This article provides guidelines on how to submit an inquiry before submitting a manuscript to Nature. Inquiries before manuscript submission are offered as a service to authors (for example, to understand if the manuscript is likely to be of interest to the journal) and are not mandatory.
Please refer to the sections below for guidance on inquiries before manuscript submission for the various sections of Nature. If you are unsure which category your manuscript falls into, please refer to the contribution formats in Nature’s Manuscript Formatting Guide.
Inquiries before manuscript submission for articles are not required, and it can be difficult to assess them reliably; Nature editors cannot fully commit to reviewing the contribution before seeing the complete manuscript. Manuscripts should not be submitted in full as inquiries before manuscript submission, but must be formally submitted through our electronic submission system.
When using the electronic submission form to make an inquiry before manuscript submission, you will need to include a complete reference paragraph in the “Abstract” box formatted in Nature style (please refer to the provided example for guidance on how to structure the abstract paragraph). Please use the “Manuscript Comments” box at the bottom of the electronic submission form to include references used. You may also include any general information about the cover letter in this box. When making an inquiry before manuscript submission, please do not attach cover letters as separate files.
Reviews and Perspectives
Nature invites inquiries before manuscript submission for Reviews and Perspectives. Please use our electronic submission system to submit a summary.
Perspective articles are commissioned by the Editorial team to fulfill the journal’s editorial mission. Unsolicited contributions are not considered.
Please consult the Nature Contributions Guide for more information on submissions to these sections.
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