights into the climatic conditions that shaped the rocks and soils in the region.

The signals used to measure oxygenation conditions include elements such as molybdenum (Mo) and uranium (U). These elements are sensitive to changes in the oxygenation conditions of marine waters. In anoxic systems, concentrations of Mo and U tend to increase, allowing researchers to utilize correlation tables to measure these relationships and determine the specific oxygenation conditions of the waters. This type of analysis is essential for understanding the environmental dynamics that contributed to the formation of the geological components of the region.

Rock Composition Analysis of the Wujia Bing Formation

During the study, 11 different rock types of the “Wujia Bing” formation were classified based on field and microscopic analyses. Among these types are bauxite, siliceous shale, and claystones. Each type has specific characteristics that distinguish it from others. For example, bauxite rocks are characterized by the presence of oxides and hydroxides, while siliceous rocks represent coastal environments.

When studying sedimentary rocks, we can see how various environmental factors influence rock formation. Clay and carbonate rocks, for example, reveal diverse marine conditions and depositional circumstances defined by the environment in which they were formed. This deep analysis of rocks helps geologists understand the historical climatic and tectonic changes in the region.

Using Advanced Analytical Methods in Geological Study

Advanced techniques were relied upon in the analysis of rock samples for further understanding and accuracy of results. For example, X-ray spectral analysis and geochemical methods were used to obtain precise information about the chemical composition of rocks. This method allows for measuring the principal and trace element concentrations, enabling researchers to analyze the chemical reactions that occurred over time.


On that note, other analytical methods such as powdered analysis are used to identify rock grains and understand their structure. These techniques aid in determining the environmental conditions that prevailed during the sedimentation period, allowing for explanations regarding climate changes or tectonic activity in the region.

Chemical Elements in the Wujiaoping Formation

The major chemical elements in the Wujiaoping formation serve as an important entry point for understanding developments in regional geology. Major element analysis and measurements related to geomorphological indicators have been conducted in this context. In well XD-1, the CIA values in P3W1 ranged from 58.08 to 85.84, while the values in P3W2 were much lower, ranging from 17.74 to 59.39. These results reflect the quality of transport and accumulation that occurred during different geological periods. Although the characteristic low values in P3W2 indicate an environment less influenced by external factors, the results provide significance for bauxite formation, as we find that its formation aligns with historical geological movements, such as the Dongwu movement, which led to exposure and erosion.

While research continued to analyze trace elements, such as Mo and Uranium variables, the values were generally low, indicating a lack of noticeable enrichment of elements during this period. The low values of MoEF and UEF suggest a sedimentary environment that does not encourage high concentrations of trace elements, reflecting environmental stability during that time. Nevertheless, there were areas of greater richness, particularly in P3W2, indicating variability in environmental conditions.

Sedimentary Geology and Ancient Climate Patterns

An ancient climate played a vital role in the formation of bauxite and soil development, as evident from the CIA values that indicate a warm and humid climate in the lower part of the Wujiaoping formation. This environmental situation reflects the capacity to form layers of mineral-rich soil during periods of climatic stability, followed by times of radical climate change, such as the transition to cold and dry climates. This climatic cycle is not merely a reflection of a geological context but also reflects profound changes in biodiversity and the impact of erosion on formation processes.

The changes in climate in P3W1 and P3W2 may explain how these influenced the deposits and how climatic ranges led to variability in sedimentary composition. The declines in CIA values in the upper part of the Wujiaoping formation indicate times of dryness and a scarcity of environmental deposits. These deposits signal how climatic changes, such as those we refer to as Dongwu movements, can result in the formation of a new ecosystem, which may, in the future, lead to differently formed mineral stratifications.

Oxidizing or Reducing Conditions

The study also investigated reducing conditions in the Wujiaoping formation. Through measurements of MoEF and UEF, it was observed that the values generally remain below 2, indicating that the environment may be generally oxidizing, with some variations in hydrological conditions. In P3W1, there was a closer indication of strong reducing conditions, but in P3W2, the measurements showed a decline in reducing strength.

