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Report: Strange Masses in the Earth’s Inner Layer are Remnants of a Massive Collision


For decades, scientists have been puzzled by the presence of two large and mysterious masses in the Earth’s inner layer. These rock formations, which extend for thousands of kilometers and are slightly denser than their surroundings, suggest they are made of a different material than the rest of the inner layer.

Impact with an object called Theia 4.5 billion years ago

The collision with an object called Theia 4.5 billion years ago left deep remnants within the Earth and also created the Moon.

Study Details

Scientists conducted a detailed study of the strange masses in the Earth’s inner layer. They utilized advanced techniques to analyze the chemical composition and structural makeup of these masses. They found that they contain a different ratio of elements and a structural composition distinct from the rest of the Earth’s inner layer.

Importance of the Discovery

This discovery is significant for understanding the history and formation of Earth. It provides us with deeper insights into the geological processes that occurred billions of years ago and influenced planetary formation. It also helps us understand the formation of the Moon and its relationship with Earth.

Impact of the Discovery on Future Research

This discovery will assist scientists in guiding future research in the field of Earth and planetary sciences. They will be able to develop more accurate models for planetary formation and understand the effects of massive collisions on planetary evolution.


Thanks to this new discovery, we are now closer to understanding the origin and formation of Earth. Research and studies in this field will continue for further discoveries and deeper comprehension of our planet’s history.

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-03385-9

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