Achieving an Extraordinary Feat
In this image taken from the video, 13-year-old player Willis Gibson is seen reacting after playing a game of Tetris. At the end of December, Gibson became the first player to officially defeat the original version of the Nintendo game by breaking it. Technically, Gibson – also known as “blue scuti” in the gaming world – reached what players call the “kill screen,” a point where the Tetris code crashes and the game stops.
Game Challenges
Tetris is a significant challenge for its players, as it has no defined end, and the shapes made of four blocks continue to fall regardless of your skill in arranging them into disappearing rows. The top players have continued to find ways to extend their winning streaks by staying in the game to reach higher and higher levels, but eventually, the game defeated them all.
Achieving Victory
However, Willis was able to achieve the “kill screen” on December 21 at level 157, which the gaming world considers a victory over the game – for instance, pushing the program to its limits. Tetris praised Willis’s achievement, as Tetris CEO Maya Rogers said in her statement, “Congratulations to ‘blue scuti’ for achieving this extraordinary feat, which surpasses all prior boundaries of this legendary game.” Rogers added that Tetris would celebrate its 40th anniversary this year and described Willis’s victory as a “huge achievement.”
The Evolution of the Game
There have been numerous challenges for players in reaching higher levels in Tetris. Initially, players did not have knowledge of how to reach these higher levels. Level 29 posed a particularly tough obstacle due to the pieces falling faster than could be controlled by the game controller.
Player Strategies
Following that, players discovered ways to progress in the game. In 2011, one player managed to reach level 30 using a technique called “hypertapping,” where a player can rhythmically tap their fingers to move the game controls faster than the integrated game speed. Subsequently, players managed to reach level 35 by 2018, after which they faced another hurdle.
New Challenges
As players pushed the game’s limits, strange issues began to appear at the higher levels. One of the tough problems that emerged was the game’s color palette, where random color combinations began to make it difficult to distinguish between the pieces and the black game background.
Artificial Intelligence Experiment
However, an artificial intelligence program named StackRabbit managed to overcome this obstacle by assisting players in identifying rare events that could lead to a glitch in the game and breaking it. StackRabbit’s experiments showed that glitches could be triggered by very specific events, such as the pieces used or the number of rows cleared at once.
Setting the Record
This pushed Willis to attempt to set the record. But even he seemed stunned when the game broke at level 157. In the live-streamed video, he appears to be breathing rapidly before he says, “Oh my God” several times, holding the back of his head and feeling concerned that he might lose consciousness. After placing his hands over his mouth in a clear attempt to regulate his breathing, he finally screams, “I can’t feel my fingers.”
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