These variables illustrate a picture of the evolution of coral reefs and the surrounding ecosystems. The presence of an oxygen-rich environment in P3W1 may reflect significant biological growth activity, while the weaker oxidizing conditions in P3W2 suggest complexities in the ecological systems. This may refer to the breakdown or erosion of previous systems, leading to different sedimentation settings and thus forming a unique geological structure.

Sedimentary Characteristics and Natural Environments

The assessment of sedimentary characteristics in the Wujiaoping formation shows the diversity of environments and compositions that may have existed in this area. Environmental classification must be understood precisely through microscopic observation and geological analysis, as the different layers of sedimentary deposits reflect the environmental impacts resulting from climate and geochemical changes.


The coastal environment present in the area is of special importance, as it has experienced a period of intense dynamic activity with crusts and beaches reflecting the features of coastal cities. There are clear indications of the effects of Dong Wu’s movement, which led to the formation of fragile upper surfaces and ropy features, bringing new characteristics and rich deposits in the soil of the region. Furthermore, buried leaf accumulations found in coastal excavations indicate significant ecological impacts with multiple layers of deposits.

The shallow shelf environment is fruitful for analyses of hydro-dynamic points. These conditions demonstrate how hydrological changes were subjected to many environmental factors, resulting in a clear classification of deposits in line with storage environments. The formations are subsequent…

Analysis of Geological and Structural Relationships

The analysis of geological relationships focuses on understanding how the formation of Wujiabing interacted with major geological events in the region. The importance of studies that understand how continental movements affect the spatial distribution of minerals is highlighted, along with how erosion and wear affected the formation of these ideas and theories in earth sciences. The microscope is a scrutinizing view that supports a better understanding of how the earth’s crust has evolved over the ages.

Microscopic examinations showed complex changes in the layers examined, indicating different states of geological transformation, alongside changes related to climate and soil quality. Analyzing these structures not only contributed to understanding current formations but also shed light on the temporal dimensions and how external and internal factors affected them simultaneously.

All these axes contribute to building a comprehensive picture of the geology of Wujiabing, as the acquired knowledge aids in charting a more comprehensive and advanced future of geology research.

Different Sedimentary Facies and Environmental Conditions

Studies on sedimentary rocks involve a deep understanding of how these rocks originated and evolved over time. The research addressing the formation of Wujiabing in the East Yangtze area provides precise details about the various sedimentary environments such as shallow beaches and deep shelves. The sediments present in the region include complex formations of carbonate and clay rocks. In this context, micro bioclasts are one of the prominent types, consisting of sedimentary structures that contain fossils, reflecting an active marine environment where organisms like crinoids and brachiopods existed. On the other hand, clay and siliceous rocks appear as mixed layers indicating significant environmental and historical changes.

The graphical representations presented in the study, such as Figure 6, highlight this environmental diversity and how it is affected by factors such as marine and climatic changes. There is a clear model of the changes that occurred in the marine environment, where the graph illustrates how the marine environments were shallow and dynamic during certain periods, contributing to the formation of sedimentary layers rich in biodiversity. The sedimentary record shows the presence of ammonoid fossils at greater depths in the waters, indicating currents and changes in sediment composition.

Analysis of Geochemical Conditions and Biodiversity

Geochemical analyses contribute to understanding the conditions these environments experienced during certain periods. For instance, strong reducing conditions were identified in the GTP formation. This geochemical difference from other sediments in the region indicates that the environmental state had undergone unstable changes, resulting in complex records of environmental and geological campaign histories. Here, the importance of organic chemistry analysis data related to material formation emerges as a criterion for determining the rock’s potential as sources of hydrocarbons.

Understanding these geochemical conditions is essential for developing effective strategies for future oil and gas exploration. The analyses conducted on the rocks provide rich information assessment criteria about the space-time in which fossil fuels were formed, as well as the impacts of geological activities such as earth movement and erosion. New methods used to understand environmental conditions help in developing a detailed model that can be utilized in planning sustainable development and exploring natural resources.


Sedimentary Types and Their Comparison Through Time

The distribution of rock patterns during a specific period is an important part of understanding environmental developments and changes that have occurred over the ages. In the study area, cross-sectional diagrams were constructed to illustrate how sedimentary patterns have changed from west to east and from north to south. In P3W1, shallow deposits such as beaches and shallow shelves appear as a dominant pattern. Meanwhile, the data in P3W2 indicate that sedimentary patterns began to take a different turn, with sediments concentrating around closed platforms and openings related to climatic changes.

These charts allow for a chronological clarity regarding population and natural changes in the environment. These comparisons contribute to analyzing the long-term effects of tectonic and climatic processes, providing a comprehensive view of how changes affect marine life environments and sedimentary data. This deep understanding is essential for developing theories about the evolution of marine life and ecosystem models over time.

The Evolutionary Model of Deposits and Information on Geological Eras

The information derived from these studies indicates the necessity of relying on the same evolutionary models, from the Mauku formation to the Changxing formation. This is manifested in establishing precise classifications for sedimentary types and the factors that led to their formation. Sedimentary types spread from closed platforms and beaches to deep basins, reflecting the impact of tectonic movements on these environments. The Dongwu movement paved the way for successive stages of exposure and erosion, allowing for the study of the availability of certain minerals like bauxite.

Thus, the report resulting from these studies is of great value for exploring resources in the future. Model maps contribute to understanding how these rocks can be exploited in sustainable development processes, whether related to energy or other natural materials present in the area. These models can be used in future research to ensure the sustainability of utilizing these resources within the framework of ongoing geological and environmental changes.

Research and Funding Needs in the Field of Geology

Research in geology and funding needs are closely linked to scientific and technological developments that contribute to understanding natural resources. Researchers in this field heavily rely on government funding and research institutions to activate research and explore new solutions. By monitoring various government projects, such as the Sedimentary Basin Laboratory and the Petroleum Resources Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources, one can see how these institutions focus on enhancing scientific research and providing the necessary grants for it. The importance of this support reflects in achieving advancements in understanding natural reservoirs, which are a critical factor in modern explorations.

Geological Characteristics of Oil and Gas Sources

To study the geological characteristics of oil and gas sources, it requires analyzing the geological structure and chemical compositions of reservoirs and oil. This includes studies related to marine reservoirs and ancient sources and the tectonic dynamics that directly affect hydrocarbon accumulation. Researchers look at oil field sources through their chemical and geological characteristics, where organic materials are key evidence for understanding how oil reservoirs can form. Additionally, popular studies on mineral density and geological composition contribute to identifying areas rich in natural gas potential.

Environmental Models and Their Role in Estimating Energy Sources

Environmental models play a tangible role in estimating available energy sources. A set of linear data and geological information is used to implement a comprehensive analysis of targeted areas. These models help understand the ancient environmental conditions and how they affect hydrocarbon accumulation. Studies related to climatic changes and their impact on the natural resources environment reflect that environmental analysis is not only useful for understanding geological history but also for developing new strategies for resource exploitation in a sustainable manner. Many researchers have relied on geological assessment methods for a better understanding of how petroleum reservoirs are formed.


Between Universities and Research Institutions

The collaboration between universities and research institutions in the fields of geology is essential to stimulate innovation and new discoveries. The exchange of knowledge and research resources contributes to enhancing the competitive capabilities among different institutions. For example, the collaborative projects between universities in Chongqing and the Geological Science Institute are evidence that cooperation activates academic programs, leading to the production of a new generation of geology specialists. Through investors and government bodies, research teams can unite to develop research programs aimed at studying future energy needs.

Future Challenges in Natural Resource Exploration

The oil and gas industry faces numerous future challenges, including climate change, environmental awareness, and increasing competition from renewable energy sources. The importance of applying new technologies such as remote sensing and big data analysis, which contribute to the accurate examination of natural resources, cannot be overstated. Overcoming these challenges requires continuous effort to develop new technologies that help find solutions for extracting energy more efficiently and sustainably. It is also essential to train a skilled workforce to innovate in new technologies that meet environmental standards. Investment in research and development is a vital step to ensure the sustainability of energy resources in the future.

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